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Posts posted by dpberr

  1. If we must...


    The Jets.


    And not just by 1 or 2 points. I'd want humiliating defeats like Bills 51, Jets 3 followed up by Bills 35, Jets 0. I'd want the Bills secondary running up and down the field returning interceptions for touchdowns, like gazelles in the Serengeti.


    I want Rex Ryan to experience what Buddy Ryan experienced when he promised Cardinals fans a win...and then got shut out by Cleveland in 1994, 32-0.

  2. I'd offer rock bottom happened last year, before the season started, with the lousy pre-season and firing of the offensive coordinator.


    I remain surprised at the lack of respect for talent on this football team. The players won 6 games despite the very best Dick Jauron could throw at them in lousy coaching, game planning and coaching chaos and the epidemic of injuries.


    And somehow, this year, with a competent coaching staff and a smooth 2-2 preseason (that easily could have been 3-1), there's lesser expectation. I don't get it.

  3. Is it just me or does anyone else think the local media should be trying to maybe drum up a little hype to help support the team instead of trying to convince people they shouldn't care?




    Buffalo media seems to be the only non-homer media in the league. Even Philly media can be supportive once in a while and craft credible arguments for the Sixers to be in the NBA playoffs and Kolb performing better than McNabb is his first year.

  4. The Eagles at 13? Bit too high in my opinion. That rating is based on the accomplishments of previous years which is irrelevant in the face of the wholesale changes to the roster and their underwhelming performance in the preseason. Their QB, OL and defense situation is no better or worse than Buffalo.


    The Eagles have a truly untested quarterback, starting at least three rookies on defense, and has a very patchwork OL of no-names outside of Jason Peters.

  5. Not sure what they are #1 in. 44% jump maybe? If 14,000 is a 44% increase then the Jags only sold 31,200 season tickets last year. So now they are at 45,200. Plus how many of those new tickets are in the cheap seats? Upper deck seats start at just $30. The Rockpile in RWS are now $40.




    I don't think it's all those extra Jaguars fans they captured. It's probably the team, Chamber of Commerce and other civic-minded folks strong-arming local business to buy up the tickets for the sake of the local economy. You'll still have empty seats come game time.

  6. I think the Bills are an enigma this season. So many new variables.


    If fans, who follow this team down to the most finite of details have predictions all over the board and such a wide variety of opinion on how good the team is, national sports media are truly out in the dark and simply guessing.

  7. NFL teams pretty much start the season making money. The entire roster is already paid for before they start because of TV money.


    Not necessarily. Suppose it matters on how you define "making money". Teams may have plenty of sales revenue, but little profit after paying down their massive debt service. In the Bills case, they have a better shot at turning a buck at the end of the season since they have very little to no debt to pay off.


    In the case of the Jets, Giants, Patriots, etc. that revenue just gets recycled into paying down massive debt. You add in lackluster ticket sales due to a lousy economy, teams will tap into reserves to pay down their debt.


    The NFL has a huge debt crisis that will impact the upcoming CBA and plenty of teams. The Bills are in good shape to weather the storm that other franchises will not.

  8. I trust Gailey's analysis of the quarterbacks based on his previous track record and how Trent Edwards has gained confidence since the first preseason game. Perhaps Levi Brown doesn't have *it* in Gailey's opinion. I'm comfortable with that.


    Based on the Bills' injury bug of the past few seasons, I'm surprised the entire practice squad isn't OL and LB. ;-)

  9. I think the dumping of Faneca was related solely to money; not an endorsement of Ducasse. Can't keep everybody, and the Jets are ultra-cash strapped with debt up to their eyeballs as one of the most (if not the most) leveraged team in the NFL. It's the forthcoming financial apocalypse. The Jets have to go all in. They desperately need to sell as many tickets as possible to offset the stratospheric debt. If the Jets tank on the field, that will seriously cripple the entire organization and their ability to pay talent going forward.


    I know we talk primarily about what happens on the field, but in this economy, teams are winning and losing off the field as well. If teams aren't going to get the ticket sales, that debt has to be paid somehow, and that will likely translate in spending less on the field over the next five years. It will be financially-induced rebuilding.


    If you're the Bills, with zero debt, that presents an opportunity to get stronger on the field.

  10. Schefter continues down a perilous road for his career. Instead of reporting news, he's creating it and being *it*. That's great if you run your own blog, but it only takes a few major whiffs and a few calls from NFL front offices to get the networks and the NFL Network to start taking notice of your lack of credibility and increasing liability as "just another guy".

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