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Posts posted by mpl6876

  1. So you 2 just joined the board a couple of months ago so you could post all your very negative opinions all over it? :wallbash: I have a serious question, why bother?

    If you are fans of the team you should support it. Do you have any positive thoughts that you would like to express? It is a fan site for fans of the team not a critic site for critics of the team. That is what E s p on is for. If I want to hear this stuff I would go there, at least they have some popularity among people and can write in an entertaining manner.


    "If you dog one of us you dog all of us!" Get it?


    1. an ardent admirer of a pop star, film actor, football team, etc.

    2. a devotee of a sport, hobby, etc.


    That is the first post I have purposely read from you MPL in quite a while and it just reinforces my ignore selection. At least you aren't calling anybody names (although you must have been warned since I am sure I wasn't the only one who reported you for that). And sure you're quite entitled to your opinion but what good opinions do you have about our football team? I would be a whole more interested in hearing those. Because I admire and am devoted my team.

    Smell ya later


    oh and this is an edit now because MPL took out the part saying he agreed with the OP


    You post is ignorant. Do us all a favor and stop posting and just read others view points. Maybe you can learn something...


    Not that it matters, I was never warned by anyone so your assumption is incorrect.

  2. Quarterbacks: F

    The Bills have arguably THE worst quarterback situation in the NFL. What more is there to say?


    Running Backs: B+

    While the Bills don't have one of the marquee backs in the league, they have a talented stable of backs that many teams would be happy with.


    Offensive Line: C

    The young guards look good, the tackles are way below average.


    Tight Ends: F

    Foschi and Stupar are terrible. Nelson is suspended, a mediocre receiver, and a liability in the run game.


    Wide Receivers: D

    Lee Evans is a solid player. He would make a nice number 2 on a lot of teams. Everyone else would fail to make the roster on a team with a good offense.


    Defensive Line: C+

    Williams is serviceable, Stroud has a little left in the tank, and things are dicey beyond that.


    Linebackers: D-

    Poz will never live up to expectations, Mitchell is aging, and the rest are journeyman backup caliber.


    Cornerbacks: C+

    McGee is solid, Florence is not too bad for a nickel/dime guy. McKelvin has done nothing to warrant the high draft choice as of yet.


    Safeties: B

    Stong unit on the whole, good depth. I may have graded them higher but I'm skeptical that Byrd is the real deal.



    Overall Team Grade: D

    There is some talent on this offense, but that passing attack is just plain awful. In a league that favors the passing attack more and more every year, its going to be hard for the Bills to win many games with the meager production to be expected from their passing game. The defense has some talent as well, but the switch to 3-4 highlights the linebackers who are unfortunately the weak link of the defense.


    I am sure this won't be a popular post.

  3. BINGO !!!!


    I remember Buddy Nix telling us at the Bills PreDraft breakfast that his philosophy was to always take the best player available in the first round when asked about Brian Bulaga and that the Bills had TWO offensive linemen rated high enough to be considered with thier 9th overall pick. Of course he didn't name names but did't take much to figure out that he meant Okung & Williams, both who were off the board when the Bills picked at 9.


    Spiller hands down was the best player avilable. Period. Very solid pick. I know you agree PTR but to others just imagine if stutter step was our No. 1 back this opening day instead of CJ. He even makes the gun shy Edwards look decent so far....hope he keeps it up.


    The past incompetency for 10 years of reaching for players is what doomed this team to the failures that we have all seen.


    To those of you screaming that the Bills didn't go after an offensive tackles in FA...WHO? Its not like going to the five and dime and picking up a couple. With no collective barginning agreement there were fewer players that were able to test the FA waters. If Buddy Nix had felt there was a tackle he could bring in and be an upgrade over what we had he would have done it IMO. I checked out the FA list when it came out. LT's.....crickets.


    To the sky is falling crowd. Print out a roster of the 4 Bills Super Bowl teams and see how they were built. Six years of good drafting, a handful of free agents and one very good trade made the core of those teams. I trust that in three years Nix will have the Bills as one of the power brokers in the NFL once again.


    I will see you in three years and we will have a little talk. I just don't blieve in trusting someone without legitmate results. Especially, given the Bills prior track record. We really don't have much to go on when judging these guys. A lot of rhetoric, one camp, and a few preseason games. I am not ready to give my blind trust to Nix/Gailey and I certainly think its far too early to call them a success or as you put it power brokers.

  4. In just seven days, the 2010 Buffalo Bills will take the field and try to squish the most foul smelling of fish. With a new season finally upon us, it's time to put an end to all the off-season hysteria and over-analysis. Since the final few weeks of the 2009 season I've been pretty vocal and extremely pessimistic about how far off course this team had strayed. Now that the final roster is set for the 2010 season I think it's time for me to shut the hell up and instead get fired up.


    Yes, it's true that I think that Nix was an uninspired and incestuous hire. Yes it's true that I (still) think the Spiller pick was the wrong move for this team no matter how good he becomes. Yes it's true that this team has so little talent on its roster that 5 undrafted free agents made the final 53 man squad. Yes it's true that this team has horrible depth in the offensive trenches, absolutely zero talent at the RT position and only potential talent at the LT spot. Yes it's true that this WR corps is not only the least experienced unit in the NFL but it also lacks any semblance of a legit number 2 receiver. Yes it's true that Trent Edwards has yet to stay healthy enough to make 16 starts and is unlikely to do so this year because he's more injury prone than a blind man in stampede. Yes it's true that the defense so far has been awful thanks to a total lack of proper 3-4 personnel along the front 7 and without question the worst LB crops in the NFL.


    But you know what? Who cares?! The Bills are 0-0. It's a brand new season, and I'm a fan. The Bills are the only NFL team I've ever rooted for in my life and always will be. Hell, I live in California now but STILL have my season tickets to the Ralph. At the end of the day I'm a fan. And like all fans I want to see my team kick ass on Sunday. Despite all my critiques of this team over the past 9 months, the one thing I've never questioned is the heart of its players. Even the players I've dogged recently have huge hearts and have showed it week in and week out. This team has been punching above its weightclass for a decade now and remaining competitive -- there's no reason to expect that to change this year. And you know what that means?


    It means they have a shot.


    That's what makes sports great. That's what makes football great. "Any given Sunday". So I'm putting all those critiques in a little box and padlocking it. Until this team, this pure and clean 2010 Buffalo Bills team is mathematically eliminated from the playoffs, the homer glasses are going on. So let's get ready to squish some fish!



    Nice post tgreg. I am a vocal critic of the Bills too. Now, it's time to unite forget about who is wrong or right and watch some football. I think the Bills have a good shot at beating the Dolphins. That's the only game I care about right now. GO BILLS!!!!

  5. The OL in its current form is a disaster waiting to happen. Bell is coming back from a torn ACL and hasn't played a full game yet. Levitre will improve, but is strictly a guard/center because he lacks the arm length to handle edge rushers at either tackle position. Hangartner is average and nothing more. Wood has played, but I would bet isn't 100%. Cornell Green is a liability in pass protection and not anyone top notch in run blocking.


    Meanwhile, it's a former GB PS guy as the swing OT, UDFA and rookie Howard backing up the 3 interior OL positions, and Ed Wang who is returning from thumb surgery last month. Yeah, I'd say they're going to make some moves. If they don't add a veteran G and OT, it's negligence on their part. That is, if there's anything worthwhile available.


    Out of 8 OL on the roster as of today, 3 have had a major surgery in the past 9 months. Maybe once and for all people will realize building a backfield without an OL in front of it is recipe for disaster. But hey, it sells tickets!


    Great post Bills vet. I couldn't have said it any more clearly. I would venture to say they already have been neglectful regarding this issue. Yet, the people here tell me Rome wasn't built in one day, we chose to fill other needs first, Spiller doesn't need a great OL due to his speed, Chan will develop a quick 3 step passing game, the Ol isn't that bad, Chan will be innovative and over the OLs shortcomings, etc... There is a kernel of truth in those statements. IMHO our OL will be one of the biggest reasons for the lack of success this season.

  6. You need to relax. You also need to look at the roster. We have Hangartner, Levitre and Wood as the starters inside. Backed up by Cordaro Howard and that's it. Wang can also cover inside but he's still not healthy. I'm no rocket scientist but that lineup doesn't look rock solid to me. I agree that we could use tackles, but the interior of the line is also a concern.


    Good post, we need depth because injuries will happen...I must confess about don't know much about the Max.

  7. This was one of the worst QBs drafts ever. If we keep Brown on PS fine. But I don't really want any QB from this draft.


    Wondering if we will be thinking the same next year? No one knows what next years QB draft board will look like. At the start of last years college season many of us were quite hopeful of the QB's coming out of college. Now after the fact, the 2010 QB draft pool appears weak. Next years might be weak too...Plus, we don't know where we will be drafting and how many QB's will be franchise QB's...Too many variables and I kind of get tired of people assuming or implying next years draft will be an opportunity to draft our franchise QB...

  8. Good Post MPL :thumbsup: --Way to stand your ground!


    I may have to change my 'signature' after all! :blush:


    Thank you. It is not often that may skepticism and critiquing of this organization is seen in a positive light. Nevertheless, I will continue to appropriately voice my opinions without levying insults. We all are entitled to our opinions and that's the beauty of the forum.


    Your screen name is fine. Hehee

  9. Their "decision" was to draft someone other than the guys you wanted them to draft.


    I wish I'd saved the links to all the TSW posters throwing tantrums when the Bills made the "decision" to not address the QB position by passing on Leinart and Quinn. Your argument loses all water because it's based wholly on predictions.


    I don't care what the links have said in the past. Past links do not discredit my point or have any bearing on the future. So your argument has no validity whatsoever. Your logic is seriously flawed.


    Secondly, you have made an incorrect assumption. I wasn't only talking about the draft. I was also referring to picking up free agents and making trades. We have had several opportunities to make a move via the draft, free agency, and trades. Our organization has chosen to go with what we have and Levi Brown/Wang. I find it hard pressed to believe any fan would be satisfied with their decisions. IMHO, at best what an overly optimistic fan can say is "wait until next year because we had to fill other needs." I am tired of waiting...


    My argument does not lose all water as you put it...

  10. Why is it that only your definition of "addressing the QB and OL situations" is legitimate? Because you thought they were going to address it differently than they did, you are correct and they are not? That's so simplistic it's pathetic.


    Is it not "addressing" the QB position if Nix/Gailey evaluated everyone available as a FA or through the draft and determined, "we like what's on our roster better or we'll have to give up too much to get it?" Is it not "addressing" the OT position if Nix/Gailey believe Bell is a legitimate starting LT and a combination of Green/Meredith is sufficient on the right side, or again, that any available upgrade options would come at the expense of being able to do more at other positions?


    These aren't "excuses" for my team -- they're legitimate holes in your reasoning. If you want to say, "the Bills didn't draft an OT until the 5th round and didn't sign any high-profile names in FA" that's fine -- it's a fact. If you think they should have -- well, that's your opinion. What it is NOT, however, is proof they didn't "address" the situation. They just didn't address it in the way you wanted.


    Fair response and you are correct in saying that I am not happy with the team's decisions regarding the QB and OL situation. I would venture to say several Bills have share my viewpoint.


    Note: So much better responding to you when we are both civil and not slinging mud.

  11. That's like saying "I think your point about the sun coming up tomorrow is very valid." There are only so many things an organization can do in ONE FRIGGIN' OFFSEASON.


    Here is my question to you and everyone else reading. When Gailey/Nix took over, how many of us thought the team was going to address the QB and OL situations differently than they did this year? Me - I thought for sure they would acquire via draft/free agency much more than what they did. You can say we have many needs and how can they fill all the voids. Valid but it still doesn't take away from my point that they team choose not to adequately address these two issues. Secondly, come next year will the team address these two issues? I fully expect them too but I fully expected it this year. So what will be your response next year? I suspect you will be saying the same thing. We had to fill the OLB position, we needed a pass rusher, we needed a wide receiver, etc...IMHO, your point doesn't give the Bills an out not to adequately address what many consider two most important positions on the field. Look at what Shanaham and the Skins did. Granted they have an owner that spends wildly and hasn't been effective but IMHO, that approach is dead on. You go ahead make all the excuses you want for this team. I refuse to do that. The Bills had ample opportunities to upgrade both positions and they choose to stay put in wait and see/hope mood. I am am not an expert but that position is one I cannot support as a fan.


    My original point was correct and the person responding to me was correct. Your comment is senseless and baseless. The concern is legit no matter how you spin it.

  12. In this case, shouldn't you wait for the actual games to be played before deciding? We can only judge Gailey based on what he has done here in the last seven months since he was hired by the Bills. According to the players, he has changed the culture around the team to be more in line with what successful coaches have done. That is what gives everyone the positive feeling and hope. Time will tell, whether the Bills were right in hiring Nix and Gailey to run this team. For now, their operation is giving the hope that other well established coaches have done.


    I am encouraged by how the offensive has preformed during the preseason. It has been a vast improvement over the past several years. I will give Gailey credit for that. I will not give Gaily credit for saying the OL preformed poorly....That's just plain silly.


    As for your response back, what would you expect the players to say? Who would dare say the coach stinks? Who dare say things aren't looking good in camp and during the preseason. The players didn't even do this in the Juaron era.


    Has it ever occurred to you that Gailey might just be an average coach made to look better because of our previous poor coaches? Kind of like owning a Pinto for 15 years then you go out and by a 2008 Kia Rio. Of course the Rio is going to look good and your going to be happy. Drive the Rio for a few years and then you will tell what kinda car you have. Why can't we wait a few years and see what we have in this Gailey guy. I am not convinced he is a BMW or a Kia. Right now, my car is parked in the dealer's lot with the sticker price attached. You can go by the car if you like.

  13. I am getting a lot of heat for my previous post. I have read everyone replies and I respect them. Many valid points. If I can I would like to clarify myself. IMHO, I think so many of you are so desperate to have a solid successful coach in Buffalo (including myself) that we will turn anything into a positive. OK he is holing his team accountable for not playing well. Isn't that what 99% of coaches do and should do. Yet, we are patting him on the back for the obvious because we had a previous coach who had a differnt style. I am not going to go on the record and say Jauron didn't hold his players accountable. They players played hard for him and who know what he told them behind closed doors. What a coach says to the media and behind closed door to his players can be two different things. I do admit though Jauron apppeared "soft" to say the least. Not many of us were complaining about Dick boy after his initial hire, after his first season, and when they were 5-1. So now Gailey is hired and suddenly, we all love him. We love his approach, we love his style, we love him for telling us his offensive line sucks and they have to perform better, we love him for the way he walks on the field with such dignity, we love him when he talks to us in the media, we love him for his innovative offensive, we love him for his toughness, this list doesn't stop and the coach hasn't even coached a real game. Now don't get me wrong, I am encouraged by what I see but like I said many times, I need to see more a lot more before I jump on that Gailey bandwagon. I got burned by jumping on the Levy/Jauron bangwagon and the Donahoe/Malacky/Williams bandwagon too. I don't think my position is unrealistic or invalid. I ask what is going to be any different this time around? I refuse to give a coach credit for saying the obvious. As for stating the obvious games are won with a strong offensive line and I doubt many of you would say the Bills OL is strong. This regime missed the obvious...I know many of you will not appreciate my point of view. I repect that and hope you can reply in an appropriate fashion.

  14. At this point, BB is not a starting NFL caliber QB and I seriously doubt he ever will be. I am just glad all that nonsense BB hype seems to be over. TE is our QB and we will have to live with that front office decision. I believe it was a mistake not to sign/draft a QB this year. TE has looked good this preseason and Gailey looks to be as advertised with his innovation play calling even in preseason. This gives me hope but I am afraid TE and the offense won't be able to produce when it counts. With that said, I hope I am wrong. IMHO, preseason or not this is the best our offense has looked in years...

  15. It baffles me how a coach is getting credit for saying how his offensive line performed very poorly? Why should a coach get credit for saying the obvious? Who cares if Jauron would have said that. I think it's time to bury the Jauron comparisons and move on. Can Chan say and do no wrong in your eyes? Instead, I am asking you and coach Gailey/Nix why haven't you done enough to ensure we have a solid OL with good depth? IMHO,some people just miss the big picture...

  16. He is my take. Who cares what he experts or for that matter what anyone here (including myself) really thinks and says. No disrespect intended. Sure it's fun to critique and praise our team and read what others are saying. However, the bottom line is how the Bills perform and that's what really matters. If it makes you feel good to thrown crow at people or have them eat peanuts out of your .... as you put then so be it. I have never really gotten much joy out of saying see I told you so. One exception would be my wife. Hehee. I am new here and I am wondering how much of that "see I told you so attitude" will formulate here? I for one will acknowledge my shortcomings but I will not engage in that immature behavior.

  17. Excuse me...if you're not going to analyze them, how can you criticize them? And by the way, we don't need to assess whether or not those players will work out -- the whole point is that you criticized the Bills for NOT ADDRESSING NEEDS. Those needs were in fact addressed -- it's the end result we don't yet know.



    I start with an open mind; it becomes closed once a person has routinely exhibited a certain type of behavior. I'm sure I'll continue to peruse your posts along the way; if you give me any reason to change my opinion I'll let you know.



    Your splitting hair and talking semantics. Of course the Bills drafted players and addressed needs. That's what a draft is...If you reread my post the whole theme of the post was regarding the Spiller pick. That pick clearly wasn't an address the team needs pick. Clearly, it was the BPA which has merit if the pick couldn't be traded. SO not addressing the needs was referring to that pick as well as IMHO picking Wang and Levi Brown. I have a hard time believing either pick will amount to anything substantial. You turned the argument into a macro viewpoint on the Bills whole draft. Once again, you are distorting the facts and I am here to correct you. I must say this causes me much pleasure. Also, in case you haven't noticed, people don't always reply to every single point of a person's post, comment, or question. Just like you did with my post. You choose to address two out of six points. Should I "hammer" you for not replying to all my points in my post?


    With me you have never had an open mind. Your close minded attitude is loud and clear. I really could careless but don't try to take the high road now. Many posters have given me compliments on my change of behavior and solid logical posts. You seem to be stuck in the past and look to go on the offensive anytime you can. In fact, I would venture to say you go trolling looking to call someone a troll. Talk about hypocrisy...


    Have a great day and lets hope the Bills can make a playoff appearance soon.

  18. First -- sarcasm is my thing. Get over it.


    Second -- I see Leonidas and CarolinaBill were finally able to drag it out of you that if the Bills stayed at #9, Spiller appears to have been a pick even you would have made.


    Third -- you failed to respond to any of my other points. You certainly ARE trying to play armchair GM by criticizing what the Bills did, and your response is a complete cop out because you don't propose any sort of an alternative other than a vague "I would have done it differently." You propose trading down like it's as simple as Buddy picking up the phone and selecting his preferred spot.


    It is so EASY (and lazy) to sit back and critique others when you are not in their shoes. I've done it myself, and it's wrong. At least four times in your various responses to this thread you've used the words "none of us know the answer" or something to that effect, yet you have no problem saying the Bills did it the wrong way. I don't find you to be particularly credible because I still believe you're a troll masquerading as a Bills fan. After the first preseason game you made the ridiculous assertion that Chan Gailey should be embarrassed. That's the kind of statement I'd expect from a troll just trying to rile people up. At least the other overly critical posters around here state their cases with some basis in logic. I may not agree, but I understand where they're coming from and what they would do differently. And they've been around long enough that I KNOW they love the Bills.


    (1) Sarcasm can ofter be viewed as being rude and offensive. This is clearly the case with regards to me. Your response back is "to get over it." My response back to you is character counts...


    (2) My premise on not selecting Spiller was to trade the pick and get valuable draft picks while selecting someone like NT Dan Williams, Davis, Buluga, Morgan, Etc...I don't think it is hard to understand and I do think it has validity.


    (3) I puposely didn't address all of you questions. I am not going to analyze all of the Bills draft choices and free agency pick ups. It is far too early to know how successful any of the selections and pick ups will be. Plus, many of those issues have been talked about over and over on this board. (ie) is Wang really a viable solution to our LT needs. How can one talk about solutons after the fact with no knowledge of the facts? Yet, you are expecting me to answer an impossible question.


    (4) You talk about me judging and critiqing the Bills front office decisions. You state how it is wrong to do so. Nothing is further from the truth. That is exactly what fans do? That is the major function of these forums. As a fan, I have the right to critque and applaud my team! To an extent, aren't we all armchair QBs and on draft day and afterwards aren't we all armchair GMs? How can you try to take that away from me or anyone else? You are dead wrong on this issue...I suspect you were just trying to discredit me. Well, I think you failed miserbly.


    (5) I think the troll comment is doing you a disservice. The troll comment doesn't mean everything you have said is crediable and everything I say isn't. The troll comment isn't an end all. You talk about my comment on Gailey after the Skins game. (I stand by the comment to this day.) Why haven't you talked about my positive comments after the Indy and Cinci game? You are distorting the facts. That doesn't fit into your troll theory. Go ahead and distort the facts all you want. I will correct you as needed.


    (6) I suspect you will never be able to read my post with an open mind and put your personal differences aside. That is the difference between you and myself. The evidence is furthered by you implying/questioning my love for the Bills. IMHO, your behavior is simply inexcusable and your crediability is nill.


    Have a great day.

  19. So you would have traded down no matter what, potentially getting next to no value for the #9 overall pick? Do you remember Mangini having the worst draft day performance in 2009 since Mike Ditka circa 1999, going home with a center, some bust WR, and a bunch of Jets' scrubs? Oh yeah, Erik Ainge was certainly worth trading down 18 spots.


    Technically, yes, you answered the question. I even like the idea of trading down. But in this scenario it's not an answer because you don't know what the market was out there for the pick. I'll tell you what - knowing now who was looking to trade up (San Diego, Philly) and more importantly what they were willing to give up to do so, tell us what trade you would have made and what selection you would have made. Fair?


    I didn't say that. IMHO, I believe we could have gotten fair value for trading the pick. Of course, nobody here really knows the answer.


    I am not going to get into a long drawn out senario of who we could have traded with and for whom and so on ...That is a question none of us can answer with any validity or certainty. So I will not even attempt to anwer that.


    My point is I didn't like the pick because we already have two very solid RB's. Sure Spiller looks good and I am very excited to see him play.

  20. That's a cop-out. He asked you who would you have picked, you say you would have moved down. But it takes two to tango. Would someone have taken the #9 pick off your hands? Certainly. But unless someone is looking to move up you won't get value for the pick. Remember Cleveland the year before trading down and trading down? They had the #5 overall pick, they went home with a center and a bunch of scrubs STers from the NYJ. This "I firmly believe the pick could have been traded" is bull ****. Man up and say who you wanted if it wasn't Spiller. McClain was drafted ahead of our pick tough guy so that one is out. If Davis was your guy then say so. Same goes for Morgan, Bulaga (a terrible pick at #9, IMO), or Williams (ditto this). I wasn't crazy about picking a RB first either but if you really are drafting for value then it's the right pick. Reach for need and you're spinning your wheels. But don't tap dance around the question - man up and call it as you see it.


    I did answer the question! I would have traded the pick , dropped down in the first round and select one of the guys I mentioned. Perhaps, you didn't like my answer but I answered the question.

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