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Posts posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. They the get the first pick in the 2011 NFL draft, which is highly possible.


    Jim Harbaugh gets hired as the new Cowboys coach.


    Andrew Luck declares for the draft and is taken by the Cowboys.


    Cowboys trade Romo for a first round draft pick.

    Buffalo gets screwed again.


    I'd give up our first pick for Romo in a heartbeat. He is a great QB, and a pretty cool dude IMO. He might be better off on another team at this point too. I have some doubts about his toughness though.

  2. This may be the last Bills game I get to watch this season :cry: . I am moving on Friday, and I'm not taking DirecTV with me. I'm gonna leave a TV, a recliner, and a cooler behind in the old house, just for this one game. Just me, screaming at the TV in an empty house.


    After that I'll have to find a sports bar willing to play a Bills game. That should be easier to do, now that the Cowboys have **** the bed. :devil:


    Bills 27, Lions 13.


    GO BILLS!!!

  3. Dude, your a creep. No way that girl new you were taking her picture, and now you are using it as your avatar.


    The poster I was responding to, mistakenly I presume, asked if "she had my permission to post her photo". I believe what he meant to say was "did I have her permission to post her photo?". I never claimed that I shot the picture, I was just playing on his words. I also conceded that his argument was a valid point, but irrelavent to the original post.


    edited to refrain from cussing at the illiterate child 0:)

  4. The Bills took TO to try to win. If Merriman keeps out of trouble and helps the Bills - then Mission Accomplished.


    I am guilty as charged - Men are pigs. You can act like a gentleman all you want. It's what happens in your brain. Most men see that and they drool.


    If I'm not mistaken wasn't the topic how he treated women?


    Another way to look at it .. Does she have your permission to post het photo?


    Yes, she has my permission, but for some reason, I don't think that is what you meant to say. I do get the distinct impression that she likes to be looked at.


    I understand what you're getting at and agree to a point, but the topic is about battery, not voyerism. My avatar is intended to highlight my beloved state. The eye candy serves to draw attention to the shirt she is wearing, and depicts the two places I prefer to rest my head at night.

  5. You guys just got an AHL franchise this year.




    The Barons are in OKC. In Tulsa we have the Oilers, a Colorado Avalance feeder and charter member of the CHL. Not a very popular sport down here. Granted, it is 100x more interesting to watch than soccer, but still not my cup of tea. Funny thing is, we get some hellacious ice storms every year, and we could easily play hockey in the middle of the street at times. That would be pretty fun actually.

  6. Seriously, some Bills fans are just embarrasing themselves now...this might be one of the stupidest threads of recent memory on here (and thats saying a lot). Between all the crying about refs, conspiracies by both refs and the media, rule changes, etc it was already getting embarrasing as thats all stuff straight out of the book "Things losers say"... Newsflash: We lose games because we beat ourselves with bad turnovers, a D that can't hold up, missed opporunities on offense, blown coverages, penalties, etc...in other words beacuase of a LACK of talent. And we dont get any respect from the media because we haven't earned any.


    Add into that, the constant bashing of players like Lee (and already Merriman) and its no wonder free agents dont want to come here. I mean dam, Merriman has been here 24 hours and this crap is already going on by uneducated kids who clearly don't know squat about the actual case. We just added to this team a player of higher quality then what we have...as I stated above, we lose because we dont have enough talent. You guys all scream at the FO to bring in more talent...and here we take a NO risk HIGH reward chance on a talented player at one of our weakest positions and some of you still just cant help yourself.


    How about we just welcome Merriman to this team and cut him some slack and let him show us the kind of player he is over the remainder of this season? Keep in mind, if he does work out we will still need to resign him, so maybe making him feel wanted here is a better approach, especially since thats all he wanted in SD...


    On second thought, this isnt as dumb as the other Merriman thread about whether or not Nix is going to give him roids again...that one is the stupidest one on here right now and threads like these really taint this board...



    Here, here! Welcome to Buffalo Shawn! :beer:


    Now go kick some :censored: !!!!

  7. Its really comical reading the defensive responses from everyone here just because he is now a Bill.


    Fans are now trying to lessen what happened and justify it (She was drunk and was going to drive, its only Tila Tequila and she probably deserved it!, he hasn't been accused of anything like that since). Seems some here will defend him now, yet have Ben R as #2 worst human in the NFL for being "ACCUSED" by 2 woman of trying to have sex with them, the last one she was so drunk she couldn't remember it. People will make up and assume thiings about Vick, like that he "got off" personally killing dogs, and everyone ran Marshawn from town assuming that he really did intentially steel $20 from an innocent woman "just because" and desperatly wanted him gone because he clipped a Canadian with his car and was found with weed (something most think is harmless and should be legal) and a gun (something everyone feels they need to have in the US) in his car.


    Even if she was drunk and he was just trying to be a Good Samaritan/Saint and stop her, there is such a thing as using excessive force, and a +/-250lb NFL linebacker (who had been found taking HGH/Roids) choking a +/-100lb drunk female is way more force then needed to keep someone from getting away


    I am only speculating, but a firm revearse chokehold is an effective way to restrain someone who is smaller than you without hurting them or allowing them to hurt you, and it can be done without actually choking the person. If the dude was trying to hurt her, there is no doubt he would have succeeded.

  8. when you've sunk to the LAST team w/o a win. You do what you have to.






    what do you call your avatar showing bigboobs? Manly? or someone who enjoys treating women like meat??


    Touche. :flirt:


    To answer your question though, no, I do not, this thread isn't about me, and I've never had those sort of accusations aimed my direction. That woman chose to dress that way, and I happen to like it. Big difference. Would I act like anything less than a gentleman in her presence? Never.

  9. Where are all the people who in the past have been outraged by Vicks dog torture and Pig Bens alleged rape?

    Where are all the people who thought dumping Lynch was a great move because of his legal problems?

    Doesn't choking a woman and holding her prisoner count?


    The charges were dropped in a week (unlike Pig Ben who never had charges filed in the first place)and personally I don't think it should matter as far as playing football is concerned. But I'm curious why people aren't outraged by Merriman being a Bill now?


    Furburgler :pirate: - multiple accusations with numerous accounts of him being a complete :censored: who enjoys treating women like meat

    Lynch :oops: - multiple accusations, a misdimeanor conviction, thug image, but generally seen a friendly guy who is too dumb to stay out of trouble

    Merriman 0:) - one accusation by a drunken filthy :censored: that instigated the confrontation while he was trying to keep her from driving drunk

  10. Im taking the roadtrip down I70 from St. Louis to take in the game this weekend. Anyone ever been to a game in KC? I heard its a pretty sweet football atmosphere.


    I was planning on making the trip from Tulsa, as well as a trip last weekend to the ADRL finals in Dallas, but I wound up buying a house instead. All plans for the the next 12 months are canceled.


    Have a great time....GO BILLS!!!!

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