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Posts posted by whateverdude

  1. I


    [editorial]When a thread is started about the team moving don't you consider whether the person starting the thread might be a troll? Why do people feel compelled to play into the hands of that person? Ignore it and it will go away; feed it and it will grow.




    Or maybe they are just trying to blow off steam. Coming onto the board and wishing they would move the Bills is a healthier way of releasing negative energy then say heading over to one Bills drives with an Uzi and an ice pick.

  2. How Mario Williams has been completely neutralized for the first 4 games. He obviously was a monster in Houston, he has the talent and he doesnt appear to be hurt. Are they double teaming him in each game? Shouldnt that free up someone else to get to the QB? Is it the type of D that the Bills are playing, the schemes. Seriously can anyone explain why he has been basically invisible?

    Simple..he is a system player not a game changer like B. Smith was

  3. http://abcnews.go.co...=1#.UGOgSFEkaOI





    The New Normal is a term you will hear about more and more. It basically means that there is nothing that can be done to fix our current poor economic situation and that we should just get use to it.

  4. How about "I wonder what that means for the Eurozone bailouts. Will the dollar strengthen against the Euro tomorrow? Maybe I should short the oil at the market open?"




    No, you're right..."France LOL" is so much more constructive.

    No, I think the market is going to tank tomorrow...this certainly will bring the euro debt crises front and center again. Hollande has pledged to refocus EU fiscal efforts from austerity to growth. How does he expect to do this with increased benefits, shorter working hours and earlier retirement.

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