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Posts posted by KellyToTasker

  1. 59 minutes ago, Goin Breakdown said:

    Josh not seeing gabe wide open is concerning. Him and Gabe don't  seem to be on the same page anymore. Gabe looked pissed. 

    I don’t credit Allen missing Davis on purpose as if he doesn’t trust him, not solely anyway. I think it was more the pressure he was under. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Real McClappy said:

    What kill shot was that? Even if we scored a TD it's not a kill shot with that much time. I'd much rather juice the entire clock to 3 secs and kick a GW FG.


    That is a kill shot and controlling the game so KC wouldn't even see the field again.

    Up by seven is better than three, not trying to be a jerk. What I made reference is to is how people have complained much about not being aggressive enough. McDermott was tonight. 

    Had they went run, run, run, kicked the field goal, and lost….People would complain about not trying to score a TD. 

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  3. 5 minutes ago, KellyToTasker said:

    The last set of downs, Kincaid and Diggs come to mine, down the sideline, opposite sides. Unless I’m misremembering. He had Davis wide open, didn’t see him due to pressure and probably not trusting him. Allen went after his two most reliable targets (although Diggs has dropped some as of late). 

    Whoops, Kincaid was the set of down prior. Still, last drive, right at the end 

  4. 1 minute ago, sven233 said:


    Kill shot?  How many balls went to the end zone on that last drive?

    The last set of downs, Kincaid and Diggs come to mine, down the sideline, opposite sides. Unless I’m misremembering. He had Davis wide open, didn’t see him due to pressure and probably not trusting him. Allen went after his two most reliable targets (although Diggs has dropped some as of late). 

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 1 minute ago, sven233 said:


    2:12 left...... Chiefs have 2 TOs.


    Run the ball on 1st down to the 2 minute warning.

    Run the ball on 2nd down.  Force the Chiefs to use a TO.

    Run the ball again.  Force the Chiefs to use their last TO.


    If you just pick up that last first down, you can take a knee.....run the clock down to a couple seconds and kick a short game winning FG with no time left for them to get the ball back.


    Instead, they passed every time, didn't get the first down, left them with basically a full 2 minutes and 2 TOs to go on a potential game winning drive.


    Worst case if we didn't get the 1st down running on those 3 plays would be giving them the ball with just about a minute left and no TOs.  Sure, no guarantees, of course, but it would have been a much better situation at worst.

    Over the season it’s been takes on the other side, “Need do more, be aggressive, you have Josh Allen, go get the win.”

    McDermott was more aggressive tonight and they won. He acknowledged previous games and adjusted. 

    The Chiefs only needed 13 seconds once before. Bills were coming off an OT loss, on the road. 


    I’m not over analyzing here. They went for kill shots. The defense didn’t sit back and give up free yards on the last drive. They got the win. Go Bills



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  6. 2 minutes ago, Brianmoorman4jesus said:

    That’s a great win and I’m really proud of this defense for rallying and getting a W. Season is still probably over but at least we get 1 more week to enjoy.

    If they win out, they’re for sure in. They can do it, definitely have the talent too. Agreed, it’s week to week, but we have a legitimate shot. 

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Maine-iac said:

    I'm not going to lie .......... my first thought when I saw the lateral and the TD I was thinking at least Allen has almost a minute to try to score.

    I said to my wife and kids, this is a “good” thing. We’ll have time to try and move the ball for the game winning score 😂 


    Their reaction was like, What?!?!?!!!!?!


    I was serious. I told them they’ll just end up milking the clock and scoring (TD) at the end, game over. 


    Then the flag was shown and the rest is history. 😁 Go Bills! 



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  8. 1 hour ago, wettlaufer said:


    No, he interviewed 25 people. As the article, which you likely didn't read, states.


    Another indication you didn't read it -- not all the comments were critical.


    Every NFL organization has turnover. Few, if any, have leaders who screw up so badly that so many former associates would come out and day what they did, even off the record.


    Dunne didn't make it a hit job. McD's leadership style and continual fails late in games have (we JUST had a couple with "12 men" and failing to close the Eagles).


    Yeah, I hope we go on a run and win the SB too. I can separate my hopes as a fan from a fair, objective analysis of a journalist's work. McD's whining this was a hit piece on his character is yet another evasion of hard truths that must be looked at by one's self but are not. That's NOT leadership when said leader demands that of his people all the time. You gotta walk the walk and not just talk the talk. Which is one reason it appears Digggs really doesn't dig Sean McDermott.

    Oh hey Tyler. 

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  9. 16 minutes ago, wettlaufer said:

    Well, maybe study demographics, New York State parliamentary procedure, political science, and psychology. There would be a howling mob from Utica on east that would absolutely be against the funding.


    Look, I don't think the anecdote is as important as people have made it. It was horrifically stupid and people, especially from the NYC metro area, are pissed. However, there a dozen key points in the article, made in total by 25 people with firsthand knowledge of the situation, that were just as important to what matters here: McD is not a gameday coach. He freezes. He's rigid personally, and he's not a natural leader.

    I was never hung up on the comment. It was stupid. McD has to address the team all the time -- people make mistakes. But don't fool yourself -- King made a good point. It would be much tougher to get funding today in a legislative process that depends on the goodwill of New York State votes representing the eastern half of the state / NYC. Stupid mistakes at important points can have big consequences. Whether that's squibbing it at 13 seconds or making dumb remarks. But whatever -- the piece details very amply that McD is not an effective leader of football players. Not at the Lombardi level.

    The Bills are a large organization with high attrition because of the nature of the business.

    Dunne found “25” people that felt burned by McDermott and wrote an article. I.e., he likely interviewed more than 25 but stuck to the negative “support the narrative” statements.

    Let’s remove the “Bills” for a moment. Highly regarded, well ran organizations are still going to have their employees that gripe, leadership is screwed up, I hate it here….Down the line. 

    It’s easy to find a disgruntled person if you look hard enough. Dunne made it a hit job. 

    McDermott has his faults. The article was garbage. I hope it brings the team together and they save their season. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, folz said:

    People already going off on the coaching staff. Unbelievable.


    This game was totally on the Bills players and the refs.


    If Cook doesn't drop a gimme TD, Gabe and Josh are on the same page in OT, and Tyler hits his FGs, the Bills win by 16 points.


    And don't even get me started on the refs.

    We watch the same script, every game, he calls the same type of defense and allows the opposing offense free yards all the way down to wherever they want to go, he is ALWAYS out coached.


    Yeah, the players crapped on themselves on specific plays (also made a bunch of plays), but it’s the same movie/story every year. Teams and players change from year to year….The coach is the same. He’s the constant in all of this. We’ll have the same conversation next year regarding game outcomes with McDermott leading the way. He needs to go. 


    • Like (+1) 2
  11. 17 minutes ago, Whites Bay said:

    Thanks for the heavy lift, Chongli.  For these two games:


    1) Christmas at my sister's on the 23rd...and she has a Peacock subscription.  I'd better check to make sure it's the appropriate level.

    2) IF the Bills fall into this Wild Card slot, I'm heading for a sports bar.  I got YouTube TV, I got Prime for Thursdays.  Come on, people.  Enough.

    No falling into a wildcard spot. Should the Bills make the playoffs they’ll be considered red hot and peaking, after beating the likes of Philly, Kansas City, etc. Not a team anyone would want to play. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  12. 15 minutes ago, North Buffalo said:

    Honestly for the first time in a while gonna miss this one... going golfing...  besides meaningless game as neither team is going anywhere except higher in the draft... Bills need to work on some things on O and D needs to heal... good luck but as much as I suck at golf this game is more painful.

    Far from meaningless, two of the teams Buffalo is chasing just lost their starting QBs for the year. The Bills can still make something out of this season. 

    • Agree 1
  13. Just now, 4merper4mer said:

    And yet the best you can do is cite a theoretical example from last year?



    Nope, watch the games, I guess. Listen to the reporters that are on the sidelines. Go to a game, I don’t know man. Allen has picked this team up on his back over and over through this leadership grit and lead from the front mentality. If you want to get into leadership traits or principles, where do you want to start? You asked for an example, I picked one that was all over the media and pretty blatant. 





  14. 1 minute ago, 4merper4mer said:

    I asked for a specific leadership example.  If you can’t provide one then just don’t.  Don’t pretend to know about all the super secret leadership traits he exhibits behind closed doors but never on the field.  

    Allen is not solely to blame but absolving him with the hero worship crap is pathetic.  Oooooooooh…..the coaches ruined him……give me a break.


    Have you noticed that every time Allen says “we’re good we’re good”……we’re not good?

    There are plenty of examples of Allen leading the team, whether it be on the field, his comments to the media, or gasp….On the sideline. 

    Leaders don’t need to chew somebody out on National Television to give you evidence that he’s a leader or not. 

    Diggs lost his stuff last season, Allen showed restraint not arguing back, likely thinking of the long term relationship. He handled it behind closed doors, sorry if that doesn’t fit your leadership expectation, but it kept their relationship amicable. If Allen blows up there, that’s likely done. 

    Yes, the plays called by the OC actually have an impact on how well the offense is going to execute. Really???? 

  15. Just now, 4merper4mer said:

    He hasn’t been a leader.  Sorry.  Is he the best player?  Talent wise yes.  Playing wise sometimes.  But leaders pick up slack when things are going wrong.  Josh creates slack.  Leaders shake off failure and rebound.  

    Josh has done none of that.  When was the last time you saw him on the sideline rallying the team or an individual teammate?  Can you name something difficult a leader does that you’ve seen Josh do this year?  One thing?  And no, saying “I have to play better” in the post game does not count as difficult.  He needs to grow up.

    You have no idea of the amount of slack he’s covering up or how much talking he’s doing on the sideline from the little screen shot from the tv coverage.

    He’s picked this team up in his back often, countless times. 

    The coaching staff does not put the players in the best position to succeed. They’re ruining Allen. 

    It’s on the coaches that the team is now 5-5. McDermott is beyond being out coached, it’s time to move on. 

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