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Donald Duck

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Posts posted by Donald Duck

  1. @DC Tom and Beerball, I read through this and honestly can't really pin point which side of the issue you 2 come down on. I think you both make good points for both sides.

    That said, I do think the government IS acting in a couple of ways, this patent action and a while back the was a discussion in either the Senate or Congress, no? I think it is kind of obvious that native Americans would and in fact do take offence. If you knew some of the ones I know, you would know they do. People do die because of discrimination still, (maybe some of it is in a round about way but) it seems to me that is what hate crime and speech laws are about.

    I just skimmed this thread again so if I misunderstood or didn't see something I apologize in advance. And there are quite a few posters in this thread I have blocked (but when they are quoted I do see that), so if I missed something you were arguing about with one of them, sorry about that too.


    Personally, I'm sure there are many folks who are a bit torn on the subject and could come up with good arguments for both sides of the issue, myself included. Recently I was ridiculed by another poster for bringing up the point red skin , the two words that were used to describe/insult native Americans is not the same as REDSKINS. Is the issue that simple? of course not. You could go back to an earlier thread here on TBD were I have made a much more compelling argument why Native American's would find the name insulting.


    I do know I will be saddened If the Redskins name is changed and can only imagine how Redskin fans must feel.


    So what about the peoples feelings that are hurt in this manner...

  2. You really don't get it? Considering the fact that EJ seems to be "developing" into a very questionable pick as a Franchise QB savior, it helps us to say "Well, it could be worse", we thought the Bills were going to pick Nassib instead of EJ.


    Ryan Nassib may not have as high of a ceiling as EJ Manuel when all is said and done, but Nassib knew the Offense and was productive running it. Ryan Nassib is also built like a tank.


    So considering the injuries we had to work through, along with all 3 QB's completely new to the Offense its very possible Nassib would have given Buffalo a better win /loss record IMO.


    But the thing is we as fans believe there are 3-5 franchise QBs every draft. We are wrong most of the time but we still believe it. 2013 is looking like it was a bad year for QBs but what did we want the Bills to do that year? Draft a QB! Same thing we want every year. You can say EJ was the wrong QB to draft but who is better from that class? I'd say EJ and Geno are the best of 2013, for what that's worth.


    After seeing some of the big name QB's like Cam Newton and Andrew Luck or RGIII come into the league and have success early on from a production standpoint, the bar has been set very high.


    Myself personally, lets see what players are doing 3 or more years down the line from being drafted, when a more accurate evaluation can be made.

  3. Just bustin your little feathered nuggets dogC3POR2D2. Why not take the opportunity to reinvent your online persona? You could start a thread in OTW asking for suggestions.


    I'm actually waiting for my alter ego's to appear Johnny,


    Donald's Duck's :flirt:

  4. We can all smell you posting from a mile away duck/dog/donald90210. How are allowed to change your TBD handle so frequently anyway? I thought there was some time limit involved.


    Every 6 months Johnny,



    and I'm going back to being a smelly old dog as soon as I'm able ...

  5. The success of the Cuse Offense/football team that helped get D Marrone hired on in Buffalo had Ryan Nassib behind center.


    It wouldn't be the 1st time a system doesn't match a player very well and judging from Eli Manning struggles as of late its possible the problem is not all on the QB IMO.


    In case some of you don't know who I am under all these duck feathers its the one and only dog14787 at your service and yes, I thought the Bills would draft Ryan Nassib.


    with that being said I really like our group of signal callers and Its an exciting time/new Era for Buffalo Bill fans,


    I also can't wait for the season to begin,


    Go Bills!!!

  6. I saw Brown say that Thad had more zip in practice, yeah. Although I think EJ has the stronger arm overall, I was more talking about whether or not he could make the throws in the clutch to win a game; not necessarily about his literal arm strength.


    We've seen EJ do it (both against Carolina and Atlanta), just not consistently.


    If we need to rely on the other two to do so, my hopes are not high.


    That's all I was saying.


    When you take into consideration the new Offense being installed last season, new coaching staff, rookie additions to the starting lineup along with injuries at the QB position. Makes it hard to get a good evaluation on EJ Manuel, Thad Lewis or Jeff Tuel IMO.


    Myself personally, I believe Manuel has the highest ceiling, but there is a lot to like about Thad Lewis...

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