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Posts posted by mpl6876

  1. Ok, you want to be taken seriously. You say "we should have and could have addressed many more needs in the draft." Sorry, need some specifics here. What did mpl6876 the GM have in mind? Who would you have selected at #9, and if you would have traded, who were your trading partners and upon what basis do you know you could have made the deals? Furthermore, what "need areas" did the Bills fail to address? They needed DL help -- they drafted Troup in the 2nd round and Harrington in the 3rd (and signed Edwards in FA). They needed LB help -- they signed Davis in FA, and drafted Moats and Batten. They needed WR help -- they drafted Easley, and signed Jackson and Nelson. It's pretty clear thus far there were no desirable selections at QB at #9. So they didn't draft an OT -- that seems to be all those of you who say "they failed to address needs" have left. Oh wait -- they did that too (Wang).


    ]Please, enlighten me. And tell me why drafting a guy who has the potential to SCORE every time he touches the ball is a bad idea for a young QB who needs confidence and a young OL trying to come together on a team that has been HORRID offensively for the past 6-7 years.


    First off, I thought about not even replying to your sarcastic response. Nevertheless, I will answer you. Most of the questions cannot be answered because I was not in the draft room. None of us know what transpired in that room. To say I was trying to be or play GM is uncalled for and a cheap shot. I am used to your arrogant, idiotic, and smart ass comments. Yet, your questioning my credibility. Simply put, I would not have taken a running back when we have two solid running backs on the team. I believe my statement has great validity and I stand behind it. I would have done my best to find someone to trade with. I firmly believe the pick could have been traded. The facts indicate the Bills never even considered this a possibility. IMHO, a rebuilding team like the Bills should always be open minded to trades and picking up more draft picks. I would have considered the following players McClain, Davis, Morgan, Buluga, and Williams. I would have liked to see the Bills pick up an extra pick and move down the draft and select one of these available guys. That is the best answer I can give you.


    The jury is still out on all of our draft picks this year. None of us know how successful any of these players are going to be. Not even Spiller. Sure he looks great and I am excited to see him on the field. I do believe he will be a successful running back. How successful remains to be seen.

  2. I didn't like the pick then ... and I don't like the pick now.


    Don't take this wrong ... I absolutly love the player ... but that pick for this team at this time is bad.


    It's bad for the fact that the Bills didn't seem to have a "plan" ... the pick was purly a luxury pick when we needed a "foundational" pick.


    If let's say the Bills were on the verge of pulling the trigger on a trade for one of our starting RBs (either one, Lynch or Jackson) for an extra pick or two .... then yeah it would have been a GREAT pick. But what we did was add a running back into an already talented full backfield of a team devoid of talent in a number of areas .... did we need linemen (on both sides of the ball)? heck yeah ... did we need linebackers? heck yeah ... did we need wide recievers? heck yeah ... did we need a Tight End? heck yeah.


    I understand all the hype of C.J. being a "home run hitter", but this team needs more guys capable of hitting singles before we worry about the home runs.


    That being said ... he is a fun player to watch ... and he's much MUCH more fun to watch in our uniform than he would be in a Pats*, Jets, or Dolphins uni.



    I didn't like the pick now and I still question the pick today. We didn't need a RB and we still have glaring offensive line needs and a QB issue to boot. As well as a pass rushing and linebacker need. IMHO, we could have moved down in the draft, acquired more picks and filled more needs.


    If Spiller was so dynamic and a sure fire as Gayle Sears do you think the other 8 teams would have passed on him? I ask you to look at D Mcfadden...


    Sure it is nice to get that "home run" hitter as one poster previously has said. What fan doesn't like a home run hitter? That doesn't equate to winning. A home run hitter will never win anything if he doesn't have a good supporting cast. Look at CJ for the Titans. Look at OJ for the Bills. We will get the wow factor from time to time but in the end this pick was a mistake in my humble opinion. We didn't have the luxury like the Chargers to pick a RB. We should have and could have addressed many more needs in our draft. I believe the lack of selecting and acquiring talented players in need areas will set this team's development back.


    I know most of you will disagree and I respect that.

  3. Anyone else notice that he is watching his reciever the whole time? I don't think I saw him try to look off a defender once during the Cincy game. Preseason is one thing but when it means something he will be picked off so easily.


    I haven't noticed him being locked onto one receiver. I believe he has played well this preseason. I am excited to see if he can be this effective in the regular season. Maybe with Chan, a new found confidence, and adequate OL play he can be a decent to an above average QB? Time will tell...

  4. You do realize being preseason all of those ST players are not the guys who will be here when the actual season starts, right.




    PTR, I ask how many of they guys playing special teams now will be on the special teams squad? How many will be cut?

    I am inclined to think that many of the guys playing special in the Bengals game will be playing in the regular season. Not all but the vast majority. As a result, I too like many others are concerned about our special team play. IMO,we will not be able to win many games with poor special teams play.

  5. simmer down john boy


    every preseason, without fail, all across the nation, football fans either book their sb plane tickets or cry into their wheaties


    and for what? for nuthin


    cuz after decades of watching the nfl i have learned on thing: preseason means nothing


    oh fans will come in here and offer all kinds of rationalizations why this time it means something. dont listen. it means nothing


    no. thing. nah. ting. nada. zilch. zippo. antidisestablishmentarianism


    you may now return to your regularly scheduled gushing


    I have to disagree with you. As some of you may recall, I was quite upset with the proformance of our team against Washington. Many of you thought I overracted and prehaps I did. That is a whole different issue. I simply bring this up to stay consistent with my thinking. I said this preseason is important to the Bills. It does mean something. My feelings haven't changed. We are a young team, rebuilding, and learning how to win and play with confidence. This preseason can help us play with confidence, build a winning attitude, start believing in one another, believing in the coaches and their philosphy, attitude, and schemes. We are not the Bill's of the 90's where preseason wasn't that important. That team had winners and vets who already knew how to win. With all due respect, I cannot agree with your post.

  6. My original post was in reference to his rookie and second season, and I was trying to make the point that Sanchez did less last year with more around him in HIS rookie season. In 10 games TE was 151 of 269 for a 56.1% completion percentage for 1630 yards, 6.1 yards per completion, 7 TDs, 8 INTs for a 70.4 rating overall in 10 games. Sanchez last year with the leagues best running game and a better than average O-line was 196/364 for 53.8% completion percentage, 6.7 yards per completion, and 12 TDs with 20 INTs for a 63 rating overall in 18 games.


    In his second season TE was 245/374, 65.5%, 2699 yards, 11 TD, 10 INTs for an 85.4 rating overall. He was being gushed over by the media for much of the first two seasons. He put up those numbers with the Bills, who didn't have the first overall rushing attack or a comparable O-line.


    So are you saying you would rather have TE than Sanchez?


    My answer is I would take Sanchez in a heartbeat. He is young and has great upside despite his crappy stats. The book appears to be written on TE... All the more reason we should have selected Clausen or picked up Jason Campbell, Derick Anderson, Jack Delhomme, etc...

  7. Just threw another pick in the red zone. I get that most rookie-2nd year QB's can really struggle in this league because of how the adjustment curve from college to the pros, and more because you're on an attrocious team like the Lions Browns or us I guess. But this kid has no excuse being behind maybe the best line in football and having really good skilled position players to work with, and will be the reason the Jets are a wild card team at best this year. Even from watching Hard Knocks, the kid walks around like he's the best QB in the league and just acts way to comfortable and being so buddy buddy with his coaches.




    All I can say is I wish he was on our team with Coach Gailey at the helm to develop him.


    That's called the "it" factor...Haven't seen anyone have that swagger since Jimbo...

  8. I certainly understand your "show me" attitude right now in lieu of what we've been thru since the Music City Miracle. I have a bunch of it too. I think what I'm seeing now MPL is intelligence. C'mon...I bet most of the guys on this board felt Dicky J was a smart man, but a slow thinker as HC. I could give many, many examples of this. I for one was sick to death of the deer in the headlight gaze, combined with head scratching & shoulder shrugs. Jauron could probably blow Gailey's doors off on a scrabble board, but on the gridiron it would be another story. It's called "street smarts" & toughness. Gailey has it, & several of our HC's before him didn't. I'll take a tough guy with street smarts any day. This is what gives me optimism. Jauron was the type at halftime, while being down two TD's to say, "C'mon men...go get 'em the second half." Gailey's the type to actually make the necessary adjustments & have a solid plan.


    I do like what I am seeing in Gailey. I have been waiting for a kick ass take names coach for years. Gailey appears to be that guy. Nevertheless, I want to see meaningful results like winning games before I declare coach Gailey a success. Is that too much to ask? Not meant to be rude.

  9. I tend to read the articles and the board messages every day. As a life long Bills fan since the early 60's I appreciate the opportunity to read about the Bills while living a distance away from Buffalo these days. That said I am responding to the post because I feel the same way. I am very happy with what I have seen out of Chan so far. Go Bills!


    I have been saying the same thing after each coaching change we have made...One of things days I might be right. Of course change is good when you have stunk for so long. Any change is more than welcome...


    The question is will this change be any different and produce wins?

  10. Here's what I think the difference might be. When we watched all the debacles over the past few years, didn't we all feel the team was dysfunctional?... starting at the top on down. What comes to mind immediately is the one game where the announcers knew whether we were gonna run or pass...because TE was telegraphing it at the line. Now how dysfunctional is that? It was a result of a defensive minded coach trying to run an offense. Now, I feel as if the dysfunction will be eliminated because of good coaching & hard work. So, if we keep on losing, then we have to blame it on the talent. I think we have some great talent on this team & we'll surprise some folks. No, I don't believe we'll win game two & three...but I bet we won't get blown away either. I think coach Gailey will eliminate the dysfunction on this team & as fans, we'll no longer be embarrassed. We may not make the playoffs, but this team is definitely gonna go in the right direction this yr.


    I hear what your saying. I for one was initially optimistic with the Jauron hire. I remember myself saying things like he was with the Bears and did a pretty good job, he has experience and he will make our defense solid and tough to beat, he has the players playing hard for him, he has earned their respect, etc... I am pretty sure I wasn't the only one thinking this way. After the fact, it is easy to criticize "dick boy" for his mistakes.


    Now enters Gailey and I do not possess your optimism. Following your logic, Gailey is an offensive coach and now what happens to our defense? Will they now be telegraphing their defensive schemes? To boot, we have a nobody DC and we are changing schemes...


    Frankly, I don't know what Gailey is going to be able to produce on the field. I am not here to slam Gailey or anyone else. However, I need to see more in order for me to say this team is on the right track...I just don't see what your seeing....

  11. Having an opinion does not mean having an agenda. Having an opinion requires evaluating the facts and making an informed decision on those facts. As a newspaper writer, he would generally have access to certain kinds of knowledge that his readers would not. Having an agenda means that he is pushing a particular theme, over the course of several pieces, which works outside his opinion, or fact, to establish that agenda.


    As someone who communicates in English, you should understand the difference.


    As an outsider to the journalism field, I ask can't the two inter twine? I would think the two don't have to be separate entities?

  12. We saw the off season, press conferences and training camp but we have yet to witness how he handles missed assignments,lazy players,what happens after a loss.


    My guess is,he may be one angry coach and I hope so!


    Happy losers drive me crazy!!! :flirt:


    You are contradicting yourself. One moment your telling us how you know he is a good coach and he is the guy. Then the next minute your telling us to want and see how he handles certain issues. You aren't making sense.


    I have to admit I was never a Marv Levy fan, he was more of a motivator then a coach.


    I like straight talkers, this seems to be the guy! :flirt:


    If we suck say so. We all know we need to get better.


    OK, we suck. We need to get better at QB, LT, WR's, OLB's, and a pass rushing defensive end.

  13. I know what your thinking. You think I love Gailey because he blasted a few teenage fans.

    Actually, its the attention to detail, the handling of the press. Elimination of the good ol boy easy training camps. He is straight forward, the players respect him and he is a man with a plan. The confrontation with fans was the work of a coach that is clearly in control of his team and outside distractions no matter how small aggravate and annoy any self respecting coach.

    Blasting a few fans might be the most important clue of the off season, Buffalo fans love this stuff. Bill Parcells did something similar in Miami in 2008 when he blasted a few local writers for their impatience. Parcells waived a few locker room problems and the players responded with a united team.


    I saw some negative comments on the Bills main board and you know what, some said they hated Dick Jauron because he was a corpse. Well this guy is alive so don't complain. Seems like everyone is searching for the perfect coach and guess what? There is no perfect coach!


    Who was the last head coach in Buffalo that took control of the entire team, press and fans? Nothing against Marv Levy but the answer is Lou Saban & Chuck Knox.


    Now, you are probably thinking that wins and losses will determine his future in Buffalo. Well, if we keep changing head coaches there will be no winning, just a pile of dust and a continuous rebuilding process. Sorry, I have seen enough to know a good coach when I see one. I believe Gailey is finally the guy!

    This is a slightly below average talent team, how he handles the season and players is the final test on his future in Buffalo. So far, I am impressed.

    Step 2 will be to place his team in the position to beat the Dolphins. Step 3 is half time adjustments and benching a few lazy players.


    The best coaches in the league are not politicians or wonderful human beings , they coach football and you better not get in their way!


    Score 1 point for Buddy Nix and Ralph Wilson, they brought him here!


    -DIEHARD 1967


    You say you know Gailey is a good head coach and you believe in the guy. That is fine and dandy. Then you say "how he handles the season and players is the final test on his future in Buffalo." You have lost me...

  14. I disagree with this totally. I think from reading this board and other boards, the majority of Bills fans accept most criticisms of the team, while taking issue with the[/b] disrespectful way in which some media covers the team. There are also plenty of media members who are down on the team who do so respectfully who I've rarely seen criticized here. Being right about something does not give someone the right to be freely vitriolic whenever they please. Look: There are times when Jerry Sullivan has been on the radio, been plainly told by a caller or radio host a factual thing (as in, the sky is blue -- inescapable fact) that counters his argument, and he will not relent. That is agenda based, and as a journalist, that makes him bad at his job.


    Really, I read the Sully article and I didn't see one once of disrespectful journalism. Yet, he got slammed to no end on this thread. Interesting...

  15. Well I don't agree that all good newspaper writers belong to major newspapers (there are plenty of up-and-comers or small-town guys that are good), and I don't think writing for a major newspaper lends any sort of credibility to quality.


    But Mr. Sullivan is bad at his job. It's not that he is harsh on the Bills that's the problem, it is that he's redundant, humorless and predictable. His writing is boring -- the prose is awful.


    I'm a writer. I work with other writers. I've talked with sports journalists about Jerry Sullivan. People don't take him seriously. Not because he writes for the Buffalo News (which is the paper of record for a pretty big population of people, still) but because he's sort of a guy who shows up with the curmudgeonly scowl on his face -- who can only praise things with which he is not associated. A grass-is-always-greener type. I think with Jerry, his talent left him a long time ago with his any reasonable sensibility. There seems to be some feelings from Mr. Sullivan that he's stuck in a place where his work has no impact. This frustration seems to come out in this really awkward bitterness toward people he perceives "accept" that so-called mediocrity.


    I also really hate his frequent and false protestations that he's not a fan. He's a basketball guy at heart and works in a non-basketball town, and I think that's part of the problem. But writing of any kind -- copywriting, technical, freelance poetry for crying out loud, is a labor of love. You don't do it unless you love it. And to write about certain subjects for this long obviously makes him a fan of those subjects. You don't write about legal and court issues for decades if you're not interested in the law and the court. You don't write about the Bills for decades if you're not interested in the Bills. This isn't a means-to-an-end, work-because-I-have-to clerical type job.


    So I hate when guys like Sullivan or Schopp hold that over other fans heads. Not only are they fans, they are some of the biggest fans there are.


    I happen to respect the man's articles and work. As a fan, I am eager to read his article's and listen to his opinion's because they "ring truth to my ears." IMHO, the man is spot on with his criticism of the Bills. I respect his forthright honesty and it never gets old to me. It doesn't get old because things haven't changed much in last ten years or so. Maybe, you are not aware of the Bills past performances? Maybe, Jerry can get some new material when things change around one bills drive. Until then, I will continue to support what Jerry has to say. In journalism, I thought speaking the truth went a long way. Personally, I could care less about whether he is a basketball guy, a SOB, a unhappy man, or the journalist caught in the wrong job, etc...All I know is the man speaks truth in an industry which often doesn't.


    Jerry, if your listening you keep on speaking the truth and I will keep on reading it.


    Larry Felser I miss you...

  16. The points with Sullivan are these:


    Is he insightful? No. He's not a creative thinker. He doesn't make good analogies. He doesn't cross-pollinate. He's not multi-disciplinary. He doesn't bring original thoughts to the table. He does not raise the level of discussion.


    Is he a good writer: I would say average for a newspaper guy in a medium market. He's alright.


    Is he a good person: He's probably not a bad person. On the other hand, he's not very likeable. The indicators (what he writes about, how he writes) are not promising. A bit self-centered if you ask me. Thinks he's witty but he's not. That sort of thing.


    JW on the other hand is a very likeable guy. Accessible, humble. Doesn't think he's a Pulitzer Prize winning writer. Works hard.


    Are there dozens of people on this board who could do his job better than he? Yes, undoubtedly. I can't remember the last piece he did where I said, "Wow, that was well researched" or "Wow, he interviewed 3-4 people for that piece." Sully looks to me like he's mailing it in. I see more effort put into some of these posts than I do in Sully's articles.


    How is his temperament? He goes in whichever way the wind blows. I'm trying to remember his columns from when the Bills were 5-1 in 2008. Seems to me he gets giddy in the good and morose in the bad. Seems to me he typically overreacts. If someone can conclusively correct me, I'll be happy to change this opinion.


    Is he a voice for the community…do many Bills fans feel comfortable that Sully's opinions, positive or negative, speak for them? No, very few.


    What are his redeeming qualities? Well, for his supporters in this thread, I guess one quality is that he's been right about the Bills sucking for the last ten years…so I guess in that regard he's been accurate.


    With all due respect, I don't agree with your post and I don't consider you an authority on the matter. Quite frankly, I have read many many many of your postings and they don't exactly scream top notch journalism.


    I like Sully's articles and I have a difficult time refuting his accurate comments whether they are negative or not.

  17. Sullivan is not paid to cover the team. That's Mark Gaughan and Allen Wilson's job. And no, I don't think you can get the same level of analysis on this board that you can through a learned writer because, simply, professional writing is hard. Active voicing, keeping it simple. It's not as easy as you'd think, and I'm not a journalism student. And let's be honest, not everybody on here has to follow the AP style guide to make their point, but I'd rather read something that Mark Gaughan wrote than "GoBillzz5708143omglolz" did. Sorry.


    Sullivan is paid to write opinions. That's what a columnist does. He writes about the Bills and the Sabres. He also writes personal interest stories that I don't even read because I really don't care about the women's UB rowing coach who overcame tragedy and found success. Sorry, I really don't care.


    It's not his fault the two pro teams in this town have been pretty bad to downright awful for almost 10 years running. There are honest questions to be made about both organizations' leadership/ownership structures. Why do we as fans gets so defensive about that?


    WE don't own the teams, or run them, or decide on their players or coaches. It's not some personal attack at us, the fan, so why do so many get so angry? He's paid to write his opinion, and almost always, its a valid, informed, skeptical one.


    Call him out when he's wrong about something, like I did referencing the 2007 draft as "the first post-Donahoe." That's incorrect. But it seems we take his negative columns about the Bills personally. I think that's really stupid. That is all.


    Peevo, I really agreed your post. IMHO, most Bills fans just will not accept when a journalist writes negative comments about their team. Proof being even when he is correct he receives a backlash of negative comments. (ie) Fans saying it doesn't matter if he is wrong or right...


    I happen to agree with most of what he said. I am able to analyze what he says w/o personalizing.

  18. For what it's worth here is my take on the Bills. I have no problem with people here being optimistic about the Bills future. I have a difficult time understanding much of the optimism here but you are entitled to your opinion.


    I have been scared" with 10 years of poor decision making by the Bills Front Office. From the GM changes, coaching changes, player personnel changes, etc...This has left me with a "sour" taste in my mouth. After several changes, I can recall myself and fellow Bills fans speaking with a sense of excitement and optimism. I don't think it is necessary to repeat them again. I think you all know what am talking about. With that said, I cannot find it in myself to believe anything will be different this time around. The optimistic comments today are pretty much the same things that have been said previously. I need to see more talent on this team. I need to see results. I need to see wins! All I have seen is two preseason games and lots of training reports from fans. IMHO, it is way way way too early to jump on the Gaily/Nix bandwagon. For now, I have low expectations going into this season. I will wait cautiously and silently on the sidelines and hope for positive change. I am not about to pretend or convince myself all is fine in Bills land. Fair or not, this regime has to prove its merit in order for me to jump onto that bandwagon. They will soon have their chance...


    Signed, one frustrated and scared Bills fan.

  19. Yeah, I think we're going to cut Fitz. And I think he will end up on the Bears very quickly.





    I will stop slamming Clausen. My feeligns about him are clear. I think he is a backup type QB. But it does matter what the other QBs were like. In any other draft, he'd be a middle round pick. This year, draft "eperts" had him as a top 10 type player. Obviously, the real NFL people don't agree with them.


    And to clarify my point about Tebow. I never said he would be a good NFL QB. But I had no desire for Clausen and think even if Tebow doesn't become a franchise QB, he'd find a way to make some impact on the team (wildcat QB, playing another position). I'd much rather have a guy who can be a leader than another backup type QB.


    You may be right about him being a number 2 QB. I hear what your saying about the experts and they aren't always correct. Sometimes they over value or under value a player's talent/potential. We all know this is not a science. I for one wasn't advocating taking Clausen at pick 9. However, the stakes changed and the risk was lowered when he still was available at pick 41. IMHO, he was a "steal" at pick 41. He would have filled a major need and not broken the bank. Additionally, they could have had a quality NT at pick 3. However, I understand the stance that the Bills didn't think Clausen was their guy. I believe they had every intention of picking Tebow as reported on draft day. Boy, would I have been upset if that came to light. What we don't need is a project QB! That is why I am quite surprised you wanted Tebow. He will not be able to help a team for at least 2 or 3 years by most people's accounts. Leaders have to play and win. You stated "I'd much rather have a guy who can be a leader than another backup type QB." I know it is your opinion but you make the statement seem as though it's a fact. Clearly, it isn't fact. What I see you doing is stretching and looking for every possible angle out there to validate your viewpoint that Clausen won't be successful. Many of the points you have mentioned are not valid and hold little bearing on his success or lack of success. I could see if you said something like I don't think he reads defenses well, his arm strength is weak, he can't fit the ball into tight spaces/throw the "touch" pass, he has a long delivery, his footwork is poor, he appears to be unmotivated and lazy, etc... Instead, you talk about things like his won loss record at ND, his coach at ND, his upbringing, other fellow QB's in his draft class, his WR's at ND, etc...You follow what I am saying?

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