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Posts posted by drewfla

  1. I always thought he'd be a decent player. He played well in 2006. Maybe a change in system and coaches will do him well. Or maybe he'll get cut before/after training camp. No team would want to trade for him at this point.



    He played well in 2006????? What? The guy has been inactive more games than active. He embodies the "healthy scratch." I really think Bill Polian was pranked when the Colts had traded for them. I don't think he even failed the physical. I think Polian found out and yelled at Marv till he agreed to take him back.

  2. I think everyone has to agree the guy is OVER paid, and he is NOT another Schobel that one cracks me up.


    He is athletic, he is quick he can move around in space but at DE he's way undersized and if an offensive lineman is able to get his hands on him he's done. He's been a disappointment at defensive end basically no factor even though he gets the one on one every snap. Here is the sick part often it's the tight end. I don't think he will be a good OLB but I wouldn't completely shock me


    I've guessed I've missed something. I have not seen quickness or any ability to move in space. I don't think he can cover anybody out of the backfield or a TE and he doesn't have the quickness to get to the backfield. I really believe he is going to be cut. If Schoebel surprises and comes back its a definite.


    If the good character is so important get him some pom-poms or a clipboard. He was the typical Marv pick. White guy with a "high motor." Unfortunately it has been stuck in neutral for his career.

  3. Step outside your Bills hat for a moment and take a look from outside that bubble. If I'm a football writer looking at 32 teams, clearly the Bills had the worst offseason. The football writers of world believe the Bills two biggest short comings are Quarterback and Left Tackle. Neither position was adequately addressed in the offseason from their perspective. Levi Brown and Wang could become solid players, but it ain't happening this year or next year.


    However... my understanding is that no team has ever, ever, ever won a game or made the playoffs in any offseason. So, we'll just have to wait and see what unfolds.


    I don't blame anyone for casting doubt on this team. It has sucked for a decade. Hopefully, with a fresh set of eyes from a GM, coach, and player personnel director, there may be an actual building plan in place that works. In Sept., when the live bullets fly, I'll set back @ 1pm each Sun., flip on the TV, see what happens and draw my own conclusions. Until then... I ain't buying what they're selling. They'll need to prove it to me before I buy another ticket to a game.


    Or a single $$ worth of merchandise and for the first time in over a decade for me The Sunday Ticket.

  4. There are a lot of things to consider when evaluating what Nix has done. I don't know if he would have taken the job if Wilson told him he had to put together a championship team, a dominant, SB capable team right off the bat. When you hear Nix talk about building a team the old fashion way, what he means is starting with philosophy, adding that true to philosophy type through the draft, and only bringing in F.A. if they're exceptional fits...and if it means a few years of mediocrity and good draft picks before the team is built, then so be it. There is no apparant rush on their part to make it a winner now. That being said, they must've looked at where they wanted to go and what was available this year and next, and decided the switch to the 3-4 would be able to be done this year with the talent available, and that the talent next year would be better suited for QB and whatever else is needed on the O-line. I agree with that analysis. I also am very excited about our D - the front seven, and especially the LB's and NT - where everyone else is wondering about, I'm liking who they brought in. The guys are fast, big, and play hard the whole game. I also really like the attitude of the coaches and the players - the team looks like it wants to be there learning, working, and that it will have that us v.s. them attitude. I think we'll take a lot of people by surprise this season - maybe not by winning a ton of games, but by being a tough team to beat.



    As Bills fans everyone just needs to come to grips with the fact that the team will be VERY bad this year and better the following year and probably challenge for a playoff spot the third year. Sounds awful and what we've just done but in reality it is probably a lot closer to the truth than Nix and Gailey would admit publicly.

  5. Thanks for the post. Frankly considering this entire year is going to be developmental for the team as a whole - why not just throw the kid out there and see what he has to offer.


    Between him and Brohm there is at least the benefit of the unknown compared to Edwards and Fitzpatrick who have shown they have nothing special.

  6. I think Wood is the crushing blow. He was playing really good ball last year and with a full off-season of strength and conditioning, I think he was set to take big step this year.


    The tackles are what they are....terrible. There is little doubt that we will struggle with off-the-edge pass rushes and will likely have to keep a TE/RB back on most pass plays.


    Pass protection doesn't look promising, but if it weren't for Wood's injury, I'd at least feel comfortable that our running game (which I assume will be a big part of the offense this year) would be competent. I'd hope we have a lot of counters and screens* built into this playbook.


    It's going to be very interesting who (if anyone) steps up on the OL this year. One thing's for sure though, as weak as our 1st string looks, cross your damn fingers for no injuries or things will turn from ugly to comical really fast.



    *Speaking of screens...am I the only one who prays to the gods we can develop a good screen pass system again? I thought Marshawn would have been a great screen guy and now with Spiller....WOW! Watching old tapes of Thurman is like poetry in motion.


    I have to agree with the highlighted portion. That is as big a question mark as to who will play the tackles. I know "reports are" he is ahead of schedule, etc. but really how often do you ever hear a team admit someone is behind schedule or yeah he's never going to be the same player after that injury. He seems like a good kid and for his sake I hope he can come back and play at the same level as last year or higher. We'll have to see but it would not be shocking for him to miss the first 6 weeks on the PUP list in order to let him completely recover.

  7. "Ireland's question was a follow-up to Bryant saying his father was a pimp and his mother worked for his father."


    I mean what other positions under the pimp umbrella are there? What was he thinking asking that? lol


    Well you gotta have some collectors. Maybe some more muscle. Testers? Recruiters? Publicists? Wardrobe technicians? As a famous man once said "Pimpin' ain't easy!"

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