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Posts posted by mpl6876

  1. '"We can be a good football team, but we're not right now, and we have to get there," Really? Seriously? Thanks for that, we had no clue there Phillips, errr williams, errr Mularkey, errr Jauron.


    What else do you want the guy to say?


    Well "sorry Bills fans I vastly underestimated how bad will really were." I thought I could work my magic with Trent Edwards and now I can see I was wrong." I though I could make this team tough and instill a winning attitude." I thought I would be able to have solid games plans that would hide our lack of talent." I didn't think our offense line was that bad."

  2. Forming a conclusion on anything related to the Bills after two games is at best premature, at worst ignorant. The two teams they Bills have played so far have been solid, playoff caliber teams. Could the Bills have looked better, sure. They're learning an entirely new system and it's clear that they're struggling. Heaping all the blame on Edwards or Gailey s is the easy thing to do if you want to be a lemming. The reality is Edwards hasn't performed well but the OL has performed even WORSE. Even the guys that were solid last year seem to be struggling a bit. When you're in a max protect scheme and the defense rushes three and still gets to the QB then your problems are much greater than just the QB. At this point, it won't matter what players or plays Gailey uses if they won't execute.


    Clearly you do enjoy being "right". Congratulations! The Bills suck and you win NOTHING.


    I have been reading your post for quite a long time here. All you post have been way off and you have been flat out wrong. Your obviosuly living in a bubble when it comes to this team. Maybe you should listen to what I have to say. Wake the F up and smell the coffee.


    Your right about one thing the Bills do suck and I do win nothing. So what's your point. My point is everything you have posted has been flat out wrong. Sit back and listen to some more educated fans before you try to sling mud my way. I get no enjoyment out of watching my team lose. I could careless about being right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Suppose you will make excuses after we lose to the Pats and Jets too.

  3. Yeah I remember the "talk". But where were you when I was trying to bring those dreamers back to Earth with my realistic (perhaps a tad sarcastic) comments to their lofty posts predicting the Bills to go 10-6-0 and make the playoffs?? :lol:


    I can't remind them now that I was just trying to tell them not to expect such great things back then, because now I am just this negative Bills-hater who only wants to say "I told you so." That's B.S. - I love the Bills, they have been my only favorite NFL team since I was 9 years old going to games with my Dad at War Memorial Stadium! Of course I do not "hate the Bills."


    The only thing I hate is the amazing lack of talent across the board my favorite team has this season.

    And I'm not thrilled with Gailey or G. Edwards coaching of these talentless players either. At least Gailey committed to the run and had the Bills very much in the game until the horrible 3rd quarter. As for our defensive coordinator, G. Edwards, he coached like a fool from the 2nd half kick off on. All this talk of how great his secondary is must have gotten to his head, because he didn't blitz more then just a few times the entire 2nd half. Nice job George, I'm sure Rogers and his receivers appreciated that as they blew a close game wide open with easy completed passes all over the place!


    And oh by the way, when will G. Edwards decide to come up with a "scheme", "package" or "alignment" that has someone, anyone, cover a tight end 15 to 20 yards down the field???? :wallbash::censored:


    The rest of this lost 2010 season, if I were Chan Gailey, this is what I would do:

    1) Cut Trent Edwards today.

    2) No matter the opponent, their defensive "packages and schemes" they use, or the circumstance during each game, I would make it mandatory for the offense to run at least 35 - 40 times per game, and allow my other two talentless QB's left on the roster to only throw 10-15 passes.

    3) On defense, I would blitz and then after that, blitz some more. If all else fails, then I would just blitz.


    As we compete for that coveted number one drat choice next April, I figure at least we would kick some butt physically since we cannot match up talent-wise!!


    I was right here giving my opinions on how crappy we were going to be. I got tortured for my less than opitimistic views. I can't say that I now feel vindicated because I wanted nothing more than to be wrong and have the Bills kick asss.

  4. Why do fans HAVE to be patient? Just because we are fans of the inept and bumbling Buffalo Bills? Why can other teams and their fans get treated to their teams going from crappy to decent/good in a year?


    Oh yeah, because we refuse to acquire a coach and a quarterback.


    Washington made themselves over from a Billslike pushover to instantly competitive with the best teams in the NFL by using free agency as a tool to improve, bringing in a proven, respected NFL caliber head coach and quarterback. Easy breezy.


    But we HAVE to be patient, because we are a bad organization top to bottom, and the bad organizations can only catch lightning in a bottle and luckbox a good team once every 50 years or so.


    What we are is the Kansas City Royals, using our games to shop our players to other teams while playing what only loosely resembles football.


    And we just sit and take it because we are just so gosh darn lucky that we even have an NFL team, because everyone knows deep down inside that Buffalo is the absolute worst city with an NFL franchise.


    And Trent Beiber is an embarrassment. A disgusting, pathetic, emo embarrassment.


    It'll start getting real fun around here when everyones hilarious "we are going to shock the world! Playoffs baby!" threads are unearthed.


    Anyone going to hold the organization accountable, or are you just going to keep bowing your head in thanks and try not to make any waves because you know Buffalo doesn't deserve a team in the first place.


    Thank you sir, can I have some more?


    Also, about the only thing I have any patience for on this abortion of a team is C.J. Spiller. He is the only player that has a chance of being an NFL-caliber superstar. We know all of the other players stink already.


    Years ago the Saints fans wore paper bags over their heads. Maybe we can organize such a things amoung our fans. A sign of soilidairty and holding this team accountable for their actions. If nothing else it might make us feel better.

  5. It's not the game plan. What a joke! It's the players my friend, specifically the offensive line and the quarterback. I have no loyalty or "passion" for Chan Gailey.


    In fact, here we go




    They sucked before DJ and CG. They have sucked mainly because they can't find a high quality quarterback and some average offensive lineman.


    If DJ was the coach of the Colts they would still win 10 games every year.


    I agree with the premise of your post. A coach needs talented players in key positions to win. Posters have responded to this by telling me how important the coaching position is. Their position is valid as well because coaching does make a difference. In the end, a successful team needs talented players and good coaching. After two games, the Bills seem to possess niether.

  6. As others have said, this is really a silly thread. CJ is on a really bad offensive team which has done very little to assist him in being successful. Additionally, he hasn't gotten the touches that Best has had. The Lions are a pretty good offensive team. Their problem is mostly their defense. I suspect if Spiller was on the Lions his numbers would be even better than Best's.


    I have been vocal in my discontent of the Bills. However, in this case, I don't believe Spiller should be getting slammed.

  7. It is simple. We have more posters than ever before. They are quick to jump the gun and say so much, I mean, look at the thread on game day, 10000 threads on the same subject. There were 4 threads today on Clay Matthews play in the span of 2 hours. Many feel that quantity is more than quality and due to that content suffers. I post some times, more often than I should, but I try to make concise points. I probably fail at this more than succeed when my emotion gets ahold of me because I am that tied up in the Buffalo Bills.


    But back to the OP and thread, I cannot believe that any organization would cut a QB of Edwards calibre in a season and no team would ever do it. It would send a message but that message would probably backfire. I think Gailey is discovering a team that is disenfranchised, content with the losing attitude, and a team that has no identity. He rode in and like any headcoach was thinking "ok, I can really do something with this." That's how coaches think, good or bad. In two games he has found that this is a team that is full of "losers." Guys that do not know what it is like to win, who have no leaders, no soul. Gailey is in the middle of the ocean with a boat full of guys who just simply do not know what to do. Our team is flat and not playing at their full potential. This is not soley a coaching issue, this is an organizational issue. It will take a team to fix it, from the front office to the benchwarmers, we need to find an identy, we need to find discontent in losing. I Billieve things will get better and like everyone else I am hurting, but simply put, there are too many fingers pointing in too many ways to point blame in one direction. I hate calling anything a failure so I will call this misrepresentation of football.


    Jboy, Really solid post. I share in your pain.

  8. I wanted to trade the pick. However, assuming no trade could have been made, I am OK with the pick. The guy has immense talent and thus far he has not been able to showcase his talent due to the Bills poor offensive unit.


    Can you imagine how good this guy could be on a team like the saints? IMHO, Drew Brees couldn't even do much with the team we have in place now.

  9. You need to relax a little bit. What would you have predicted the score of this game to be? Totally a lot closer? Green bay's home opener? Doubtful. We need to be objective of the team this year, especially only two weeks in.. Expect the team to improve week after week rather than come out like they were shot out of a cannon


    Actually, I predicted Packers 41 Bills 17. I am a realist and I expected very little from this team. My main point which you may have missed is that people here weren't objective and they slammed so many posters who were. I am wondering where those posters went?


    What is improvement to you? I thought we upgraded the coaching position but thus far I have seen nothing that indicates this to be true.


    Oh, by the way, I am very relaxed.

  10. None of this mess is Chan Gailey's fault. he has inherited a team low on talent, and suffering from a personality disorder.


    People an complain, but what would YOU do? The best anyone can come up with is "Put in Brian Brohm, that's what I would do!". There's nothing that can be done right now.


    Not too long ago, there were all kind of fans here telling us how this team was going to surprise everyone, Gailey would be so innovative and creative on offense, our young guys would perform well, Gailey would have success with TE, Troup would be a monster in the middle, our three headed monster RB crew and the electricfying CJ Spiller, our solid secondary would create many ints, etc...


    Now, fans here are singing another tune. It's not Gailey's fault as you put it. A few weeks ago he was supposed to be the savior? True he has crap to work with and when realistic fans like myself stated this we received a ration of shite. I recall saying on several occassions we needed a QB, OL, WR, LB, run stopper, and a pass rusher. It was cystal clear and many of us were able to objectively look at the facts. Any media member who stated the obvious were bashed by the posters here. Now, all thos posters are in hiding. This board has never been so quiet. I give credit to those who have admitted their irrational point of view was incorrect. I get no enjoyment out of being correct in my assessment of the Bills. I am so upset that I allowed myself to believe some of your delusional points of view. It has only made my pain worse. That is my fault.


    Gailey has looked anything but impressive and I refuse to give him a free pass. You can if you like. Thus far Gailey receives a big fat "f" grade. This organization is pathetic!

  11. I love this board but I make it a point to avoid it as much as possible this week. The same goes for the minor league media coverage here. And believe it or not, not just just listening to constant negativity didn't put me in a crappy mood all week.


    I'm about as optimist of a Bills fan as there is. But even I didn't think we were going to the playoffs. The key to the season was to see a growth in our offense and getting comfortable with a new defense. After the Washington preseason opener, people were jumping off bridges. However, the team improved throughout the rest of the preseason games.


    Last week sucked but the key now is to see improvement. No ones expects the Bills to win but there are a lot of key things to look for.


    1) Run defense - Last year, we ranked 30th in average ypa at 4.7. Against a very good running team in Miami, we gave up 3.7. That's a great start in the first game of new defense.


    Additionally, this week becomes doubly important. If the Bills can stuff Brandon Jackson and make GB nervous about their backs going forward, Lynch's value to them goes up. This could be very interesting.


    2) Pass defense - They looked like one of the best secondaries last year. This is about as big of a test as there will be this year besides Brady and the Pats. We shut down Brees last year, so we could make things hard for Rodgers as well.


    3) Oline - I was at the game so I didn't get to watch it very carefully. I do know that Green should be cut. But for the rest of the oline, there is a lot of youth and run for growth.


    4) CJ Spiller - Got his first taste being game planned against. I believe after his first 7 carries, Chris Johnson had 1 yard or something before going off. The sign of a great player is not having 2 bad games in a roll.


    5) Chan the man - He admitted he didn't get the job done (though I think the QB didn't allow the plan to work all the team either). But given his reputation, he needs to make adjustments and get a better offense together.


    So I'm not ready to cancel the season just yet. I think if this team improves throughout the year, we will all feel much better and hopefully we will get our new QB a good situation to step into.


    Glad to hear from you again biscuit. I usually don't agree with you but it's always inviting to see your alternative viewpoints.


    (1) Run defense looked good. Wondering how much of that had to do with Miami's poor passing attack? Nevertheless, encouraging since we haven't been able to stop a team's running attack in years.


    (3) Funny how we can all see how Green really sucks. If I recall correctly, many fans here were on board saying Green was a decent RT. Wondering if they still feel the same way? Kudos for Nix, the great talent evaluator at San Diego. I saw the game and I am here to tell you the OL sucked. They got pushed around and manhandled by the Fins. No other way to put it. Little pass protection and no running lanes were created. Grade F. You bet the OL is young and have room to grow. No where but to go up after that debacle.


    (4) CJ Spiller, Chris Johnson, Adrian Peterson, etc wouldn't have been effective running the ball with that kind of blocking and the Fins stacking the line. We will see this all season long. Our running backs have little chance of being successful with our inadequate QB, OL, and WR. It is easy to game plan against the Bills offense. Funny how so many posters here told me how Gailey would be prepared for the other teams stacking the line. Game one over and he was clueless, made little effective adjustments, and maybe he has realized the lack of talent he possses especially at the QB and OL positions. Wake up Chan and show us something.


    (5) Chan the man? Chan the man looked like a little lost sheep on the sidelines. His reputation was that of an innovative offensive minded coach. I saw nothing of the sort. He was out coached and very "Juaron like" in his opening game. I couldn't have been more shocked at his lack of preparation and creativity. His grade was an "F." He no longer deserves a "free pass." I remember a poster here from GT telling us that Gailey wasn't that good and the fans of GT weren't impressed by his coaching skills. Maybe we all should have listened to him.


    Winning games this season. Most of the experts and posters here have been saying how bad we were gonna be. Many of you failed to face the truth and instead chose to believe each others unrealistic viewpoints. When other here tried to offer a differing opinion it was often met with some kind of troll comment. You stated in your post "no one expects the Bills to win." Well, Biscuit, I beg to differ with you. Lots of people on this board expected the Bills to win. Perhaps some still do? Remember all the predictions? Bills 10-6 and 9-7/playoff bound, shock the NFL, first or second in the division, etc...You too had high expectations of this team. Now, the tone has suddenly changed from winning to lets hope for improvements. Funny, how so many posters have gotten tortured for having a similiar viewpoint during camp and preseason...

  12. Nix has already made some huge mistakes in my view...


    The first was stating he was going to get some sleep as free agency began... then ignoring the LT position and bringing in RT Cornell Green, how in the world do the Bills quantify giving him 3 million a year?


    The second was ignoring the O line in the draft again this year, more specifically both tackle positions. Trading away Jason Peters wasn't his fault, not even trying to replace him this year was his fault.


    The third he could have kept Perry Fewell as HC and hired Chan as OC, less jobs to cover for Chan might have given him more time to spend with the QB's, and actually help them.





    I happen to like Chan Gailey, I just wonder how many games he will need to lose before he is fired this year... 6-8-10? The more games he loses the more people will remember that Marty S really wanted the Bills HC job.


    After watching that home opener against the Dolphin I can only wonder if Nix now knows he made mistakes regarding the LT-RT-WR-OLB Also, I can only wonder should the Bills go 1-15 will BOTH Nix and Gailey get the axe...


    Solid post. I believe Nix's decisions have been questionable to say the least. Many fans here seem to give him the benifit of doubt because of his success in San Diego. Thus far, I am less than impressed with NIX. You have vailidly pointed out several of his questionable decisions.


    I firmly believe Gailey has too much on his plate. The first game seemed to bare this out. IMO, Gailey looked out coached and overwhemled. I wish he would have hired an experienced offensive coordinator. Now, he has to play head coach and offensive coordinator. Not a great receipe for winning. I am not so sure about keeping Fewell as our head coach. I think he is a solid DC though.


    I really would have loved to see Marty coach this team. I am in San Diego and I loved the way he coached his team in the regular season. He is tough nosed, solid, and experienced which is something this Bills team needed. INHO, a definite upgrade to Gailey. Also, I believe Marty would have had a much better supporting cast than Gailey. Marty's problems arise once his team reaches the playoffs. He tends to coach very conservatively which has led his teams to early unexpected playoff losses. The fans here in SD call it "Marty Ball." IMHO, I don't really care about that because I am straving for a Bills playoof apppearance and I would have taken my chances with Marty.


    Lets see what this new regime can do. I suspect tomorrow isn't going to be a bright spot on this new regime's progress. I wonder how long our confidence and patience will last...

  13. I think the kid could really be something special. Initially, I hated the pick but now I am OK with the pick. I think the real issue is the OL, QB, and WR issues. I really couldn't see any running back in the league being more than moderately successful with the Bills. Our running backs really don't stand much of a chance to be very successful without a solid OL, solid QB and WR who can keep the opposing defenses honest. Until then, teams will continue to stack the box and stop our running attack and force us to beat them with the pass. IMHO, it isn't difficult to game plan against us. In short, our runner backs have the odds stacked against them, including Spiller. We need to become more balanced in order to showcase Spiller's talents. Until then, we will only see spurts of greatness. Just my two cents.

  14. If you are familiar with my posts, this may shock you, but I'm willing to admit there is a chance that Trent Edwards is not the absolute worst starting quarterback in NFL.


    Sanchez and Moore both looked very bad, and stand to give Edwards a solid run for his money in the quest to be the NFL's worst.


    I still think there is a very good chance Trent will be the undisputed champion of bad quarterbacking by year's end, but if Sanchez or Moore takes home the title and Trent only gets a podium place it wouldn't really surprise me.


    Splitting hairs BB. I could careless if he is or isn't the worst NFL QB. He stinks no matter where you have him on your list. Enough said.

  15. Well with the first week of the NFL season in the bag, which team do you suppose finished with the lowest number of total offensive yards?


    Hint: It's not the Patriots.


    Are you talking about Gailey's magical wizard like offense? Mr. innovative, guru, great offensive scheme, fantastic play caller coach?

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