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Posts posted by dpberr

  1. I think Buffalo, and the entire sporting world would say not a thing.


    Stunned silence. in. awe. It would eclipse the Miracle On Ice.


    You see, Buffalo would enter the Superbowl as massive underdogs against an absolute juggernaut of an NFC team...


    ...and in righting all the wrongs of the last decade, pull out the win in the last second.

  2. I give major credit to the Bills and Ralph Wilson relative to the CBA. Almost every team but Buffalo is so over-leveraged, with debt to their eyeballs that I don't see how a lockout can be avoided. The NFL has the highest debt load of any professional sport. You've seen the NFL lower the debt cap and put forth a very aggressive debt reduction plan.


    The owners *need* concessions from the players to remain somewhat economically viable and to reduce all that debt. It's really not a question of negotiation.


    The financial approach and mechanisms of the 90s and 00s are unsustainable. A lockout might do some good in that it will protect the game itself and the investments that cities (taxpayers) have made in the teams and set a course where teams are financially healthier.

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