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Posts posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. PFT reports that Green Bay is going with Dimitri Nance off Falcons practice squad.


    You know, the Packers may have a hard time running against us, and I think our secondary can hang with the Green Bay boys. I predict a very low scoring, winnable game again.

  2. STEP #1- Predict one NFL team to win each week (straight up/ no spread). You can't choose the same team more than once for the season. a "tie" is considered a win.


    STEP #2- one final winner will be known as the King or Queen of TBD.


    STEP #3- ALL losers must pay homage to the winner in the form of an over the top complimentary post.


    STEP #4- This is a game of HONOR. picks MUST be made BEFORE the game starts. Post your pick in this thread. If you forget to pick one week, you are eliminated.


    STEP #5- in the unlikely event this contest lasts beyond the regular season, we will revisit team eligibility for the playoffs.


    I guess I am missing something. Are we eliminated the first wrong pick we make? Or is it a matter of who makes the most correct picks?

  3. Well...since I would argue that Biscuit & Talley were legitimate stars...& since your point is quite valid, then the proper answer to Beggar13's original question would have to be Takeo Spikes - 2006. My apologies. Can anybody think of a more recent legitimate star for the Bills? I would hate to think we're having a 4 yr gap here...Spikes > Spiller.



  4. Benjamin you might want to seriously reconsider your priorities. I generally respect alternate opinions of posters on this board. Aside from the fact that Brady is fellow human being, wouldn't you rather the Bills beat the Patriots at their best?


    Too late. The Patriots*, and Tom Brady's best days are behind them.


    I voted NO. Wishing harm to a fellow human being, particularly one who has done no personal harm to you, says a lot about your character, Benjamin. What has TB ever done to you, other than out-play the Buffalo Bills? You should feel priveledged to watch him play, he is one of the greats. Isn't that what you want to see on Sundays? Ever hear of the Golden Rule?


    I'll admit there was a short period in life when hatred dominated my every thought. I fantasized about the million bad things I wanted to inflict upon a certain cretan who entered my life. Thank God that has passed. Hatred is evil my friend.


    Wishing you all the best...


    GO BILLS!!!


    You guys need to get in touch with reality and come off this happy frappy love one another baloney.


    You realize that NFL players are specifically trying to give other people a concussion on nearly every down? This is a man's game, get real.


    After an interception, defenders always seek out the other team's QB and try to lay a cheapshot on him. Gregggg was coaching up the Saints D to specifically try to hurt Favre and others in the playoffs.


    If some receiver goes across the middle, they are taught to knock him out so violently that he will be afraid to ever go across the middle again.


    And you guys still won't address the question of whether it's okay to then root for Brady to get hit really hard where it just sidelines him for a play or two, just a minor injury? Can I root for that kind of hit? How about a hit so vicious it knocks him out for a half? A game?


    Or should I just root for the Bills D to gently cradle him to the ground if they manage to touch him?


    You are looking for confirmation in the wrong place dude. If you think it is cool to cheer an injury, go right ahead. Don't be surprised when kinder folk avoid your company.

  5. Me too!


    I've only been to one game. 1980 when the crowd took down the goalpost! Unfortunately I was too young/uninterested to remember it. I am hoping to begin a new tradition of traveling to one Buffalo Bills road game at a different stadium every year. I'm in Tulsa, so I picked Arrowhead on Halloween for our first year.


    I have several Chief fans for friends and by all accounts, Arrowhead is one of the best venues in the league. I've heard this from non Chief fans as well. They say that the tailgaiting is great, and that that famous KC BBQ is as much a tradition as wings in B'lo.


    Maybe we could meet up.

  6. In case you anyone is on the fence about Sunday Ticket...Its free on opening Sunday.


    I didn't see this advertised anywhere. Funny that no mention was made until after I ordered the Sunday Ticket. BTW: don't pay full price. Ask for the special offers department. You'l save $120-$150 if you just ask for it. There is another (very long) thread about negotiating prices on here somewhere.

  7. Just ordered my sunday ticket. Asked for the special offers department. The ticket cost $320, but they gave me $20 off my monthly service for six months. So with that savings of $120, the sunday ticket will cost me $200. I asked for the $179 deal, but they said that was the only offer they had at the moment.


    The reason I chose to post this is to let everyone know that Directv is turning the Sunday Ticket on for ALL customers on Sunday,September 12. So for those of you who have never had it, and may be considering it, this is a good opportunity to preview it.

  8. hmmm...I'm sorry, I'm just remember back to opening 30 years ago next Tuesday, when the heavily favored Dolphins came in to start the season and got surprised by an upstart Bills team that wasn't expected to do much.


    Holy crap do I feel old now. That was the one and only proffesional football game I ever attended. I was seven, and have almost zero memory of the game, except I remember it being very cold. Of course I'm from OK where it is still 95 degrees in September, so I'm sure it wasn't the slightest bit cold to the Bills Nation. I knew nothing of the goal post thing until my dad reminded me of it years later.


    I just watched a video of the 1990 AFCE home field clencher against the dolphins. The crowd tried taking the post down after that game too. I don't know if they got it or not.


    Greatest fans on earth!!! I expect all you roudy mutha@#$%uhs to take the posts down AGAIN next week, alright!?!? Okay, maybe you should wait till we clench hime field advantage. I sure think that goal post is overdue for replacement! Damn I'm excited for this season to begin!


    LETS GO BUFFALO!!! Squish them fish.

  9. jealous of what, exactly?


    Nuthin man, just trying to yank your chain a little since we are obviously college rivals from the looks of our avatars. I'm actually not your typical rabid OU fan, nor am I very good at smack talk, so don't feel like I was attacking you. I pull for all my home teams, and will even root for the Longhorns, so long as their not playing us. And I will root for anyone playing any Florida/California teams!!!


    Regarding the OP, Bomar looked pretty bad last night. We sure don't need him in Buffalo.

  10. Are YOU Rhett Bomar? I feel like you're ready to hand me your resume! If he is so good, why are the Giants going to cut him? I HAVE heard about this guy. He left OU b/c of Bradford. Thats what we want? A guy who doesn't want to compete for a job?


    BTW, since you have crystal ball, ACE, could you tell me what the lottery numbers are for Saturday? You may not be wrong but as of right now, you are not right!


    Wrong,deuce, he left OU because he was getting a paycheck from a car dealership, and wasn't actually putting in any work. The dealership happened to be a major donor to the program. We was suspended by the NCAA, so Stoops cut him. Bradford would not have played his Freshman year if Bomar was there.


    Anyway, I'm not necessarily saying he is the answer in our situation, but he played well for the few minutes I watched him the other night. I can't remember who the giants were against. He will make it somewhere in the league.

  11. We have a great team. Joiqe Bell is another class act. Another high character, hard working player who, by all accounts worked his a$$ off to make it this far. Nothing was given, he earned this opportunity. Win or lose, I'm proud of him and all the other guys like him on our team.


    A little piece of my heart will be pulling for the Lions this year too, except on Nov 14, obviously. They are due. Here's a mind-bender: Can you imagine the Bills and Lions on opposing sides of the field in the superbowl. Laughable, I know, but that would be awesome!


    Way to go Joique! Make your family proud(er)!



  12. Our starters have been playing longer than other teams. This could inflate the numbers. Otherwise, those are encouraging stats.


    Not to dispute your overall point, but our "starters" havn't played for the last two games.


    EDIT: I meant Jackson and Lynch - not the line.

  13. Jesus Christ, how is my reply negative? I just don't put too much stock in the "at least they are entertaining argument". The Dallas Monday night game was as entertaining as they come, but who has fond memories of that game, or jump at the chance to watch it when the NFL channel replays it? Probably no one if you are a Bills fans.


    I didn't say we were going to suck or that I was not going to be a fan this season. The whole point to my reply is that I would really like to win this year and not just see a couple of big plays in games that ultimately end up as losses. Why don't you think about what was actually written before you blast someone for being negative. I love the hyper-sensitive babies on this board who just jump at the chance to be offended.


    HAHAHAHAHA. Don't you just hate hyper-sensitive babies?!

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