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Posts posted by drewfla

  1. Our front office does not want this team to get better. Nix is a joke and he was here for Maybin so don't excuse Old Man River for anything. He is just as bad as Marv was. For some reason his hick drawl gets him a pass around here. Like he has said, he sleeps a lot. Well he slept on this one. So aggravating.

  2. Anybody here that thinks Locker is lasting to round 3 and beyond is delusional. If someone wants to put a wager on that please get hold of me. Let's stop the Cam Newton talk as well. Hes a great college QB not a pro prospect. If he wasn't such a thief it would be interesting having him still playing for the Gators. He makes Tebow look like Manning as far as passing ability.

  3. I would think you can probably sit anywhere you like so buy cheap tickets and move down. Bills/Lions will make these Toronto games look like sellouts. It will be EMPTY. Seriously I imagine it being so quiet you can actually hear the crickets on TV. The thing to remember is that it is not normally like this. Your dream was a good one. Its kind of like getting to have sex right now with some 50's starlet. Yeah it would have been great then but she is near dead, old, fat, wrinkled and smells nasty.

  4. Call me crazy but I think theres a possibility if the Bills go 0-16 or even 1-15 he gets fired. The Bills have no talent. I mean even look at the Lions they have a very good young nucleous of talent with Suh, Stafford, Johnson,Pettigrew, Best. The Bills are completly void of that but stranger things have happened at OBD.


    I won't call you crazy in fact I think it is hilarious that people think he wouldn't be gone if they go 0-16. Ralph CAN'T keep him if they run the table. Marinelli was 10 times the coach that Gailey and he was let go. And from what I can tell Millen was at least on par with what we have seen from Cooter so far to date. How could you possibly get a FA after going 0-16 and not changing regimes. Trust me, there are a lot of guys who would jump at that job. Coming off 0-16 you can only improve. We'll see. 1-15 he probably stays but 0-16 he can't if Ralph wants anyone at the stadium.

  5. What we are missing is this is the first time we've had respected GM and head coach since the early 90's. I mean respected by guys who know what they are talking about not "Johnnie from Dunkirk". This isn't the same old bills the frustration is it takes a couple years. We've waited this long I can wait another year or two. They will get it corrected, but realize the talent level on this team is very low.



    Seriously? We have a "GM" who is a washed up scout at best and a head coach who was fired as an OC before last season started. I'm frankly just hoping this regime doesn't get the 3-4 years we have given every other cheap hire who Ralph was comfortable with. Stop kidding yourself and being a lemming. When this board was talking GM and HC's not one person wanted Gailey or Nix. I have no idea how now they have become respected by making bad personnel moves. But....but....they talk like they don't care and sound tough. It's because they really don't care if they are fired because the only move left is the old folks home.

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