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Posts posted by whateverdude

  1. Because Romney has a car elevator. It didn't take me long this morning to remember why I don't watch the news on television.

    pretty hard to avoid the media during an election year...they seem to be in your face a lot, mixing the pot and stirring up emotions.

  2. That's because with each each successive generation in America adults conduct theirs lives more and more like spoiled and petty children. Yes, I have acted like a child in my adult life at times but I am aware of it and have corrected my behavior when it occurs.

  3. I think it's time to reminisce about some of the "key" free agents the Bills have signed that, if we all took truth serum, we would all admit two things. Prior to coming to Buffalo we had never heard of them. And 5 minutes after signing with Buffalo, we convinced ourselves we just got a star!


    I'll start us off....


    Chris Villarial

    Mario Williams

  4. Unfortunately, that's a big part of it. Old-timers like Wilson don't appreciate the need to create an attractive atmosphere for players to come in to. The team facilities are not that great and the stadium really needs some work too. He is a bit too old to understand that players do sign to play in places with a bit more glitz that coddle them. He's used to the days of lunch-pail players who just come in to work to get a job done. Indianapolis is not really a much better city than Buffalo, but they have a sick stadium and that in itself makes them relevant even after their winning days. Mark Cuban really changed the culture when he bought his NBA team by installing a luxury locker room, having catered meals after games (I know the catering is ridiculous for an NFL team, I'm talking about the sentiment) and basically treating his players better than other places in the league. That in itself brings in FA signees. It's really not Wilson's fault. He's older than dirt and he is simply too disconnected from 20-30 year olds to understand what makes them happy.I really don't think he's even aware of the exasperation his fan base feels for him.

    Oh BS! Ralph sends each prospective free agent a fruit cake and invites them to a game of shuffle board.

  5. 1998????? :w00t:


    Please, if you are gonna try to make an argument,please provide information that at least comes from this millenium. :lol:


    Do you have any idea how much marijuana imports from Mexico has increased since then? Look it up :doh:


    ANd wont put a dent in the drug war violence??? You are talking out your ass as usual.







    Maybe in your little narrow minded world 50-65% won't cause a "dent" but any rational thinking person understands that if you cut down a businesses main revenue generator and cut out anywhere between 1/2 to 2/3 of their total revenues, understands that it would critically impair a business.


    You see, this is called economics, and from an economic standpoint there is no rational debate on this topic. There isn't, none.


    Now if you guys want to come at this from a moral or cultural standpoint, then that is debatable. But from pure economics and what it would do to the cartels, your argument doesn't hold water.


    Will this solve the drug mexican cartel issue? No, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.


    who is taking out there ass now? where's your stats?


    The number of marijuana users has remained fairly constant over time, with some dip in use

    during the middle 1990s when prices were relatively high.

    Pretty good evidence to suggest that if you make pot hard to get and expensive, the amount of usage will go down.


    In 2000, Americans spent about $36 billion on cocaine, $10 billion on heroin, $5.4

    billion on methamphetamine, $11 billion on marijuana, and $2.4 billion on other

    substances (see Table 1).



    Prove to me this has changed!! BTW the pot is clouding your thinking.

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