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Posts posted by dpberr

  1. Looks like we have an NBA or MLB GM here. Kidding aside I think this would take a 2nd from buffalo, but would be completely worth it.


    Though after last night I think SD might be caving to McNeil's demands.


    Haha. Actually, I had the LA Rams/Indy/Buffalo trade of 87 in mind when I was writing that. I just don't see Green Bay having anything of value to offer besides draft picks...and Marcus McNeil is sitting there...lonely, waiting to play...

  2. 1. The Bills sign Adalius Thomas, Derrick Burgess, Jon Jansen and Justin Hartwig and send them into battle. No more of this "inactive to learn" nonsense. These guys might have little left in the tank, but it's all hands on deck time, especially to generate a pass rush. And really, what's to lose?


    2. Gailey's announces at his press conference that he watched the film, learned from the mistakes, and has made adjustments.


    3. Green Bay makes no adjustments to it's porous offensive line.

  3. Perhaps somebody with better insight knows, but I can't...for the life of me, understand Gailey's game plan for Miami. Throughout his career, *prior* to the Tyler Thigpen experiment in KC during the later part of the 08 season, Gailey was all about run, run, and run some more. But yet, this last Sunday, the scheme was very much pass oriented and put on Edwards' shoulders.

  4. The Eagles made the Packers look better than they are, yesterday.


    Not predicting a Bills win or anything, but the Packers are not this juggernaut that some (national media) assume them to be. Their playcalling was very Jauronitastic and that offense line can't handle pressure.


    Of course, that's mitigated by the fact that the only thing that stops Clay Matthews is a taser.

  5. I agree that the sack was not Bell's fault. It's up to the QB to change the protection.


    There's a lot not to like about Trent Edwards as a football player. For me, that video shows my #1 complaint. Inability to read defense and adjust accordingly. He can read and master a playbook, but not play football.


    I'm not saying you have to be Peyton Manning out there and go through a ridiculous three hour pre-snap routine, but come on, you really did not see those two linebackers?

  6. Paul is getting dangerously close to the Hardy-Mitchel Zone, where you are injured so much that you become a liability for rarely being on the field but taking up a valuable roster spot that could be used for somebody that stays on the field.


    Poz's career reminds me of Roosevelt Colvin's career.

  7. I think fans are putting way too much evaluation and drawing conclusions based on first game performance.


    Peruse the message boards. In some, it's the apocalypse unfolding. (Eagles, Broncos) and others...it's Super Bowl time. (Texans, Seahawks)


    I'd think Bills fans are more acutely aware that first week performance is not an indicator of win/loss record by the end of the season.

  8. I'm not panicking. Like others on this board that point to the adjustments made after the preseason opener, I think Gailey & Co. will make the necessary adjustments, especially on offense. Hopefully they will discover that the TE can catch passes under NFL rules.


    I don't read much into the first game of the season not only based on previous Bills experiences (31-0) but that it's the first roll out for offense and defense scheme league wide. Now there will be tape to watch of all the schemes, just not the vanilla in the preseason.


    If you are a Seahawks fan, don't get those Super Bowl tickets yet. I think the Seahawks were greatly helped by the lousy play of SF's offense, but also, there isn't much film on Carroll's schemes. Now that there is, expect week 2 to look a lot different for Seattle.


    If you are a fan of the Colts, I'd be worried somewhat. Manning can't save the entire team, every week if there's no defense.


    Anybody want to pick up Alex Barron? I'm sure he'll be a free agent by 4pm today. ;-)

  9. There is always a team that exceeds low expectations every year. Nothing prevents the Bills from being that team.


    See: Rams, St. Louis, 1999. Team was getting laughed out of the building with a former Cadillac-selling coach and and a quarterback from the Arena League. Projected at 6-10 or 5-11, last in the NFC West.


    That's what makes the NFL the most exciting of the professional franchise sports in America. It's a crapshoot every weekend.

  10. If we must...


    The Jets.


    And not just by 1 or 2 points. I'd want humiliating defeats like Bills 51, Jets 3 followed up by Bills 35, Jets 0. I'd want the Bills secondary running up and down the field returning interceptions for touchdowns, like gazelles in the Serengeti.


    I want Rex Ryan to experience what Buddy Ryan experienced when he promised Cardinals fans a win...and then got shut out by Cleveland in 1994, 32-0.

  11. I'd offer rock bottom happened last year, before the season started, with the lousy pre-season and firing of the offensive coordinator.


    I remain surprised at the lack of respect for talent on this football team. The players won 6 games despite the very best Dick Jauron could throw at them in lousy coaching, game planning and coaching chaos and the epidemic of injuries.


    And somehow, this year, with a competent coaching staff and a smooth 2-2 preseason (that easily could have been 3-1), there's lesser expectation. I don't get it.

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