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Posts posted by whateverdude

  1. What keeps the drug industry going is its huge profit margins. Producing drugs is a very cheap process. Like any commodities business the closer you are to the source the cheaper the product. Processed cocaine is available in Colombia for $1500 dollars per kilo and sold on the streets of America for as much as $66,000 a kilo (retail). Heroin costs $2,600/kilo in Pakistan, but can be sold on the streets of America for $130,000/kilo (retail). And synthetics like methamphetamine are often even cheaper to manufacture costing approximately $300 to $500 per kilo to produce in clandestine labs in the US and abroad and sold on US streets for up to $60,000/kilo (retail).


    Read more: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/drugs/special/math.html#ixzz1mqwqSLDn


    Drug user expenditures in billions of dollars 1998:





    legalizing pot will not put a dent in the drug war violence.


    The C.I.A and other U.S.intelligence sources believe that synthetics like amphetamines and designer drugs like Ecstasy will garner a larger and larger share of the market in years to come.


    Read more: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/drugs/special/math.html#ixzz1mqyUOrYv

  2. Wow! Some of you guys are real dipshits! If it wasn't for our insatiable appetite and demand for drugs, there wouldn't be this violence issue. The idea that somehow cracking on supply is gonna solve the problem is absurd.


    If you really want to crack down on the violence, then you legalize Weed. That way you cut off the illegal supply of weed flowing from Mexico, which weed by far is the #1 drug imported into the US from Mexico. You cut this off, then you cut off their funding, and a good portion of their reason of existence. But go ahead, and keep blaming the boogeymen. <_<

    Hey hippie, you would also have to legalize cocaine, Heroin, MDMA and Methamphetamine.

  3. !@#$ing free-loaders


    Ayn Rand was a clairvoyant.


    Most shockingly, a rightwing Greek newspaper depicts Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, in a Nazi uniform above the headline “Memorandum macht frei” – an allusion to the memorandum in which Greece’s foreign creditors demand more austerity measures and to the Auschwitz slogan
  4. I reject the statement that blacks voted for Obama because he is black. If that was the case Herman Cain should have had much higher support among blacks especially middle class blacks and Jessie Jackson should have been elected twice already. It's mostly Ideology and the brain washing of blacks by the left.

  5. he didn't ask. but if i tell ya i have one shotgun, for hunting and clay pigeons and i suppose protection (it's not in my bedroom but if a coyote were killing one of my dogs i'd blow it's head off), and i have a couple boxes of shot (turkey shot and cheap multipurpose for skeet), might i be a liberal or redneck or both? many friends own guns and i haven't shot this year. so what's your decision? i'm interested in your threshold criteria.

    First, I have to say you are not as left wing as you may think. You are more of what one might call a traditional Democrat or a Reagan Democrat. White, working-class and more conservative than liberal on certain issues like national security and immigration.

  6. Like posting on debt reduction is any less pathetic or more worthy of discussion, as if both parties are interested in anything other than half measures that protect their special interest voting blocs. Or posting about who will win the presidency as if you have any real choice in the matter.


    I hate to spoil things for you but Obama wins this walking away. He has the money, propaganda machine, news media, and popular culture on his side. Mitt has as much as a chance of winning the presidency as did Bob Dole against Clinton. So, I say why not talk about honey, apples and wife pimping.

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