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Homey D. Clown

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Posts posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. After seeing the recent news about Maybin's release, it seems very apparent that our current front office is on task with getting rid of as much of the previous roster as possible, and I don't blame them much. If you look back at the Polian era, a very similar cleansing occurred as well. Yes this time around Buddy has had more dead wood to purge, but with Lee Evans, Donte Whitner, Pozluzny, and Aaron Maybin gone, this team is slowly becoming one built with Buddy's vision in mind. Even if some of the guys that are gone this year have performed well at times, they still never were elite talents, and won anything of significance at any point in their careers. I can't say for sure if the team is better right this second with a few of these names mentioned gone, but they are definitely headed in a new direction, and that to me is a good sign.

  2. He started playing well after Chicago put in their second team. Before that, he did not do anything.



    The success of most teams rely heavily on the depth of their rosters. With that said, if he looked very good against 2nd team players to you, then I think most people would agree that the guy is becoming a very strong depth guy. I see that as a positive, but hey, this is TSW after all where pessimism is in short supply, so welcome.

  3. You simply can't miss with a Maybin topic around here. He got run over because the RB outweighed him and had a tremendous run at him. I didn't find it funny because I don't like seeing guys on our team fail. I did try to look for him as much as possible, and there's no doubt he is working his ass off. He simply does not have the size, and my biggest beef with him right now is that he has come into this season smaller than last year, and because of that I put his lack of success now squarely on him. He needs to be playing around 255-260lbs, and he's simply too small right now.


    He'll be cut soon enough, but I hate to see it happen this way.

  4. Since the unveiling of the new uniforms I had done a 180 on my comments. I was sure they would whiff on this opportunity, since I really wanted the throwbacks as the new uni, but the new ones look every bit as good, if not better then my absolute favorites(2009 all white throwbacks).


    The team looked epically classic, and the all white setup is something we should never move away from. Like the Colts, it's classic. The helmets look very crisp, even if I am not used to the smaller logo, it was noticeable to me and I'd like to see them enlarge it even slightly. It was really nice to seethe Bills not look like an arena football team for once(the all blue abomination) and even better were the flashes of some players finally coming around didn't hurt either.


    I know there are those who liked the blue pants, but I hope to never see them as an option now, it was a 70's kind of thing, and only seems to work for those teams that have been committed to that look. Detroit, Kansas City, Browns, Cincinnati, and even Miami have done the dark pants thing at one time, but I'd just love to see our team stick with this clean look for once.

  5. OK, We're all mad at the stupidity of the Bills FO, so here's a little distraction. My friends and I over the years, and some going waaaay back to my youth, used to come up with slang names for all the other teams in the league we hated. some are good, some are dumb. Here's my list of the ones I can remember, and some left blank. Post up some of your best, or improve on some of mine...



    New England PayToilets

    New Jersey Jests

    Miami Dolphags


    Titsburgh Feelers


    Cleveland BrownStains

    Cincinatti BenGays



    Jacksonville JunkYards

    Indianapolis Dolts

    Tennessee TightWads


    Kansas City Chefs

    Denver BrownCows

    SanDiego CharredBurgers

    Oakland RumpRaiders



    New York Gnats

    Philadelphia Beagles

    Washington DeadSkins

    Dallas BrokeBacks


    St Louis Spams

    San Francisco

    Arizona CardTables

    Seattle SeaChickens




    The Green bay Packer(singular)



    New Orleans Aints

    Tampa Bay FugginQueers

    Carolina PantStealers


  6. Unfortunately, the good natured ribbing of opposing fans and the excessive drinking and fan behavior is ruined by those who take it too far, and in many cases can be dangerous and unsafe to others. also the violence that has gotten worse over the last decade at stadiums around the league is tarnishing the family atmosphere that the game wishes to cater to.


    In 1997 a friend and I went to soldier field to witness the eventual 6-10 Bills lose to the 3-13 bears that day, and even with the 2 teams going nowhere that season, we barely made it out of the stadium that day. Rocks were thrown at us, and a group of about 40 very drunk and violent fans began surrounding us with a few Bears Fan loud mouths trying to incite a fight. We managed to get the mob closer to the streets where traffic police could be seen, and the crowd opened up enough for us to get to our car. If it weren't for the traffic police there is no doubt we would have been seriously injured.


    In 2000 I witnessed similar behavior in Tampa with another group of Bills fans, and even with my group of friends wearing Bills jerseys, they seemed to not mess with us that day, but none the less, it was nearly a full blown riot.


    These new rules are trying to eliminate this type of behavior, and since these incidents I simply don't care to go to any more away games, it's a waste of my money, and getting too dangerous.


    We're not much better in Buffalo anymore, I have seen a Miami fan and his son endure some of the most vulgar behavior and a barrage of profanities that made me sick. It is always fun to partake in good fan ribbing and banter, but when the drunkards take it too far, it ruins it for everyone.


    As far as the smoking goes I could give a rats ass that people can't smoke in the stadium seating area, the smoke ruins the game for me personally, but I do think there should be an area to go if you do smoke.


    I would probably suggest more security, rather than goofy rules, but you can blame the @$$holes that take it too far.

  7. Anything positive he does from this point on is what I have been using to evaluate him as a player. Since all lofty expectations have been lifted, I would be very pleased to see him develop into a solid line backer that can flash some brilliance from time to time. He can only get better at this point, but the real question is will he make the team now, or is it too late...

  8. The Nashville Bills backers also have a facebook page, and meet every Sunday here:


    McNamaras Irish Pub

    2740 Old Lebanon Road

    Nashville, TN 37214

    (615) 885-7262


    Website: McNamaras Irish Bub


    Very well organized by Mary Dillon and the staff at the bar are world class people. I can also add that you simply can't get a bad meal there, and they even added Beef on Weck to their menu, taking pointers on how to make the rolls and prepare the beef from several die-hard Buffalonians.


    Come on out and join us!!


    Here's the mapped location for reference: Google Map


    Additional Nashville Bill Backers Link: Nashville Bills Backers

  9. If this team doesn't play decent football this year, the only thing it will be due to is a lack of execution by the talented players on the team, and the very suspect offensive line. also very important to the success of the team is the play of Ryan Fitzpatrick, which is linked to O-line play, and whether or not defense is stronger.


    I am not optimistic, but I am not going to say the team sucks and can't do well. 8-9 wins are very achievable, but I am not truly expecting more than 6-7.


    still waiting for the baby....

  10. 2 drafts dedicated to defensive linemen needs to start paying off soon, but Dareus is just one guy, and a rookie, so to expect to be amazed this year is unrealistic at best given where he will be playing. I have heard though that he has been hard to handle at times, and has been very disruptive. If he is going against wood, I will take that as a good sign he is doing well.

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