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Posts posted by whateverdude

  1. couple of things I came away with after reading the actually treaty as it stands now:


    1) one of the stated goals is to promote cooperation, transparency and responsibility of states (countries) participating in the treaty.


    2) Countries will be legally responsible for the damage and loss of life cause by their trade of conventional weapons (responsibility clause )


    3) Countries will enact a national registry (cradle to grave record keeping) of not only conventional arms but their parts, components and munitions without exception domestic and exports. They want to make sure domestic arms are regulated, recorded and information there of shared with and by the treaty member countries to avoid their potential export (transparency and cooperation clauses )


    4) A state run national control and handing system of all conventional arms, parts,components and munitions (cooperation clause).


    5) Any amendment to this treaty shall be adopted by consensus, or if consensus is not achieved, by two-thirds of the States Parties present and voting at the Conference of States Parties (in other words, a later amendment, decided by other countries, would appear to be binding on us, even if we don't vote in favor. Call me cynical, but this seems like a great way to give someone like Obama political cover.)


    6)This Treaty shall be of unlimited duration. A State shall not be discharged, by reason of its withdrawal, from the obligations arising from this Treaty while it was a party to the Treaty, including any financial obligations, which may have accrued. This treaty is for life like herpes.

  2. and








    You probably should have actually read the article you're in such a hurry to bash.


    "Banning guns?"


    No, you failed to grasp the big picture here. No effect on "Domestic guns"..".United States - the world's biggest arms trader accounting for more than 40 percent of global conventional arms transfers" Imports to the US and exports from the US would be banned also

  3. It's far better than all that. In about 20 minutes I'm headed into a meeting where we will be brainstorming cost saving measures. On the table are large cutbacks to healthcare benefits, and wide scale layoffs. I can promise you both will be implemented. Also likely is the suspension of all overtime, and salary reductions.

    Its a fact of life that libs fail to grasp, "**** rolls down hill"

  4. One problem with doing away with the electoral college is that it would undermine the role and power of states having smaller populations in the election of the President. That means all the fly over states in the middle would be dictated to by the larger populace states on the east and west coasts. It would truly be tyranny of the majority. You would have states and whole areas of the country disenfranchised. California, New York, Florida, Texas, Illinois, Ohio and Pennsylvania would be the only states that matter in a presidential election. We are too large of a country with vast geographical and cultural differences to vote directly.

  5. I knew the WW2 generation well and they were my grandparents. The people in the ad are fakes and could not be further from the true WW2 generation. The WW2 generation was so proper they would dress up to go eat a McDonald’s and would never use such crude language in public. For that matter, they would never eat a McDonald's unless they had no other choice. Our generation is truly the fastfood, got to have it now, do it if it feels good generation and to try to assign some inter-generational ethical subjectivism to the ww2 generation is just wrong.

  6. curse breaker.....repeat after me....



    "In the names of my ancestors, my gods, and myself, I call upon thee, oh creatures of Earth and Water. Come forth, cleanse Ralph Wilson Stadium and the Buffalo Bills of all evil and alien magicks, and restore them to balance and health. By our wills combined, so mote it be."


    ok, my work is done, move along folks, nothing else here to see.


    Ok, I have said it 3 times now...what am I supposed to see happen, I did notice that the sun came out afterwards!

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