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North Buffalo

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Posts posted by North Buffalo

  1. Can you add a fence sitter... maybe line.  I am still of the show me mode.  He has potential and if coached up right... I like the measurable and his quick release.  Guys seems like he is a stand up kind of guy and tough.  May need some seasoning and if he can figure out the short swing passes.  But I think there may be some growing pains.  Others think he may be a bust.  We shall see?

  2. 15 hours ago, quinnearlysghost88 said:

    i always love the cold, snow, wind reasoning for picking a QBs. Let's look at those blustery game conditions last year: 

    sept 10- 67*

    sept 17- 87*

    sept 24- 90*

    oct 1- Dome

    oct 8- 71*

    oct 22- 79*

    oct 29- 44*

    nov 2- 71*

    nov 12- 42*

    nov 19- 73*

    nov 26- 65*

    dec 3- 47*

    dec10- 29* (snow game!)

    dec17- 25*

    dec24- 49*

    dec 31- 75*


    playoff: 55*


    You don't draft a guy based on his ability to play in cold weather, when two of your games are below freezing. 

    You left off blustery.  Not always cold, but the wind usually blows off the lake and swirls in that stadium.  Cold is not the issue, the wind is..

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  3. Guy has a quick release, strong arm, makes quick decisions that get him in trouble.  Receivers he had this year stink.  That being said, he is gonna need some time to develop.  Hopefully he does.  Kid can through the ball outside... He is definitely raw and has way too much happy feet.  Again its all potential...  Hope the Bills didn't give up too much to get him and the linebacker, who knows at this point about any of these guys.

  4. 2 hours ago, matter2003 said:

    Well, strength in the areas you would think doesnt always translate 1:1...


    Most of your strength regardless of what you are doing comes from your lower body and engaging your posterior chain properly and efficiently...


    Its a combination of both. The most velocity will come from learning how to properly torque your hips and likely from doing hip flexor/posterior chain/lower body work. Watch Tom Brady...he has a very efficient motion where he basically twists his hips and is able to generate really good velocity on the ball.


    He was one of the QBs with suspect velocity coming into the NFL

    Core strength and hip rotation is important but not the only thing that improves velocity and accuracy.  Now I am not a great athelete, but do play hockey and have been working with a trainer the past four months to improve my shot, velocity and accuracy.  My core is not the problem and my latts have always been strong making for a pretty good heavy wrist shot which really isnt one.  More a pull shot from my latts, hips and legs.  Problem is I often dont have that time or space to get it off.  So I have been working on my snap shot by doing a variety of wrist curls and working on forearm lifts.  Its been paying big dividends.  Able too roof the puck easier with more velocity.  Sauce passes are more accurate and I can get a snap shot off, more wrist forearm action, quicker.  Just saying there are multiple fundalmentals that make stronger arms than you listed.  Depends on what is needed. Marino’s 60 yard flicks come to mind.  Dude had amazing forearm wrist strength.

  5. Bills Won, Ravens lost Bills are in the Playoffs, Casey Middlestadt and the USA won 5-4, tomorrow my son and I will attend the Winter Classic... Go Sabres complete the trifecta!  Happy New Year Everyone!

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