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Posts posted by Jauronimo

  1. wow vacation caused the economic crisis? really?


    i thought it was the banks... oh well... :wallbash:


    you are looking in the wrong direction man...

    Once again, nothing of the sort was mentioned in the article or by the OP, so we can only guess as to who and what you're responding to.

  2. I saw kids doing this on the bus (city bus) in Rochester in 1986. Nothing has changed since then at least. In those Lord of the Flies moments, cruelty can take over for kids. Kids (teens especially) since weakness and fear and group together to poke it. Mob-think rules the teen mind.


    My bus used to stop at a mental hospital and the McQuaid students were incredibly cruel to some of the people.

    Being locked up all day in a room full of horny Jesuits can lead to some strange and deviant behavior, for sure.

  3. So if you are getting followed by a stranger, that's not grounds for standing your ground?

    No, its not. How, under the law, would you define when you're "being followed"? How would Trayvon have known for sure he was being followed instead of pure coincidence? If the same person is behind me for half my drive home from work today, can I shoot them?


    Following someone is not a crime. Theres no evidence of harassment, threats or taunts. If Trayvon truly felt threatened wouldn't he have been more likely to run or call the police himself rather than circle back and assault Zimmerman? Martin wasn't cornered in an alley, or backed against the wall with no other options but to resort to violence. Trayvon made a choice, and in doing so he over played his hand and was shot.

  4. If Martin shot and killed Zimmerman because he was being followed, won't he have been standing his ground according to Flordia?

    Yes, if Martin shot and killed Zimmerman after Zimm thumped Trayvon's head off the concrete a few times, then Martin would likely be covered under the Stand Your Ground law.

  5. Come on! You sound like my 78 year old dad who came of age during the civil rights movement... He thinks that Trayvon was shot in cold blood. You really think that he was shot in cold blood? IMO, it is somewhere in the middle... Sure Trayvon is dead and can't tell his side of the story... I don't think he was killed in cold blood... I think Trayvon got proactive with Zimmerman following him and Zimmerman trumped Martin's move with a gun. Martin should still do under 10 years prison stime for the choice he chose to resolve the conflict and the way he pursued Martin.

    The other prisoners might consider that cruel and unusual. Better hope you get top bunk if you're rooming with him.

  6. Gimme a break. It's a school in the suburbs of Rochester. Not all public schools are the same.


    And as someone who has worked in schools, this doesn't surprise me one bit. There are simply a lot of punks now. You don't know how much patience it takes not to put some of this kids in their place. But God forbid a staff puts a student in their place, even though it's probably the best thing for them in the long run. The second a parent (who is probably the main reason the kid feels they act that way in 1st place) hears some staff raised their voice to their angel, there will be hell to pay. Kids have "school muscles" and feel they can say whatever they want. And for the most part, they can.


    I hear a news reporter say that parents should watch this video with their kids. If their kids find it amusing, then it's time to have a serious talk with them. The fact that someone feels it's ok to treat another human being this way is depressing. Of course, I'm a board where grown men throw insults at each other and demean the POTUS. :pirate:




    Good. And some of the most racist people I have ever met where from the Iroqoius schools. It's something to be proud of. :thumbsup:

    Greece is more a suburb of Newark or Seaside Heights than Rochester. Its a vile place full of slimy people with bright orange skin and crappy tattoos. An ocean of Ed Hardy t-shirts.

  7. the idea that one can simply become self sufficient is pretty simple minded. i mean i guess you could live off the grid, but thats not realistic.


    we live in a market where some benefit more than others. i think most rational people would agree with that. so obviously when a person is old, and they paid into ss/medicare, 1- its not an entitlement, they actually deserve what they paid for. 2- some people are out of work for whatever reason, sick , recession, market forces, old age, disabled, w/e... should we just let them die?

    No one suggested that individuals should be entirely self-sufficient in the manner you describe.


    No one claimed that paid programs like SS and unemployment were entitlements, or that these programs should be canceled.


    No one suggested that the less fortunate should be left to die.


    Who, and more importantly, what are you responding to?

  8. So i have known that a black rat snake has been living underneath my woodpile for a good two years now. See him every once in a while, but he didn't bother me and i didn't bother him. However, the snake got dumb today and came up on our back covered porch and wifey poo saw him. We have a stone fireplace out there, and above the mantle we have a dead stick type wreath that some birds nest in every year. Wife looked out the door about 3 today..and thsat snake was up there with nothing but one of the birds tailfeathers visable out of his mouth..and this was a good size bird. Damn good lunch if you ask me.


    That was all she wrote..she insisted i kill the snake..i pressed..saying when is the last time you saw a mouse around this house???? But she was so scared she would be sitting next to the fireplace and look up and see this snake again she could never be comfortable on the porch again.


    Damn, that snake had to a little over 5 foot ..i had no idea he was that big.Still feel bad about killing him..I am not opposed to killing animals as long as you be eating what you kill..but I am not eating this snake.


    What would you have done?

    I would have calmly explained my reservations in killing an innocent and harmless animal, told her that she is being irrational, and then offered to kill the snake but only in return for deviant sexual favors. Leverage.

  9. i stand corrected.


    but the fact remains, bush left with 10 tril, obama in his first term is left with roughly 5 tril...


    ( what they are actually responsible for spending wise, obama is 1 tril, i think the bush/cheney wars, tax cuts, and drug program all added half that amount, ie out of the additional 5 tril during the 8 years of the bush administration, i think its reasonable to say he created 2.5.) never reducing debt is another problem. its open for debate... leaving with a 10 tillion dollar debt, regardless of whether you are responsible seems problematic.


    there is also a question of if the spending or not solving the debt during that specific time was wise and justified?


    some might say the extra 1 trillion from obama and not cutting spending right now is justified but solving debt long term is. im open to that.


    i personally think bowles simpson was a good start. both parties failed in getting something done...

    You're still missing the point.


    Bush inherited $5 trillion of debt. Over the next 8 years the national debt rose to $10 trillion, thus Bush doubled the national debt. Obama inherited $10 trillion in debt which has risen to $15 trillion over the past 3 years and change. While your politically incorrect friend Maher takes delight in announcing that Bush "doubled" the debt while under Obama the national debt has only risen by "half", both presidents realized an increase of $5 trillion in the national debt. It took Bush 8 years to Obama's 3+ years.

  10. getting a little chippy in an intense practice and beating a guy bloody in a meeting room are two VERY different things too.

    If you let a guy take your seat during the film session then everyone will see it as a sign of weakness. Especially when a D-back disrespects you like that, you need to send message. If Price doesn't escalate the situation into violence, can you imagine what the linemen might do? If he doesn't nip that in the bud early, its only a matter of time before everyone is taking his seat, pushing him around and calling him names. Give it 3 weeks and even the place kicker and punter start eating his lunch and giving him wedgies.

  11. So, in other words tgreg thought the article was racist only because DIE posted it?

    And because of the authors previous work. So the article had two strikes against it when it was posted in PPP. It was written by someone who tgreg believes to be a racist based on his body of work and the article was posted by a person who is widely believed to be a racist due to their body of work.

  12. When are some of you going to realize that D.I.E. is a troll. His game is seeing how many posters he can make look stupid by getting them to defend his overtly racist posts.


    Keep playing along and he'll keep laughing at you.


    Enjoy it, he is.

    Every reply has been in jest of the previous DIE thread. No one is playing along.


    I saw a black man. I don't go looking for gay men.


  13. Nope, the teacher is black. Tom's hunch was right.

    Sure, thats what you saw. But when I looked at his smiling black face, I didn't see a color, just a gay man. When the rest of you can stop seeing color in everything and be more like me and LA, the world will be a better place.

  14. Popcorn time. The ironic part of the story is that the teacher's name is Johnson, which according to the sub text is inherently racist.

    The author also insinuated that the teacher would have stopped the masturbation had he not been such an indolent, lazy, union-loving, affirmative blacktion hire, while the masturbating white kids were lauded as revolutionizing the classroom experience. Black = lazy, incompetent. White = horny.


    Now I see it.

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