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Posts posted by webtoe

  1. OK, I get the firing Jauron thing- long overdue. That being said, Fewell's defense has given up ridiculous points in multiple games, including 41 pts last week. So...I guess that gross incompetence gets you promoted. Hmmm...defintely head coach material. Weird choice, and another sign that despite the right choice on Jauron, Wilson is as senile as ever.



    go to love the Ignore option :unsure:

  2. Here we have a 3-6 Team with no chance at the play-offs and I am sitting here checking the messageboard every 5 minutes for updates, and am actually interested again in watching the upcoming games!!


    I would not be suprised if he has TT and JK on the payroll fanning the flames.



    Know let's just hope he gets the 'Football Guy' decision correct.

  3. Winning this game hasn't reduced my hate for Dick Jauron one iota.


    I think hate is a little strong, but I agree in principle. He almost cost them the game with that conservative approach at the end of regulation.


    The team plays hard, but they won that game inspite of him.

  4. I want them to use those uniforms, but with a red helmet.


    I have never liked the red helmet. Probably because of the reason they gave when they changed them - that it would help cut down on Ferguson's interceptions.


    The 1980 was probably my all-time favorite Bills team. I still have pictures of JF and Cribbs from the SI article that year and I remember how upset I was when Simpson got beat for the touchdown in the SD game.


    Oh, the good old days...

  5. its not, and in some ways its good to get it out of the way earlier in the season. after last year's 5 & 1 start, which turned into another 7 - 9 season, it was just one long slow decline into oblivion. wherein we were treated to one pitiful Jauron coaching decision after another, and we weren't officially out until like week 15 so we had to keep watching.


    I agree with you. I had no expectations when they made the decision to retain DJ so I cannot call this the worst season ever. The Pats* game was a tease, but I knew deep down that the competitive disadvantage at head coach was going to keep this team from meeting its potential.


    I do think there is some good young talent on this team, and will watch the games to see if they improve, and hope the team wins, and pray for house cleaning next year.

  6. Thank you. Excellent post. I'd forgotten that about Bruce. Great stuff.


    That is a false analogy as there was no open free agency at the time, and the player would never have any opportunity to play for another team.


    Peters could have held out, showed up for the last 8 weeks of the next two seasons and be an unrestricted free agent. The Bills had no leverage.


    I wish we still had Peters, but based on what he has said since, he had no intention of signing here after he held out in 2008.

  7. He lost the team when he punted in the 4th quarter of the New Orleans game, and I find it hard to blame them.


    It has got to be tough to stay motivated when you know deep down at some point in the game your Head Coach is going to have at least one WTF moment and leave them at a competitive disadvantage.

  8. The interception looked identical to the one that the threw in the HOF game. I think they need to scrap that play.


    Moose made the comment during the game about the tackling in the secondary and I have to agree. There has been no more than a couple of missed tackles back there, mostly by Leodis. McGee made some very good stops today.


    If they keep from giving up anything cheap to NO, they may have a shot.



    I have CJ, Andre Johnson and Rivers on both my teams... both are up by 100+. :lol:

  9. Ditto on the offense, although along with a couple sustained drives, I would like to see a couple of attempts downfield that are not desperation attempts on 3rd down, and some timely, well constructed screen passes.


    On defense, I would be really happy to see some sustained pressure, whether he gets the pass of or not.


    No head scratching DJ moves.

  10. If we lose, it will be our 8th loss in the last 9 divisional games. Thank God the Dolphins really sucked 2 years ago or it would be our 11th straight div. loss.


    All games are important, but none more so for the Bills than ending this terrible skid.



    I don't disagree on that, but realisticly speaking it is very difficult to win any road prime-time game. Who knows, maybe they will suprise them as they did in 2006, and this time Freddy will know the down and distance.

  11. Seriously, how many people here actually think we had a better than 30% of winning this game even before the last 10 days? The best Bills teams of the 90's had trouble playing on the road in Primetime, let alone a season opener!!


    I am excited to see how TO and the young talent, especially the OL and Ellis and Maybin on the DL, do in live conditions. I also want to see somthing different from the offense with AVP running the show, and how it impacts TE.


    I am very excited about the OL, because while they are likely to struggle at first, the potential is there to have a line that may dominate for the next 5 years.


    I live in NE, and am going to be watching the game with a bunch of Pats* fans, so I may be in for a long night, but I am going to concentrate on things that I hope will bode well for the rest of the season and the future. Of course, if they do somehow pull off the upset, it will be much more fun!! :rolleyes:

  12. “He’s very athletic,” said Bills offensive line coach Sean Kugler. “He has the ability to recover when he is out of position. He’s a competitive kid, and he works at it. He loves the game of football, and those are the guys we’re moving forward with.”


    If this is the attitude they are looking for in their players, then I am all for it. :pirate:


    I think it can be safely said, based on their comments and actions in the past that Dockery, Peters and Walker are big guys that happen to be good at football, but do not LOVE to play it. I think to really excel at this sport it is important to really care about it. Think about the players on the winning teams, and their passion for the game and winning.


    This has the potential to be a long year, if only because DJ is still the head coach, but I like the players we are moving forward with.

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