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Everything posted by obie_wan

  1. could be the only way he gets the ankle to heal quickly enough for him to be productive on the field is to use banned substances to speed the recovery. here's hoping he finds some miracle cure that doesn;t get him suspended
  2. Any smart team would deal for Favre, then immediately ship him off to Chicago or Minnesota with a bonus pick as compensation for brokering the deal.
  3. the only reason he is even functional in pass protection is when he has a TE permanently assigned to help out. When they had to shift the TE to cover for Chambers, he became a turnstyle. For being a beast as a run blocker, it sure is surprising the Bills ranked last in short yardage conversions. For his size, Walker does not consistently drive people off the ball as he should. He does not get to the 2nd level to seal LBs either. He is functional, nothing more and would probably be better suited at RG if the Bills drafted real talent to play RT.
  4. Bills passed on Vince Wilfork and Tommie Harris as well. Wilfork was especially painful since he is a big guy who can play the nose and push the pocket (just ask JP)
  5. There is a middle ground where the Bills can up Peters salary and bonus for this year, pending validation of his Pro Bowl talent. That posiiton should have been made clear to his agent months ago, so he would not have felt compelled to miss mini-camps and organized workouts to prove his point. As you note, Peters will show up for week 1 games. But why run the risk that he will run the risk of injury in those early games becuase he is not fully trained and prepared due to holdouts and distractions? The Bills just seem to do things backwards. They overpay the rotational guys like Williams but create unneeded rifts with top talent like Evans and Peters.
  6. but we gave big money to Kyle Williams - he must be good because we gave him a lot of money The scary thing is the Bills believe Williams is the answer, because by extending him they are essentially prevented from spending those resources and roster spot on a real DT.
  7. We would have won at leawst one Super Bowl if Marv had replaced the useless Walt Corey. not sure if Marv was too loyal or just not savvy enough to know hoiw much better the D could have been using a more aggressive scheme to take advantage of the pass rushing of Bennett and Smith
  8. Stroud probably will not be on the nose. that is the point. from the latest pronouncement, they will probably line up both DTs n the gaps
  9. good point. Parcells wants to play a 3-4. So he goes out and gets the personnel so he can run a 3-4. The current regime has been trying to run 4-3 with 1 DT playing on the nose. 3 years later we still don;t have a DT capable of playing on the nose, so we are going to change our philosophy to play a 4-3 where all the DTS shoot the gaps.
  10. can't have enough slow white high-motor guys on the DL. Maybe they should spend some of that money on a young, healthy, high impact, athletic difference maker
  11. stop with the free pass for Jauron the current regime (which is also the old regime in terms of talent acquisition) voluntarily chose to gut the team of whatever vet talent they had. Players like Willis, Malloy, spikes, etc may not have fit the long term plan, but they were let go too soon and for too little instead of transitioning to the new regime. Sure it was an option, but now don't come back and say they had no talent. If they are going to cut loose all the vets, they had better have a plan to replace the missing pieces - which they are still struggling to do. They voluntarily chose to make it much harder than it had to be. They did it to buy themselves a lot of time. We are 3 years into this rebuild with no real clear path to the playoffs.
  12. probably because the average age of the poster is now about 12 older posters also act like their 12 with their childish rants
  13. so why did they run the defense for the last 2 years when they clearly did not have the right DL?
  14. That's why the midget CB we drafted, Reggie Corner, was able to totally make Hardy disappear. That's the main reason the Bils drafted Corener. However, it does not say much for Hardy when he couldn't dominate with a 6-7 in height advantage.
  15. The number you hope from Hardy are no better than Josh Reed's numbers. Hard to see DCs trembling in fear and changing their defenses over that type of production. Make up whatever fantasy you want, but the reason none of the WR went in round 1, they have all serious flaws in their game. Hardy has problems with the jam and getting separation, not to mention questions about his character. Hard to see how he will perform better than 90% of drafted WRs who take 3 years before they adjust to the NFL>
  16. This is true. McGhee is better suited to play the slot WR in straight man coverage
  17. Stroud was very productive when playing next to the beastly John Henderson. He was able to shoot the gaps. Now that Kyle Williams is a gap shooter as well, the Bills have no "nose tackles".All the double teams that Henderson drew will now be focused on Stroud. We will see how his bad ankles hold up . The original point was that the basic philosophy of the defense has been changed in year 3 from a nose tackle / 3 technique combo to "everyone's a gap shooter". If this was the preferred package, why waste 2 years with the former philosophy? Maybe the LBs are better now - let's hope so because they will be seeing a lot plays in the middle where they will need to make a lot of tackles.
  18. there are only 6 teams with lower scores. That's not middle of the road.
  19. way to read - four 3-technique guys and ZERO nose tackles. good thing we were strong against the run last year
  20. I like your plan. After finally stumbling on an elite LT after 15 years, the best thing is to play hardball and piss off the single player most deserving of a pay raise.
  21. yeah those weights are all classic for nose tackles we still have no one to play the nose - and are forced to change schemes because the front office failed to deliver personnel to run the preferred scheme. We now have 4 3-technique guys to rotate
  22. Based on Hardy's super-human stats, he SHOULD have been a rock solid 1st round selection in a weak WR class. Gee- I wonder what the NFL GMs and scouts for 32 NFL teams saw that they all passed on Hardy in the 1st round. not to mention that he still wasn't the first WR off the board hard to believe based on the inflated stats he put up - but hey - what do the experts know? Factor in has questionable character traits - and the guy is no sure thing to produce in 2008. He needs to improve a lot to make the transition to the NFL - being tall is not enough
  23. not sure what you are disagreeing with. My point was the Bills have failed to extend players or moved them needlessly, then were forced to overcommit resoiurces to replace them while ignoring otehr positions. Moved Willis in his contract year - then were forced to take Lynch as the only option.
  24. because they just figured out that the guy they thought brought in to stuff the run (Stroud) actually weighs less than all of our DL, even though he is 6'-6". Not exactly the big bottom guy to anchor against the run. so now they have no one to play the true DT. look for both DTs to line up in the gaps so no one DT is consistently being double teamed, because no one is big enough to handle it
  25. Newsflash- most of the Big 10 is slow and overrated. NFL defenses will be slightly tougher than the slugs he beat in college. speed has nothing to do with "getting off the line". NFL corners will jam him and he has already shown he lacks technique in escaping the jam. Since the NFL plays far faster than college and timing is critical, Hardy will be taken out of plays right at the line before he can use his height and speed. Even after he gets into his pattern, his routes aren't sharp enough to create separation from NFL CBs. If JP was the QB, he would never see a passs due to lack of separation. However, Trent throws on timing more than JP so there is still hope.
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