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Posts posted by whateverdude

  1. CBS should use this as there slogan.


    But an American-born media adviser for al-Qaeda warned Bin Laden to beware of the broadcasters' "cunning methods" as he described Fox News as a channel in the "abyss" that should "die in anger", CNN as too close to the US government and MSNBC as questionable after it fired one of its most prominent presenters, Keith Olbermann.


    My linhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/may/03/al-quaida-cunning-methods-us-newsk

  2. So basically, if we deploy ABMs in our European allies, at their request, the Russians will attack us...by attacking those countries. Thereby pissing off the entire Western world.


    Good plan. :wacko: The ONLY justification for that is "Well...Kennedy would have done the same to us!"

    I like your plan


    For those of us who remember what it was like living everyday in nations with nuclear arsenals pointed at each other another cold war seems like a bad idea.


    I see your point though.

    I don't know I find mutually assured destruction comforting. It's simple and effective.

  3. Not all, just the one. If my circumstances where different [ lot's of party's, people I really don't know in the house] I would handle it differently. But I am certain no one will even know that gun exists but me. And if I can't safe with a loaded gun, I should not own one.

    I never like the Idea of keeping a loaded gun in the house. I was taught that a loaded gun should always be under your supervision and control at all times. A gun is not under your control if you keep it loaded when you leave the house or room for that matter. I always separate the ammo from the gun because I know where I hide the ammo and I can load it fast.

  4. What if you have kids? Would you still recommend locking yourself in your room and leaving them to fend for themselves?

    They should be instructed to do the same, if they are in a different part of the house. There is always exceptions. If they are too young to operate a weapon have them lock themselves in a safe area and call the police if all exits are blocked

  5. There is no doubt that training is really beneficial but take a few simple steps to protect yourself.

    If you hear an intruder do not go out to investigate it. Lock the door to your room, grab the phone and gun,

    walk over to side of the bed crouch down and train the gun at the locked door. Call the police.

  6. Speaking of partisan morning shows, do they put way too much makeup on all the Fox male anchors? They look like they bathe in carrot juice.


    (No complaints about the FOX Anchormilfs.)

    Don't know I don't have cable TV but I can attest to the fact that affiliate TV abc, nbc, cbs morning shows bradcast partisan news for bubble headed cheerleader.

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