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Posts posted by Haplo848

  1. I'm only following online (and reading comments here), but a couple things thing stand out to me:


    Nice job getting positive yards in first down. That consistent four yards on first down makes the O flow.


    Awesome swarming D, aggressive and making it happen.


    You've pretty much nailed it


    Which DBs have the insanely long hair? I keep thinking I'm seeing Gilmore still out there, but it's obviously not him

  2. At this point, I'd be ok with Kolb being cut, unless he does something magical in games 3 and 4.


    I'm fully prepared to go into the season with EJ and Tuel as the two QBs. Two rookies isn't the worst thing in the world, just look at RG3 and Cousins in Washington

  3. anyone else noticing this offense looks slower this week?


    I'm not surprised. I saw a video breaking down the Eagles game last night with the difference in times between plays for Foles and Vick. Vick did much better (about a 6 second difference; 18 seconds vs 24). I kinda feel like the same thing is going on with EJ and Kolb

  4. I liked it for the most part, but I feel like there are a couple mistakes in there. Against the Patriots, Gilmore most likely won't be on Amendola. He may be our best corner and their best receiver, but Gilmore isn't a slot receiver. You normally put a small, shifty guy on slot corners. My guess is that he won't be covering him too much. Also, in week 10 against the Steelers, you give Roethlisberger too much credit. His style of play has lead to him being beat up and injured half way through the season, then he'll play through injury the second half of the season, showing a noticeable decline in play through that stretch. That entire team is getting old, too. I just don't see them keeping up with our fast-paced offense. I think we grind it out on them, and the only reason Gilmore might let a significant number of catches or yards would be because they're airing it out while trying to play catch-up.

  5. I truly don't believe your "best-case scenario." There are games in there that have the potential to be winnable that you mark as sure-fire losses. The league is constantly evolving, and just because teams have been good in the past doesn't mean they will continue to be. The Panthers, Dolphins, Chiefs, Steelers, and Bucs games aren't automatic losses. I don't believe the hype about the Dolphins. People pick them as off-season favorites due to free agency pick-ups, but we all know how much effect being crowned the off-season champs has on the regular season. People hear the hype about Cam Newton and believe they're unbeatable, yet they haven't done too much even with him. The Bucs appear to be solidifying their defense, but their offense could be having a QB competition between Freeman and their rookie. The Steelers have been getting older and are on the decline. And the Chiefs were in last place last year. Yes, they had injuries, but then again, we do every year and no one gives us any slack for it. Why should we give it to them?


    Now, do I believe that all this will come about, that the Bills will do really well and go to the playoffs? Not a chance. I think they will go in the 4-6 wins range next year. All I'm saying is that it's the NFL. You don't know who's going to get injured, who's going to step up and start kicking @$$, who slumps or starts to drop off. You don't know who will happen to have a bad game one week. It's where the "any given Sunday" phrase comes from. Don't even pretend to know which games are winnable in a "best case scenario" and which are guaranteed losses. A best case scenario is ALWAYS 16-0 and a Super Bowl victory

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