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Posts posted by mpl6876

  1. On both sides of the ball. Defensively and Offensively i KNOW that we'll improve. Considering that this was our first real game as a 34 unit, i think our guys did well. As for the offense, we all know what happened. No one looked good. But i guarantee you it wont be as bad next week, but i still expect a loss. I see a lot of potential for our D, and if our offense can somehow get it together, we can be a dangerous team. Lets wait and see what happens, but i think that this team will only go up, and comepte somewhere in the near future. Go Bills!


    Wow, that was a tough read. There is no evidence whatsoever that this team is going to improve on either side of the ball. Cannot believe you actually imply we can be a dangerous team? You have to be kidding me.


    I am all full posters being positive but this is over the top.

  2. On the contrary it is entirely HIS fault


    We were all mislead by that dog one of us you dog all of us talk, and the last 3 preseason games where Trent showed he could be effective.


    The thing is... the Dolphins hired one of the very best 3-4 defensive coordinators in the NFL in Mike Nolan, he didn't show his hand at all in the preseason and let his defense's play some basic schemes to get them ready. Then let all hell loose on Edwards and that crappy O line.


    Gailey should have been prepared for his receivers to be jammed at the line and knocked out of those 3 second timing routes, he should have been prepared for the constant run blitzes and the that can also hurry the QB leaving him no time to throw, and the spying on CJ Spiller that left him no running to the outside.


    We all knew that Edwards has been trained to run for his life by the jackass Jauron, that is nothing new... what we were all lead to believe is that a great RB can make an O line look good...WRONG! That those quick outs and slants and 3 second drop backs can open up the passing game and running game...WRONG! Where was the innovation? Where was the offensive guru? Where was the offensive mastermind who could out game plan-out scheme- coach up the QB's and O line?




    The Bills face Dom Capers and another 3-4 defense up in Green bay, and yet another 3-4 in New England with Bill Belichick, lets see how safe his job is then shall we....


    Rabbit, I agree with everything you have said with the exception of fully blaming Gailey. I gave him a grade of a "F" for his performance on Sunday. IMHO, he looked unprepared, bewildered, outclassed, out coached, and uninspired on the sidelines. I do hold him accountable for losing. However, the players need to be held accountable too. Lastly, a coach needs "players" to win and we don't have them on our roster.


    This was my earlier response to another poster.


    Correct that we don't have the players and less than talented players will have problems with execution. They go hand and hand. However, to say coaching isn't a problem is being generous. You could be correct but to this point I see little evidence based on the only game that counted that our coaching staff is solid and not problematic. IMHO, Gailey gets a big fat "F" grade for his performance yesterday.

  3. It easily could have been a +20 point blowout loss if some dolphin defenders could actually hold on to the balls thrown right to them


    The next 2 games will be +20 point blow out losses or worse, if Edwards and that O line plays like they did against the Dolphins at GB and NE it could be duel 40+ blow out losses


    I agree with most of the grades this time around, with the exception of the defense which kept the game close.


    0-4 after Miami-GB-Pats-Jets...I wonder if Gailey will still have a job


    As usual I concur, Gailey's job is safe for now. Too soon to chop his head off after one poor game. I wasn't impressed with the hire and then during preseason I started to believe this guy was something special. After yesterday, my hopes diminished quickly. It was silly of me to believe all the hype on here. My common sense seemed to go right out the window. Well, it was fun to have that glimmer of hope even if it were for about one quarter.


    Not sure what the heck Gailey was thinking and not sure he can even come close to rectifying the situation. It's not all his fault, but I expected a lot more from him. I guess the GT fans wouldn't be surprised.


    It's gonna be a long season Rabbit.

  4. in the 4th quarter. In a continuation of a discussion from a few weeks ago regarding the coin toss, deferment, and the third quarter choice of which endzone to defend, why would the Bills choose to kick with the wind in the 3rd quarter? Think of all the crucial kicking plays that occurred in the 4th quarter and how the wind affected the outcome. Word of advice to Chan, it is normally windy near the lakeshore in WNY. Sometimes it is very windy. When playing close games in windy conditions, it is best to have that advantage in the 4th quarter when you are playing the endgame of either trying to hold a lead or make a comeback. It mattered yesterday.


    Jesse, with all due respect we didn't lose the game because of the wind...

  5. I cant believe Trentative Checkwards is our QB for another year. He flat out sucks. I couldnt get a close glimpse of any of our receivers on the tv screen in HD because they never got the ball. What kills me the most is that he has no pocket presence and wont ever step up to deliver the ball. Trent cant deliver intermediate routes to save his life. His eyes are always keying on where hes going with the ball that makes defenses almost pick him for two of the easier pick 6's if they had just caught the ball!

    Trent is not close to being a pro QB in this league. Where's J.P. when you need a 15 yard pass on 3rd and 15? Oh Trent will throw it but it wont go pass the sticks! Hello? It shows that he played volleyball and not football in high school.

    There's blame that our O-Line sucks. Well our Qb sucks much much much worse.


    There is a reason why T Owens and the other Bills players rallied around Fitz last year. That should tell us fans a mouthful. Players know players. Obviously, Gailey must have missed that part of the Bills season.

  6. I am not defending Gailey just saying he is a better coach than Jauron. With your post you proved my point that Gailey is nothing like Jauron in personality, philosophy and play calling. Its obvious Gailey is set on implementing his long term scheme both offensive and defensively. At this time the personnel is not present to execute his plan. We need to draft a quarterback and linebackers for the 3-4 for Gailey's long term plan to become sucessful.


    First off, saying Gailey is better than Jauron isn't much of a compliment in my book. Secondly, after seeing Gailey perform when it counted I am not convinced he is better. He probably is but his performance on Sunday was pretty bad. So bad it can be validly compared to a DJ performance. Secondly, I do blame the coaching staff for thinking TE and these OL can be effective and win games against quality opponents. I blame the regime for not addressing these issues. Make all the excuses you want. The facts are this regime did not to address these issues! The Redskins did and their season looks promising. Ours on the other hand looks bleak. Also, you failed to mention the OL problems. This team has so many holes it isn't funny. I don't see us being 500 or better for years to come. We need a LT, RT, WR, LB's, QB, DE pass rusher, maybe a NT. How the heck are we going to be any better next year? Way too many holes to fill next year. Isn't that the excuse this year? We got the BPA in Spiller, we got Troup filled NT position, we got Callaway/Wang/Easley, picked up Green who is going to be an adequate RT, Rome wasn't built in a year, Gailey will get this offense to click and be productive, etc....


    I saw nothing to conclude this team is on the right track. In fact, I think the players and coaches haven't a clue on how to win football games. Nothing was more evident then that yesterday. The team's performance from players to coaching staff was terrible. I am disgusted... Next week won't be any better...

  7. Personnel and execution are the problems, not coaching. He's up to it, but he may not have the key personnel for a year or two.

    Correct that we don't have the players and less than talented players will have problems with execution. They go hand and hand. However, to say coaching isn't a problem is being generous. You could be correct but to this point I see little evidence based on the only game that counted that our coaching staff is soild and not problematic. IMHO, Gailey gets a big fat "F" grade for his performance yesterday.

  8. I don't blame Trent for the loss, I place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the worst offensive line play I have ever witnessed. There is not one guy in this group that could start anywhere else in the league right now period. When they blocked a little by accident, we scored. The rest of the time Trent and anyone else with the football in his hands behind the line of scrimmage ran for his life. No amount of talent in either the RB position, or QB position can perform effectively under that much constant duress period.


    This is not a surprise, nor should it be to anyone with any football knowledge, the front office did not do anything to improve this area of need, which you can't blame either. They focused on upgrading defense and drafted an offensive talent which was sorely needed. Spiller might very well be the next Thurman Thomas, and I am willing to accept the drawbacks of not drafting an OT instead, I think Spiller will be worth it. I saw enough on the defensive side of the ball in one game that gives me hope for the future of this team.


    No doubt our OL played like poop. However, TE has to take much of the blame as well. He played like poop too. He doesn't even remotely know how to play under pressure and has little ability to create/extend plays like the good qbs do. There is plenty of blame to go around and TE shouldn't be let off scott free.


    I must admit that I was more worried about our defense than our offense. WOW, was I ever wrong. Offensive showed us nothing and the defense was decent. I can't help but to wonder was the defense ok because we were playing the inept offensively challenged Dolphins? There pass offense really looked bad. For me, the jury is still out on the defense. I am not convinced that we our a solid defensive team. Wonder how the D is going to look against the Packers?

  9. I realize we're all busy talking about how much Trent sucks and how bad a QB is but lets not overlook the dismal effort yesterday on the ground.


    We had FIFTY FREAKING YARDS rushing the ball. Our QB had twice as many yards rushing as our starting running back who also happened to be our #1 draft pick. That my friends is just dismal.


    We can survive a season with Edwards being a dismal QB, we can't survive if we can't gain more that fifty measly freaking yards on the ground.


    Mike it is due to a weak offensive line and good game planning by the fins. They stacked the box like all us of knew teams would do. Heck, it has been working for years against us. There is no secret on how to beat this team. Gailey doesn't have the players and he didn't have an effective game plan to counter the box being stacked. The nightmare continued yesterday. In retrospect, we as fans shouldn't be surprised as to what happened. You can make all the excuses you want, the fact is this regime failed to address two very critical components to winning football games which is the QB and OL positions. Nothing was more evident than that yesterday. Gailey has gotten the benefit of doubt with many posters here. Many of you have talked him up to be some great offensive minded coach. Well, I didn't even see a remote kernel of truth of that yesterday. I dare to say it was a "DJ like" performance from a coaching and play calling and game planning effort. I never did jump on the bandwagon but I was starting to believe maybe we found the "diamond in the rough." After one game the benefit of doubt has shifted and now this coach must prove to me he is able to deliver some wins to us the deserving fans. Yesterday was utterly disappointing...

  10. Agreed...no need to panic yet. This is a work in progress and we can't expect perfection overnight.


    Gailey has the experience. I doubt he was "nervous" as one poster put it. I've said before that we'll know what we have in 3-4 weeks. We shouldn't have expected miracles on opening day. Now let's see how the coaches adjust and how the players take it.


    I didn't expect mircles. I did expect coach Gailey to have a very soild innovative offensive game plan. I expected Gailey to make calls that adhanced our chances for success. Instead, I saw a coach that appeared to be out manuvered and outmanned. I think Gailey must now realize how bad his offensive line and QB really are. Sad thing is many of us already knew. Perhaps his ego got in the way.

  11. NOT


    I knew we had upgraded (at least a little) from Dick Jauron at the end of the first half when we were still trying to score. NFW Jauron tries to push the ball up the field for a long FG try. It didn't work - it won't always - but it will never work until you try, Dick.


    Your entitled to your viewpoint. I was extremely disappointed with Gailey's game plan and play calling. It was anything but impressive and innovative. Offensively, I diddn't see any major changes from last year. That is saying a mouthful.

  12. If your grades were somewhat indicitive of how the game went, they wouldve blown us out. But it was only a 5 point loss. Please just stop with these "positional ranking" posts.


    I really could careless how much we lost by. INHO, it felt like a 20 point loss. I never really felt like we were going to win the game. IMHO, it felt like we played not to win but not to lose by a lot.


    I am ok with the breakdown in grades. I see nothing wrong with it.

  13. Nobody on here seems to be talking about our horrendous O-Line and TEs. They can't block for ****. And we all knew this was gonna be the case, too. No assessment of Chan's playcalling, Trent's poise, our receivers' ability to get open, our inept running game, etc. etc. is worth a crap if we don't include the O-Line being completely out of its league out there. Just my two cents.


    It is funny how you say that. I couldn't agree with you more. However, many people here including myself were bashed by others here when we questioned the OL's abiltity, questioned the new regime's lack of upgrading these positions, questioned our players lack of talent. Now, one game is the books and nothing is more evident than our lack of talent on our OL. Guess, we will here from the eternal optimists that is it only one game?

  14. Remember the first preseason game we got spanked against the redskins. I think Chan learned from his mistakes and fixed the offense and defense to be more competitive the next week. I think he might be able to do it again next week against Green bay. I think we can give green bay a run for there money if we play to our strengths. I am not saying we will beat Green bay but if Chan is the real deal he will learn from his mistakes. Hopefully Chan will turn the offense around and make it respectable. Im going to say 24-17 green bay. Thoughts.


    What mistakes did Chan Gailey make?

  15. Let's try to move on.


    What can we expect from from the Bills? I don't feel it is right to throw in the towel after one game. However, I find myself hard pressed to see lots of future success with this years team. Enough of the bickering and banting back and forth from the optimists vs the pessimists. It gets kinda old and the I told you so thing doesn't accomplish anything.


    So I ask what can we reasonably expect out of this team this year? I know it is a "loaded" question and subject to vast interpretation.


    I am expecting 3-5 wins, improvements from Roscoe Parrish and Chris Elis, a more complex innovative offensive game plan, lack of progress from Maybin, Spiller to have some big plays mostly during "garbage time" when the game is over, an OL that struggles throughout the whole year, our LB's will contiune to struggle, solid secondary play with less interceptions than last year, poor QB play throughtout the year with Fitz and BB getting their chance to be effective. None of the QB's will be effective due to the poor OL play and lack of receiving threats. Teams will continue to stack the box and squat on the short routes as did the Dolphins. The posters here on the board had the answers when I posed this question. Gailey and our Buffalo Bills had no answer or effective counter moves. One thing that I did notice is the team was much more disciplined and I expect more of the same. I think it is going to be a really long year. I really was looking forward to watching some entertaining football. IMHO, this game was frustrating and very discouraging. One game down and 15 to go. Lets hope things get better.


    Just my two cents. Wondering what you guys think?

  16. Everyone blames the QB because he is the focal point of any offense


    In truth it was the entire offense that failed, The QB..the O line, the head coach with a bad game plan, bad play calls, bad scheme, bad protections


    I think Gailey is trying to do to many jobs as HC and OC


    The team still needs 2 tackles, a decent blocking TE


    Good point Rabbit, it was a poor showing on many accounts. TE played scared and looked very bad. No denying that. Just when I had a glimmer of hope of his preseason preformance. When it counts he whiffs again. The guy just doesn't appear to be able to function well under pressure. However, he had lots of contibuting factors to aid him. The OL was quite bad. The tackles were really bad. Green sucks big time and Bell wasn't much better. Collasping ends. Wood, Levitre, and Hartg weren't much better. Overall, they were overpowered and overmatched. Some threee headed monster? Without the OL opening holes the RB will do very little. I think we have forgotten the basics. A QB, RB, and WR needs a solid OL to showcase their skills.


    Gailey's preformance had to be one of the most disappointing. I never expected him to look like Dick Juaron on the sidelines. It was deja vu all over. He looks confused and lacked any creativity as well. However, as I stated before a coach needs players and clearly we lack quality players. He gets a big fat "f" for his preformance today.


    Also, I couldn't help but watch the game and notice that the Fins aren't a very good football team. IMHO, they weren't impressive and yet they pretty much "handled us."


    I know it is only one game but it seems like the writing is on the wall. I think it's going to be a long long season.

  17. Trent sucked but are you saying we don't need Oline help?




    Clearly, we need both PTR. It is funny though when people like myself and many others here stated these fact many people here would attack us for our thoughts.


    Point is this regime chose not to upgrade our qb and ol. It was never more evident then today.


    Disappointing game. It almost felt like the same old Bills. Makes me wanna puke.

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