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Posts posted by mpl6876

  1. I can't help but to laugh when I read post from all you Bills fans who have such "high expectations" about the Bills future. Several of you guys slam anyone who has anything negative to say about the front office decisions, Bills as an organization, coaches decisions, and player personnel or lack of... Guys, I live in San Diego and I am a avid Bills fan. It is virtually impossible to defend "my Bills" when the San Diego fans mock the Bills. Why? Because this organization is a joke! Almost a fraud! Like the TO signing. What was that all about? Wake the "F" up! Why do we not hold this organization accountable for being one of the worst football organizations in ten years. Now, I know you (Mark) going to talk about our past record and our record isn't close to teams like St Luis, Detriot, Etc. I don't buy it...You can if you want. Instead, you guys talk about how the Bills are on the right path, I like where we are going, I like the coaches attitudes, I like this I like that. You guys have been saying the same old crap for ten years. I know I won't be able to change your minds. I am not trying too. But, don't you get tired of eating and smelling your own poop? I remember the Dick Jauron ban wagoners. He is a defensive guru, I like the way he communicates with his players, etc. The same goes for Malarkey and Donahoe. They are Pittsburg guys and winners. We are on the right path. Isn't that what you thought Mark? Watch and see in 3 years. You guys will be singing the same ole song over and over. For me the song is worn out, outdated, and out of tune...


    How can the Bills win with very weak lines on both sides, no QB, very weak WR, subpar linebackers, and a non exisistent pass rush. Not to mention, a new coaching staff and new defensive scheme. I ask how can you be so optimistic about the Bills future???


    Positives good running backs, very good secondary, and excellent kickers. You think we can win 10 games on that?


    "You can't make shi_ smell like ice cream." How appropriate of a quote is this for the Buffalo Bills? Nevertheless, the sucker in me will defend the Bills, buy the Nfl ticket and watch them play every week. Once again my heart will be ripped to threads holding on to the hope that maybe just maybe one day in my lifetime we can win a superbowl. Is this asking too much from a team that goes way back to the AFL days. I just suppose I'm a pessimistic Bills fan tired of losing and hearing false hopes. If this was a stock I belive all of us would have sold the stock by now.


    Let the hate mail begin.


    Mike, a Bills realist.

  2. you stated he couldn't win in college... I proved to you he had a winning record..... and he made the playoffs when he was with Dallas, plus Jerry Jones said getting rid of him was one of the biggest mistakes he made, its obvious you haven't done enough research


    Mark you are taking my words out of context. To me a winning season doesn't equate to a successful season. 7 win seasons at GT wasn't good enough. End result he didn't produce. No big time bowl win either. Job didn't get done and he was fired. In Dallas, he went to the playoffs and lost. For Jerry Jones and the Cowboy fans getting to the playoffs and losing in the first round didn't cut it. End result he got fired. My intepretation of the facts are he couldn't win... Only time will tell who is right. I would love to eat crow and be wrong... Just don't think I am. Enough of this childess banter.

  3. :bag:


    Have you actually looked at his college record? he was a winning coach, just like he was when in the pros... another moronic poster who can't provide actual facts..... I now fully understand why DC Tom calls people dumb and the like, it is well deserved


    Just because Gailey wasn't the biggest name out there doesn't make him a loser


    Here, read this


    so yea numbers don't lie....


    I fully expected several dissenting remarks and I had done my homework prior to my posting. You haven't done your homework!!! Instead you want to sling mud and call names. How sad is that. I don't agree with your assessment of coach Gailey. I wouldn't call 7 win seasons at a major college like Georgia Tech a success. You don't even know your college football. Just ask Tech fans what they thought of him? In Dallas he was adequate or slighty better than that. He lasted a whole two seasons there. I won't even go back to the Samford days...

  4. You probably said the same thing and wrung your hands in angst and defeat when they hired that "loser" coach Marv Levy. Get a grip man and don't let Schopp, Sullivan and Peter King do your thinking for you.


    What have you been saying for the last 10 years....

  5. I have to come to Bills74 defense. I don't totally agree with everything he has said. I won't go into detail about what I didn't agree with because it was pretty much said in the previous post. However, I do strongly agree with the theme of his statement. I am tired of all the Bills fans who believe the same old rhetoric from this oganization for the last ten years. I will not allow myself to believe there lies or unfounded optimism. You can if you want... We have been saying the same things for ten years straight with little or no results. Wake up people! We can't win; better yet compete with no QB, no LT, no RT, and a D line and linebacker crew that is adequate at best. How the hell can you believe we can win 9 or 10 games? I say we win 3 to 5 games and follow that up with several under 500 records for the following seasons. Bills74 sounds like a very frustrated fan (like myself) who will not be fooled again. To think that Chan Gailey is going to lead this team anywhere is another joke. No big name big time coach wanted the daunting task of coaching and living in Buffalo. Hell, the guy (Gailey) couldnt even win in college. The numbers don't lie. Instead you guys want to focus on how he is this offensive guru. He will be fired in three years too just like the previous coaches. Remember all the high hopes we had when they were hired? The sad thing is I will be watching every Bills game and every play defending my team to the non Bills fans. (I live in San Diego) I am just tired of always refering to the 90's Bills. What else can I say? Now, let the hate mail begin.........

  6. Glad to join the forum. This is my first response. I am a long time Bills fan living in San Diego. I have to agree Orton would be an upgrade to our pathetic QB roster. It could give us a win or two more this year... That is just not enough for me to want him. We still wouldn't make the playoffs and we still would need a franchise QB. Just my two sense...

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