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Posts posted by CarolinaBill

  1. Well, if Goodell doesn't dissuade Vick from Coming to Buffalo AGAIN, then this may be a viable short term solution. There are some moving parts involved, like our ability to resign Levitre. But if that were to happen, and we got Vick, on a team friendly restructured deal, it could be a perfect way to transition to a young QB. As someone astutely pointed out earlier, Vick has not been able to stay healthy, EVER, so the chances of him doing so now are slim and none. With our OLINE intact, CJ and stevie, plus whoever we bring in, Vick could thrive for a 8-14 games, and when he eventually does get hurt, the rookie gets his shot. Its almost a win-win scenario, if everything were working in our favor.

  2. Jerome Bettis syndrome all over again? At this level of event the refereeing should be impeccable.

    Exactly, on the previous play the Defensive back comes across the receivers face with his helmet. Basically it was a right cross thrown with his head instead of his fist. That hit has been flagged and fined ALL YEAR, but all of a sudden, with a zebra no more than 5 ft away and looking directly at the play, no flag, that peeved me more than the no call holding. It was a blatant penalty that would've resulted in a 1st n goal situation and the ref does nothing.

  3. I'd rather get Stedman Bailey from WVU. Also, Graham had one of the best seasons among 3rd rookie WRs in recent yrs. Does he need to work on his hands and route running, sure, but I think his PT came through necessity this yr with Nelson getting hurt right from the jump. Not to mention the fact that he has a good wr coach, and onfield coach in Stevie Johnson teaching him the finer points of route running. As long as we have a QB that can actually push the boundaries and utilize his talents, TJ will be fine.

  4. I have no opinion about Nassib at this point one way or another although the Senior Bowl will be my first big step in that direction.


    As for your bolded question, not too often.


    But he was crowing after the draft about how he told everyone who would listen that Cordy Glenn was a guard.

    Good point on that. Although, given the "Cuse connection" I don't think anyone is going to believe we won't take Nassib until draft day when it actually happens. No smokescreen required

  5. I went with Wilson at 8. why? because he won't be there at 40 and right now he's neck n neck with Smith as the best QB in this Class. If we pass on Wilson at 8, then by the time our 2nd rd ppick comes around the run on QB's will have already started and chances are he's the first one off the board, which means we are stuck with a bum like Nassib, glennon, or a project guy later on. Simply put, even though it may be a bit of a reach, get your guy, despite the cost.


    I remember this exact scenario playing out in 2004 with the Rivers, Roethlisberger, Losman draft. We were a day late and a Dollar short, and ended up with Losman due to Desperation. I would like to avoid this happening again.

  6. Buddy is literally the anti-analytics GM in that Buddy will throw out "facts" that are actually incorrect...But he says things in such an assured way that one might believe he's looked it up...Or at least assume he knows he's right...So he rarely gets called out for it...




    Q: In a head coach, last time you had wanted someone who was a head coach before. Is that still the case?


    Buddy Nix: I think the percentages of being successful is higher in a guy that has done it, but we are not going to limit that. We are going to be open-minded. It might be a college guy. It might be a coordinator. We are going to try to just make sure we get the best guy.

    Well Buddy...Not so much...8 out of the 12 Playoff Head Coaches in 2012 did so with the teams that made them an NFL HC for the 1st time...3 of the last 4 SB winning Head Coaches were in their first stint as an NFL Head Coach...So...


    Buddy just says stuff... B-)

    So that bodes well for the hiring of Marrone then, right???



    The poster enumerated reasons why prospects werent' picked. My point was that on the flip side there were reasons why they could have been picked.

    My point is that its easy to pick Apart Nixs decisions after the fact, forgetting the legitimate concerns associated with each prospect. On a team full of holes and almost EVERY POSITION needing to be upgraded, I won't crucify Nix for being picky when looking at qbs, however, the time is now for a new qb. He has done well to build the talent level and fill most of those aforementioned holes. Qb is the one big one left to fill.


  8. Doesn't it stand to reason from a statistical standpoint that if you try something more often that the odds work in your favor compared to being reluctant to even try? I'm referring to Nix's passivity in drafting reasonable qb prospects.

    Lets not forget that each one of the QBs Nix "passed" on had significant concerns.


    1: Kaep was looked at as a long term project, the fact that he is playing so well is a testament to the coaches and talent around him. Do you think CHan would've done as well?

    2: Dalton, viewed as a 5th rd talent going into mobile, he reminds me of fitz and it is interesting to note that he has one of the best WR in football catching passes from him. I don't think we missed on him.

    3: Mallett: While possessing undeniable physical ability, he has yet to diaplay such prowess in any meaningful games (jury still out) and had serious concerns coming out of college.

    4: Wilson: everything was good except the height, but statistically, short QBs dont do well, and remember that Seattle and wilson really took off once the read option was installed into the offense, prior to that wilson was not setting the league on fire. Again, I ask, do you think CHan would've been so forward thinking?

    5: Cousins, this one puzzles me a bit because he is a decent talent and could've been a good guy to develop, but, he is not ready yet and does not offer a significant upgrade from what we have had with fitz.

  9. I'm not saying by itself its a reason to reject him. With any player you have +'s and -'s, and this one definitely goes in the "-" column. If and when you draft a player depends on how you assess the net of them. And yes playing in an outdoor crappy weather stadium matters. Gloves can only go so far (lot of QBs don't even like them), there's really nothing you can do to compensate for hands that are as much as 1&1/2" shorter than other QBs.


    again, I think this gets overplayed, esp recently. How many bad weather games have we had in the last 5 -7 yrs. I think the number is amazingly low. Like many of you, i've watched virtually, if not every game for a long time and I can't honestly remember more than a handful of "bad weather" games recently. Does it snow in Buffalo, of course but not on gameday lately.


    The difference between the two is statistically insignificant--- although this is only total fumbles, not fumbles lost:



    my stats were based on total fumble vs. fumbles lost for Wilson only. basically he lost 1 fumble every 5 games. thats not alot in the grand scheme of things, esp with such "small" hands. Factor in the AWFUL oline play and that number may be less with a competent front 5.

  10. If everything else checks out, he should be drafted. It's not the be-all end-all, but it's a concern, IMHO.

    totally get that, and it is a valid concern. However, if you watch the tape, it isnt an issue, not with fumbles, or the velocity he throws with, accuracy, nothing. The only times it may be a factor would be throwing on the run.

  11. Up until this point I would have said he reminded me a bit of Brett favre. But favre had huge hands. Unfortunately playing outdoors in buffalo small hands may be a liability.


    Is this REALLY a concern? For the majority of the season cold weather isn't even an issue. And recently, it hasnt been an issue late in the season either. Plus, they make these things called gloves now, they help to grip the ball in bad weather.


    if everything else checks out, and HAND SIZE is what keeps us from drafting a good player, that is sad.

  12. This is the one reason why I don't buy the "he had a horrible line and was running for this life the whole time" argument. He's not going to have a pristine line in the NFL, so he needs to learn to hang tough in the pocket. The last time we heard this excuse was when we drafted Losman. He could make all the throws, but his college success was stifled due to the poor line he played behind. Right.

    That may be valid if the difference from yr 3-4 wasnt so drastic.


    if you watch any Arkansas games from last season you would know that Wilson got clobbered every game, yet still hung in and made plays. His toughness is his MOST impressive attribute.

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