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Posts posted by drewfla

  1. Well, there was the whole "run the pessimists out of town" mentality among some optimists this pre-season. That MAY have something to do with it.


    Exactly that is why this post is worthwhile. I got completely slammed for pointing out Buddy has no business "running" this organization (into the ground). And for talking about drafting a QB in a top 3 pick. So kudos for posting this.

  2. Embarrassed definitely fits. I also feel like why am I wasting 3 hours on a Sunday for this nonsense. The Dolphins were nothing special whatsoever. But Green Bay and NE are REALLY going to be embarrassing. I have to imagine the spread next week being a college like 14 or more points. For those alive in Elimination pools just look at our schedule and pick away.

  3. I feel stupid adding to this thread which has been correctly called the worst post game thread. But how about the late hits by Lil' Donte that weren't called. I don't think he actually hit anybody when it wasn't late. This team was so bad to blame it on the refs is beyond lame and weak.

  4. I had 4 wins before the season and also had this listed as one of them. 1 to 2 is realistically where were at. Which is what every media expert that the optimists said would be "eating crow" predicted. From Nix down to the long snapper this team is in big trouble. BUT hopefully a good QB in next years draft. I imagine we'll have our choice.

  5. My 5 year old son has a mcgahee jersey. It was $10.00


    I would say that there is an age-acceptable clause on what to wear - anyone under age, say, 10 is off limits when policing jersey wear.


    Still, I should look into $10.00 Hardy or Crowell jerseys for him- he afterall Hardy just got cut, and Crowell just couldnt play anymore. not really any animosity with either one.


    Frankly this type of behavior borders on child abuse. He doesn't even know what a no talent @#$ clown McGahee was/is! I don't fault him - its your fault! (sarcasm noted please) Crowell definitely accceptable - Hardy? Did they even make Hardy jerseys available to sell?


    Wow Ben Bark good call on the "borderline child abuse." Great minds!

  6. I think its like a lot of things in business. You deal with the people you like and know. For some reason I get the feeling Nix isn't really well liked in GM circles. Maybe it relates to how things ended in SD. We always talk about the possible trade ups in the draft yet Nix is always sprinting in the first round pick. I may be completely off base here but yes Rosenfels would have been better than Fitzy and Brohm.

  7. What people are really saying is "sign someone I've heard of or at least with a high Madden score."




    Weak. How about sign someone who can come in if Hangartner and Levitre collide with each other and get dinged. 8 is a scary number especially considering that to begin with the tackles are well "inexperienced."

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