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Everything posted by 3rdand12

  1. sorry Alpha I kept adding comments after your agree. I want to be clear to others about that The agree was not for all my retorts. But glad to get even one 😉
  2. For me , worthless as I am , I hoped to find XL late in the second for value And think he will develop But that is Not the Receiver Bills need from the draft. This is getting fun as the intensity builds I said they need two and one to start. XL is not that, but i would be pleased to see him on the team. agreed Some one will I hope Bills first pick is Not him. I hope its a Home Run regardless of position Odunze yea. would be fired up ! Might even ignore what it cost to get there. Might but yea. 😇
  3. Thats a damned tough question for the Bills in particular Glad i dont make those decisions ! But if Bills sit at 28 ? .... Not the biggest need , but a long term need. I dont think they will unless it just happens as the draft rolls on But they have targets and are staring at WRs. if thats how it fell ? I would be cool with it. from what I have read
  4. okay ! Being a Colts fan as a little kid. Wow ! I was a bit young but had a few trading cards of Roman and knew he was a Ram and good player! Loved those helmets RIP
  5. And Mcbeane wants /needs both of those at some point. Earlier Get the best WR you can and then take what falls. I am getting more on board with trading next years second to lock down a WR who will affect the game day one. Who that is , I wont profess to surmise. But I have my druthers
  6. 3rd round ? he/Beanes is going to trade up with the 8 or so picks after the third and then gain a third. he might even go for two twos. No seriously
  7. Sometimes i have to wonder about you. 😇 I can see Beane moving around cuz all those late round picks. Stacking them to move up and down. I feel next years second is in play if needed Aint going for the ring this draft Get me two impact players and solid depth and i will kiss him. Think of Josh dear Brandon Beane Give him the gift that keeps giving
  8. To be fair , you carry bias. I sure mean we All do. Me especially lol i am just awful and poster child I think Steph lacks emotional discipline considering his audience ? But he is probably honest in the moment and careless when making funny best wishes Mr Diggs next
  9. Rallied the Troops was meant to reflect the the season while under Dorsey he seemed distant or aloof Wow that takes me back thanks
  10. contrarian for the Dorsey period. Or devils advocate Josh looked checked out. Most all noted it sat by himself never rallied the troops etc he was having a bummer we saw it did some forget ? Thanks gosh for Brady getting to Josh Next year should be muchas differentios better (lol made that word up
  11. regardless of said hyperbole , Bills are not drafting in the top ten If they get a WR who can get 800 1st season and has a ceiling beyond ? Sweet Brady is going to spread it around and run the ball. So maybe no need for 1200 yard season from a Diggs type and still a playoff loss ? conjecture your Honor Not fact based
  12. Oh dear , I do have faith. Kincaid might be McBeanes best draft pick ever , over time and show up big next year if Brady has some say in it Shakir, Have no doubt about him either. Came along nicely and solid. Josh will trust him and he will oblige ! Going to bring a lot of route options. Cook yea no question Even Ty is an option back. Samuel is our unknown but dang ya gotta think he looks good to show this year in Bills offense. But that doesnt change my thinking Diggs long term Replacement ? Might be found this year if choosing wisely and a little manipulation of draft picks with out getting crazy (okay maybe a little carzy ) but not MHj crazy and that dang rotational x receiver who just blows by everyone and hopefully Josh hist him in stride once or twice a game Too much ? But yea I got faith again 😇
  13. You with the visual. Not sure he is actually relieved though. I guess it could be of a "Next" thing. He lost Davis too. So , change. it's what it Is
  14. You are going to die on this hill aren't you. (luv ya Alpha ) yea complete team. yea we lost cuz of defense ( i suggest injuries were a major factor ) But Allen could put up plenty more points and got well ahead in the first half of games with a game changer at WR. The others like Samuel Shakir and Kincaid and Cook will fill the gaps when needed. If you take over the game early on Offense the whole second half changes. Adjustments and coaching what ya brung But for sure lift the whole boat , its just how we all perceive doing just that 😋 Great minds 😉
  15. I wanted to comment its Coaching. Let them find what the needs are for their team and solve it. IMHO Allen needs a new 1A from the draft and a speedy x. They have a nice O line now and TEs, running backs in Cook and Ty who get the work done Bills dont , and haven't had the receivers to accentuate Josh's skill set . Hoping he and Brady get some fresh meat to cook with ie Draft So drafting WR early and more than once eh ?
  16. Its about getting the right fit. as i have mentioned and the ability to develop and use that pick. Perhaps there are some players that will just plain kick ars no matter what the situation. Pick well Beanes because this WR selection(s) one really matters signed Josh
  17. Bills need two This is a great discussion point . reach for It ? BTW Harrison wont be there. period . Risk is supposedly calculated when done right lol What really best serves the Bills Offense today and in the future
  18. Why do you prefer those two? McMillan and Baker ?? Would be glad to read why you are liking them The Bills have traded the 28th pick to ...... lol
  19. If Bills can gain some leverage in the second rd from later picks or even a pick from next year Then how they manage 28 is not to get stuck on 28. I couldnt answer. I want them to be super flexible If they go after one of the top 4 I might stroke out , but hang around just to see how it plays next season ! I think they can find two AND some starters * with four picks *First year rotations Thank you for the poll OP seems too good
  20. I do love your work ! for real. Taking Y/G is is a great sorting to find how the 1 rounds drafts were able to acclimate to the NFL But it also reminded me how so very many factors come into the equation. And statistics may too straightforward to isolate as well as group some together. I am big on Fitment. Right team and system. OC and Coaches alike. Can they develop WRs. System likely defines who they bring in. better choose well May I suggest Gabe Davis. Did they not get the most out of him ? ( we shall see soon) or did they pick the wrong player another issue of context might be , does the Team change OC during the players 1st 3 years ? QB changes most obviously. More of course But seriously excellent data breakdown Beck . greatly appreciated by All I am sure Find the right one who can elevate your current system and future state for 4-5 years or more. And find Him in the 1st, seems to be the answer. Simple eh ? ha ha we need more emoji stickers. Big ask Sooner !
  21. geesh I hope Bills current FO learned from that previous error. But he went south after he got paid big monies Kids do kid dumb stuff. Does he learn ?
  22. McBeanes tolerates. But Speeding ? I think not. red flag , or black flag and disqualified lol we all have a redline (see what i did there ?)
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