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Posts posted by jimmy10

  1. Buddy asleep at the wheel again. I bet the titans called first. Typical Buffalo I'm so done with this team, Ralph is cheap, I think Brady just sneezed, Fitz isn't the answer and Stevie is more of a number 2


    Did I miss any?


    Just one: Metz, like Chandler, is slow and white.

  2. Simple enough I'm looking for some advice on those who have relocated from wny. I'm seriously considering moving out of the area. After really thinking about how frusterated I am. My main complaints are high taxes on everything and a high cost of living comparative to salaries here


    Where did you move to ?


    What about that area interested you ?


    How are the taxes real estate and cost of living?


    What advice would you have to someone thinking of fleeing wny with a young family ?


    We moved to Durham, NC.


    It was a job opportunity for my wife.


    Cost of living is a tiny bit higher.


    Taxes are quite a bit lower, but I tell you what, in some ways you get what you pay for. The public schools here are pretty shady. And the towns with good schools have very high home prices and higher real estate taxes. My wife works in healthcare, and I work in higher ed, so once our little one becomes school age, we're strongly considering moving back to ROC or Buffalo. We both got great career experience down here we wouldn't have gotten up there, and now we would have a lot easier time finding jobs. The weather may suck, but it's home and we miss it. Plus our son is growing up down here not knowing his grandparents or cousins, and that sucks.


    I've lived in two other areas of the country now besides WNY, and I keep feeling drawn back.


    So, your mileage may vary, and I would never tell anybody not to see what's out there, but the grass isn't always greener. I have buddies who work in IT jobs didn't want to leave but had to because they have very few job options in WNY, but my wife and I are fortunate to be in fields where we're pretty likely to find decent jobs up there.


    Plus, we're finally at a point in our lives where we could afford Bills season tickets, so after a house and snowblower, that will be our first purchase upon returning. :)

  3. Yeah, $2,500 was the minimum asking price for cheap seats on Stubhub right after the conference championships. Those prices kept sliding and sliding until the day of the game when they settled in at around $1,000. I was just a kid during the early 90s. But would I drop a grand now to see Buffalo in the SB? Hell yeah I would.

  4. We got to talking about best/worst acts ever during the halftime show last night, so I looked up the historical list of Super Bowl halftime shows on Wikipedia.


    What's funny is it seems XXV was the first time they went for some big-time pop act, New Kids on the Block. Up until then it was a lot of wholesome no-name acts like marching bands, Up With People, stuff like that.


    So that raises the question: Can we blame New Kids on the Block for filling the stadium with so much suck, it drew Norwood's kick wide right?

  5. Posted this in another thread.


    All you have to look at is the Giant's post season DEFENSIVE stats.


    Points Per Game: 1st

    First Downs Per Game: 2nd

    3rd Down Percentage: 1st



    Now let's look at their OFFENSIVE stats:

    Points Per Game: 5th

    First Downs Per Game: 5th

    3rd Down Percentage: 6th



    What does this tell us? Out of 12 teams that made it into the playoffs the Giants basically had the best defense in these important game stats and they had a mediocre offense that didn't even rank in the top 1/3 of all offenses. Their defense was the best and they did this against pretty good to prolific offenses. The Falcons, the PACKERS, the 49'ers and THE NEW ENGLAND FREAKIN' PATRIOTS!!!! Defense and smart QB play wins championships! Defense and smart QB play win Superbowls.


    Now if only the Bills could get out of the NFL basement in defense and we can acquire some WRs other than SJ that can catch the ball over their heads with their hands instead of the platoon of body snatchers we have we would be on the right track.


    Does anyone else notice that good teams have WRs that can catch the ball over their head with their hands? We have guys that are tall but can't catch with their hands over their heads. They are body snatchers that have to be hit perfectly in stride.


    Exactly. And even the Patsies, who gave up a bazillion yards and points per game in the regular season, (while scoring a bazillion and a half themselves) clamped down in the post-season and gave up a lot less yards and points. Can't remember the stats, but they did reference it during the game yesterday.


    Like they say: Pitching wins championships. Defense wins championships. Improve the defense, and the offense starts to look a whole lot better.


    Is Fitzpatrick on his way to Canton? Certainly not. But sweet jebus, we can't upgrade every single unit to A+ talent instantly all at once. Fitzpatrick has demonstrated he is at least serviceable. Get a healthy offense around him, and a defense that can actually get off the field, and then let's see where we stand.

  6. I lived in Boston for a while in the early 2000s. One reason they're the ultimate bandwagon sports town is there's about 50 colleges and universities within the immediate area of the city. So you have a population of 18-22 year old knuckleheads constantly turning over every 4 years. "Woo-hoo! None of us lived here four years ago, and none of us will live here four years from now! Pats 4 Life!"



  7. What's been interesting is watching prices fall on Stubhub. Asking prices for nosebleeds the week after the conference championships were starting at $2,500. Now those same prices just went below $1,400 and have been dropping since this morning. it definitely moved the possibility of going to the Super Bowl from "no f'ing way" to "eh, maybe throw it on the credit card and pay it off over a few months," especially if it were a chance to see the Bills. :)

  8. Well, my takeaway from this cracked rib business is, if true, I'm very much looking forward to next season.


    Fitz was lighting it up with the best QBs in the league before the injury in his first season as full-time starter WITH a holdout-shortened offseason. There was a glimmer of hope there for even the most jaded fans.


    Another decent draft, avoid the injury bug, and who knows what next season has in store? I know I'm looking forward to it! Let's Go Buffalo!


    (But first let's all enjoy watching Brady get whipped like a rented mule tonight. Hopefully.)

  9. This makes sense to me. He went from Hero to Zero at the flip of a switch.


    Cool story time: I live in NC and I met a dude a few months ago who played football at Wake Forest, and then was in the NFL for a little while as a kick/punt returner. (can't remember his name, it's pissing me off.) Anyway, he said, and I swear I'm not making this up, he never got spooked by big hits until he he got laid out once by London Fletcher. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before, and it was at that moment he decided he didn't want to play in the NFL anymore. He was a borderline player anyway, so it's not like he had a big career ahead of him. So he said "f this, I'm done," and got into the business world.

  10. The money made by big time programs goes to fund educational departments. If schools lose out on those millions of dollars, the only outcome is higher tuition and crappier facilities for Sciences, etc.


    That's a popular argument, but it's simply not true that all schools with D1-A programs are rolling in dough. In 2010, it was reported that only 22 of 120 of them turned a profit for their schools. I can't link because I'm on my phone right now, but just google "college athletics profit" and all the info is out there.


    I also happen to work in fundraising for one of those big time universities, and while it's an unpopular stand to take in my workplace, it's true. Very often, schools with related hospitals and health systems see much more money coming in from that side than from athletics.

  11. He's gotta take a blustery stand, to keep all the pissed off boosters and alumni happy. It is ridiculous, though. Just speaks to what big time college athletics has become. A license to print money on the backs of "student athletes" (a ridiculous term in its own right, coined by the NCAA).


    They should nuke D1 college athletics as they currently are and create true minor leagues for the NFL and NBA. Then keep college athletics for true amateurs and funnel the cream of the crop (ie genuine pro prospects) into the development leagues and pay them. Keep big time money out of college athletics and the slimeball element is greatly reduced.


    It'll never happen, though. Can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.

  12. I remember reading an article a few years ago with tips on getting Super Bowl tickets "cheaper." One way, if you didn't care who was playing, was to go to a Super Bowl that had repeat teams in it, the logic being just what's happening here: Tickets will be easier to come by if all the rich bandwagoners have had plenty of chances to go in recent years.


    Can you imagine the next Super Bowl the Bills are in? Tickets will be impossible to find at any price. A buddy of mine and I, we both grew up in ROC and live in different parts of the country now. We have a pact to both go to that game no matter what the cost.


    Along those lines, I've also known people who have gone to the Super Bowl and "saved" money by buying single seats.

  13. I think the point is the first half is when it's anyone's game, and you're going with your game plan, so statistically speaking, you're getting a better picture of what you have as a team. The second half will tend to show a lot more statistical anomalies because a team is usually either trying to catch up (pass more) or protect a lead (run more), and there's always garbage time in there too.

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