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Homey D. Clown

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Posts posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. I know I am contradicting myself by starting this thread, but I think we all know the kid simply can't play at the pro level, should never have been drafted in any round let alone the 1st round, and made things worse by holding out.


    1. It's not his fault where he was drafted

    2. Despite what people think, he does work hard, the light is simply not coming on plain and simple.

    3. His talent level is not on par with NFL standards.


    There's literally no game film to critique, no on field attitude a-la Whitner to bash, so I am politely requesting we all agree it's time we as fans move on and quit bashing the guy, he'll be released this season anyway.

  2. I don't share your optimism quite as much, but there's no doubt the team does have more talent this year on paper. What this team needs to do is execute now. There are some serious expectations on some of these athletes, and it's time they get angry, quit all the hopeful and wishy-washy comments and play some "punch you in the mouth" football. Know you are better than your opponent, then go prove it.


    Let's play some damn football already, I'm tired of watching great practice highlights. It's time this bunch of pansies earns our optimism and I'm waiting for them to step up.



    Win some games you bunch of whiners!!


    I'm still waiting for the baby.

  3. I like Moats, I really do, but his height and playing weight was a factor at OLB, and just because Bills nation has a man crush on him for making a few noteworthy plays doesn't make him a game changer yet. Quite simply he was probably the best LB on the team a year ago, but that's simply not the case this year with players like Merriman showing strong signs of recovery from injury.


    There's plenty to like about the guy, and it just might make sense that he can do more damage as an ILB in the 3-4 set, and have strong play calling skills as the defensive signal caller playing MLB in the 4-3 set.


    I see this as a good thing, when a guy is talented, coaches will move you around a bit.

  4. I have to say though about Easley that most of us who saw what he was about last year are pretty concerned, simply because it really looks like this kid can play, and play well. he was easily the most notable presence on the practice field prior to his injury. Stevie was not even a discussion at that point, and since he has emerged, it has a lot of fans excited about Easley's potential.


    I'm not panicking, but was seriously annoyed that he already has an issue with the same knee. a hyper extension in a surgically repaired knee is more serious than people want to admit. It can mean that there is more movement than there should be. I hope it's nothing, I really want to see this kid turn into the next big play maker.

  5. you can't win without great players, but great players have to come from somewhere, and even more-so they have to work well within your system, and the other 52 guys on the roster. I am not ecstatic that we haven't gone out and spent some money on some big name offensive linemen either. But great players have to start somewhere, and we have a ton of young, unproven players on the roster. Since Buddy Nix is building through the draft, all we can do now is sit back and see what develops. Regardless of what happens in the rest of the division, I think, just for now, I'd like to see some of these guys play ball that we have on our roster. Geez, half of the roster hasn't even completed a full season yet so it's hard to want to give up on them.


    Good original post, i am still on the wagon(more like shackled to it) for now, but these guys better show me the baby soon.

  6. And ironically the Giants signed one of the best long snappers in history just for that game.




    p.s. 49ers should have been called for PI on that play.



    I remember that game and could not believe they didn't call pass interference. I sometimes wonder what the hell these refs see when they're out there.

  7. I'm not holding my breath for any of the big issues being handled via free agency. This team simply does not offer enough money to the players that matter, and they almost always sign elsewhere. Other than Takeo Spikes, who can you name that the team signed that we wrestled away from the other team? Please don't say T.O. because nobody really wanted him other than us.


    let me preface this by saying, getting players from other teams, not retaining them...

  8. Common slash, that's just silly. Nobody ran the guy out of town, he decided to leave for a boatload of money. What the fans think of Poz has 0% to do with his leaving. He wasn't run out, he left on his terms.


    You can do better than that.



    I believe a poorly designed 3-4 defense was the true reason the guy left, the money wasn't much better than what the Bills had on the table.


    What the people of Buffalo have been exposed to recently by a real owner dedicated to winning in Terry Pegula has shortened the tolerance of the miserly Bills organization, and the mindless decisions that seem to flow out of One Bills Drive.


    Lower your expectations people, winning will not happen with the current owner in place. If you think the Ralph Wilson game plan will bring a winning season again you're just not living in the real world.


    The definition of insane is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results. Why do people around here think this team will win by doing what has always been done for the last 50 years? the Bill Polian era was an anomaly, once you come to terms with that, you'll be fine.

  9. what is so tough to figure out? The Buffalo Bills organization is looked at as one of the 3 biggest dump piles in the league. Tell me one good reason why a FA WOULD want to play here? No proven QB, no playoffs in a decade, a bush league front office, a meddling owner and uncertainty of the teams future. It is what it is - they have to nail the drafts. Have you noticed that the only reason QBs come here is because they have a chance to start.....Hey, I go to all the games and support this team but come on, to act surprised is just foolish.


    This couldn't be said any better, and to add that we seem to be following the Buddy Nix plan of developing our own talent, and to be honest, Pozluzny was average at best, and even a backup caliber player, but when you let your drafted players walk, what plan are we really following?


    I'll answer that for you, the Ralph Wilson plan. It's simple, keep the profits up, costs down, and winning? ehhh let's hope we win some. Go ahead and look at the river of talent this team has hemorrhaged over the last 50 years and it makes you furious to see how much better this team could have been year in and year out if the owner was seriously committed to winning.


    It's time to stop kidding yourselves. I love watching the team because they are my home town team, and always hope for the best, but I no longer kid myself that this team will ever be a winner again as long as RW owns the team.

  10. Oakland is a very real possibility as is seattle to be a starter. Then there are several teams that would be much better fits (phi, houston) to be a backup. As well as darkhorses mia, min, arizona, sf (to name a few).

    This nonsense that he won't be signed needs to stop. He will be highly sought after imo bc of his record, his collegiate record, and his athletic skill. The bills most likely will not make a play for him but they would be lucky to have him here.



    You simply won't get a resurgence in his career like say, a Michael Vick, and this is based solely on how he looks in games even when he is winning. Just in case anyone doesn't know, the majority of his wins as a starter came when Chris Johnson was blowing up the league. His stats may be similar to Ryan Fitzpatrick, but there's no question how he actually achieved those numbers. JP threw for 3000 yards in 2006, but looked quite pedestrian in doing it.


    I'll be willing to bet good money this guy gets picked up, but is out of the league as a starter in less than 3 seasons. I simply don't want a head case in our locker room, and that's my main reason for not wanting the guy in a Bills uniform.

  11. Something that comes to mind when i think of the NFL's ownership structure is how similar in concept it is to buying into a franchise, like Subway or a Firestone tire center. Except Firestone has been moving away from the independent owner structure, and more towards corporate ownership. As a corporation, tire centers can share the profits of those stores that are blessed with a great location, but remain in other areas that can use a store, but not necessarily support the location independently. This is a good thing overall for the success of Firestone as a whole, since they can be located in areas that would normally not be able to support it, but still have the market presence and still bring in money to the corporation. This allows the bottom line(overall profit) to be the main factor, while servicing areas that could still use it's product.


    The NFL is a far more lucrative venture, and could literally support a team anywhere collectively, and that's what I think the league should be all about. I don't agree that teams should only be located in large markets, it then becomes an exclusive membership, or elitist club, and to me that goes against what the sport was initially intended for, the fans. Does it suck for the Jerry Jones' of the league, sort of, but to ensure the overall success of the league is really what they should focus on, something Ralph did for his beloved AFL buddies in the early days.

  12. I say if the Bills can get him for the right price, go for it. I'm not a big VY fan, either. But what the Bills need is an experienced QB who can come in and have a realistic shot at winning games if Fitz goes down for any length of time. VY has a good chance of succeeding in that scenario, IMO.


    I've heard a number of negative things about him and they probably have some degree of truth to them. But: he has a solid W-L record and getting knocked off his starting pedestal onto the backup mat may be just what the doctor ordered.


    That being said, I don't think there's a chance in hell that the Bills will go after him.


    I'm partial to Gradkowski. That name belongs in Buffalo.


    YES!!! Gradkowski even sounds like a mayor's name in WNY. Love it :)

  13. I live and work In the Nashville area and can tell you that regardless of the winning percentage he appears to have, there is no doubt he is not a capable passer, team leader, or even capable of handling the level of pressure and effort it takes to succeed in the NFL.


    Just watch his game film, he has no on field presence what-so-ever, and simply less talented than other well known running QBs.


    Bringing this guy to Buffalo would make less sense than fielding the team in Hockey Skates for the opener.


    What say you?

  14. Where did you read it, got a link.


    I'm an unapologetic RW basher for the same reasons as most others... 50 years of futility and a failure to support this team's future here after he's gone. But if he's supporting the small markets and fighting for him, I'll applaud that effort.



    I have been quite vocal against his 50 year method of trying to field a winner, but he did lead the fight on those profit sharing measures. If I am not mistaken, I read several comments on buffalorumblings.com, and also heard several comments on NFL network that commented directly to the effect that RW was the driving force. Sorry though, no actual link to provide. I think you and I share the exact same sentiment, we want to root for anything good he does for the city of Buffalo, but have to swallow the bitter 50 year pill.

  15. 9-7





    The defense alone will more than likely win a few more games over last year's squad, while I think the offense will look very much like it did when all the receivers were healthy. Very good at times, but some untimely Fitz interceptions hampered the teams ability to stay on the field. I see that happening less, and the defense actually stepping up when it does.

  16. If anyone has seen some of my posts regarding Ralph Wilson you'd know where I stand regarding his management of the team over the years, and also how I feel about what he is doing to the city of Buffalo by not having a succession plan in place. I am not going to engage in any of that here in this thread, but rather take a different tone with my views of the old man.


    After reading through the details of what Ralph Wilson fought for in this new CBA, I have to applaud him for his diligence in getting better and more in depth profit sharing measures included in this newest iteration. For what it's worth, he has been the unquestioned leader in helping smaller market teams get more of the money the NFL's larger teams can generate. These things will no doubt allow the Buffalo Bills compete financially, and for that I say my thanks.


    If you care to comment, or share your view on this subject, I'd be happy to hear your thoughts.

  17. In hindsight, allowing Drury to leave was the right decision. His productivity since his departure from Buffalo has diminished to the point that the Rangers bought out his contract this year. Golisano addressed the issue of the Briere and Drury departures in his final press conference announcing the sale of the Sabres to Pegula. He made the point that the Sabres spent almost to the top of the cap and that there were other player signings that needed to be made in the near future(Vanek).


    In any sport with a cap system tough player and contract decisons have to be made. You can't keep all of your players at the contracts that they want----that simply is the nature of the system.


    The bottom line is Golisano presided over a competitive and well managed team. The Bills' franchise has been in a state of front office and coaching staff for more than a decade. They have not been very entertaining and competitive for a very long time----out of the playoffs for a dozen years (including this season).


    I find it very odd that anyone who has been exposed to the style of ownerships of Wilson and Golisano would prefer Wilson.




    What owner in any sport would have his trusted marketing guru to head the football operations? Ralph. What clueless owner would bring back an 80 yr old congenial former HC who was out of the NFL for at least four comes to help him salvage his failed franchise? Ralph. That decision of hiring Levy as a hollow GM set this franchise back for years.


    Now Nix, who I like, is undoing a lot of what the disasterous Levy era did. Incompetent is too kind of a word too describe the way Ralph has run his organization. It is beyond incompetent---it is outright weird.



    I would definitely welcome Golisano over Wilson, but would I rather have Golisano over others? Not sure, but I do like his strong stance of how important this team is to WNY, and as much RW love that is tossed around here over the years, one thing is undeniable, Ralph Wilson has never publicly acknowledged that fact. And for the record, it has been far more profitable for Ralph Wilson to keep the team in Western New York, the county maintains the stadium, and the state and local funding he gets would never happen anywhere else. It would have cost him MILLIONS to relocate, there is no other reason this team is still here, plain and simple.

  18. +1


    I was like you after the draft I went to Penn States website to see who his sacks were against and plus I watched a few games (Iowa& USC)and he really didn't impress me at all. I was wondering what was all the hype about this guy at the combine.

    OBD really dropped the ball with this one, I am not gonna continue to beat the guy up. He tries, he's just not good enough at this level...he was drafted about 4-5 rds to early (not his fault).



    I think this is as good a response as any I have read. It's not an attack on him as a person, he's just not any good at the pro level, and got lucky getting drafted. He has very little time left as a Bill and probably a good thing the team moves on like it did so swiftly with Trent Edwards and marshawn lynch. At some point you have to dump the dead wood.

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