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Posts posted by AllDayADay

  1. In watching the south practice today, Mike Mayock was going on and on about Andy Dalton. There were some facts that caught me as surprised, that were said by imo the best media talent evaluator in the business. His int td ratio was something like 40 to 4 or something like that. He went 30 and 1 in his last collegiate games and most importantly he was the mvp in the last 4 bowl games he played in.


    Those are a lot of the intangibles that Buddy said he liked in a qb. I always remembered those factors because he said thats how he said the Chargers knew Phillip Rivers was the qb they wanted. Hes a winner and hes the most important football player on the field, wherever he is. Lets see how he does the rest of the week.

  2. That's an unfair statement. While I don't advocate following mock drafts as a drafting technique, the Bills staff has in the past truly just over thought the whole thing, to be honest. Sometimes it's easier to see who is going to be good in the future than it's made out to be. For instance, most people agreed guys like ngata and orakpo would succeed. For whatever reason, our "experts" outsmarted themselves.


    I do have faith in Buddy Nix, however.



    Well the only executive I am concerned with now is Buddy and I believe in him too.

  3. Agree.. and like he said.. he already is on the phone talking to players and trying to get them to blo.. im sure he will be talking with nix and trying to get some players in buffalo. This could be a very good thing for the team and the city.


    Thats what excited me the most from the interview. Said that he may have already started talking to future free agents to come to Buffalo. Good stuff, he sounds like he is really on board.

  4. check out this video of DaQuan Bowers the DE from Clemson:


    he is WEAK !!...a tightend was handling him. no way he's better than Fairley or Dareus.




    No where near Marcel.. I cant find a highlight video for him but hes been a beast and is a run-stopper. Which makes him better than fairley who is more a penetrator type, which we already have in Kyle.

  5. I don't know about Bill, but apparently Chan was impressed enough with Rinehart that he's making him the starter at RG.


    And I'd like to see what these guys can do with a healthy off-season and the chance to work together throughout, before I start calling to replace anyone (with the exception of RT). It looks like Bell, Levitre, and Wood are set at LT, LG, and C, and they're young and should only improve with more playing time and (Bell and Wood) being further removed from injury. That leaves RG as a battle between Hangman, Urbik, and now it seems Rinehart, with the 2 non-starters being good depth. The key is finding a RT, whether it be Wrotto, Wang, or a FA pickup or draftee.





    Except for RT and possibly guard. I believe that will be a 2 man battle between Urbik and Hang, but we shouldn't limit ourselves if a good rookie comes out. But, i do agree Rt is a huge concern and a good TE will make this line THAT much better.

  6. Was very excited to see Wood at center today. He did not disappoint one bit. ;)


    But really was impressed with how his snaps looked and how he gave freddy some nice holes in the middle. I know Chan hopes Hang gets back for the final 2 games. I hope I dont have to see Wood at guard in another game. The only position I want him at is center. Been saying it since day 1 and today did nothing to diminish my thoughts.

  7. Ive been waiting a long time for this game. Ever since we drafted Wood in the first round last year. I have very eager to see how he is at his natural position of center. I think he will perform better at center than guard because he is not a gigantic man (of nfl proportions) to handle those huge nose tack by themselves, where as a center they chip and help out on defenders. Im a huge fan Of Wood's so ill be watching him closely on Sunday. Hope he shows us he is he we thought he was, and be the center for the next 10-12 years.


    On Wang's behalf, I am not optimistic. Wasnt a fan of the pick in this years draft. He is more a use his body weight and shoves the defender, rather than using a more orthodox approach of blocking. I think at most he should be our swing tackle of the future, besides that I think the less we see Wang, the better (in more ways than one).

  8. NOBODY is going to pick up Maybin. All they have to do is watch his film-every play getting blown backwards, not being able to come off a block...All he does is run arould all confused, and then jump in on somebody else's stop at the last minute


    Moats is also 22 and he is a much better player than Maybin...And Moats came from I-AA James Madison


    You guys are all missing the point. Hey I wanted to take Brandon Graham becuase i thought we needed de/lb help so bad. Graham has a pro-ready body. Ive seen him this year get thrown around as well. Maybin came into this league as 2-3 project, Im not trying to defend this guy, but we all knew what we were getting ourselves into when the Bills made this pick. Maybin has a different body type than both those guys. I dont think Jason Taylor made a hug impact as a rookie with that same body type.


    Maybin would get picked up by a team with strong leaders and good blitz schemes (Ravens,Jets) and he would make some plays.


    And on the AP play its Mckelvin who doesn't contain.

  9. Nice one I'm sure you will get a million responses. Maybin is better than Torbor. Haha. Good one. Way to hide the nature of the post.


    Ok to defend my post now. The reason I say Maybin is that he is 22 YEARS OLD!!!!! I bet anyone right now that if he was released, there would be 5-10 teams picking him up as a pass rusher. Torbor cant hold the edge (the main responsibly of an olb playing a 3-4).


    And Moats? Are you serious? This kid is a stud, trust me. This is a classic pittsburgh pick. Small school Olb that needs to get bigger and stronger in the future and will be a beast!


    Remember James Harrison, played ST first 3 years and then all of a sudden.. BOOM.. dominant pass rusher. Just saying....

  10. When you look at the Bills defense, I think this season has proven that one position in particular is in desperate need of help, Linebackers.


    I think it pretty amazing that we look "ok" some of the time.


    Think about the Bills LBs compared to any other team and who would start on another team. I would say Poz and Moats, and maybe Coleman and Maybin would be the only ones to make another good defensive team's roster.


    Its a desperate need for this team and I know Buddy Nix thinks the same. We better hope the LB draft class is a good one and some good FA are out there. Torbor, Ayodele, Ellson are not going to cut it.

  11. Let's talk about this guy. Did anyone else not notice much of a drop off in play between Wood and Urbik over the last couple of weeks? At the very least, I think we have found our top interior lineman for 2011, but to be honest I think that as long as he bounces back well from his injury, he gives us the flexibility to replace Hangartner eventually, either with a Levitre-Wood-Urbik or Levitre-Urbik-Wood combo.


    I couple of times you did see a drop off between wood and urbik. urbik is more of a big body who doesnt move that well. I would like to see levitre-wood-urbik to give us more power and use hang and a guy that can all 3 interior positions. He did that while he was in carolina. Also urbik played tackle in college so center def is not his natural posiition.

  12. I don't think you can discount how major is was that our center got knocked out of the game. That pretty much kills the chemistry between Fitz and the Oline not to mention how it messes up the Oline in general. I think that was a huge reason the O looked disjointed for large chunks.



    I hope Wood can come into center and really claim that spot. I like Hang but I think C is Eric's natural position.

  13. I agree he did looked horrible out there in the first half but was much better in the second half. I think Poz should stay, not just because i have his jersey, but because we need a MLB of the future and he has already had a good learning year with lots of vets around to help him learn it. I think Poz play depends a lot on the d-line push. If they could keep lineman off of him, he is as good as it gets a instincts and tackling are concerned.

  14. - That first half was very depressing. I thought we were outmatched and getting our butts handed to us. But deep down I knew the second half IS our half. We make adjustments and we fight back, and that we did.


    - I was going to credit Gailey again on his second half adjustments but Fitz said in his presser that they didn't need to make many adjustments and they really liked their game plan going in but they just didn't have the ball enough in the first half to try it out. Good on them for not giving up on it and executing that game plan in the second half.


    - As much as I like the resiliency to bounce back in the second half, I'd like to do something in the first half. I'm not sure how they go about accomplishing that but going forward I'd like to see more out of this team offensively in the first half.


    - Lost in a lot of discussion regarding the game is the fact that Fitzy had about 5-10 dropped passes that couldve/shouldve been caught. Those dropped balls easily put him over 300 yards and give him another multiple touchdown game but such is life as an NFL QB. Just have to hope the drops don't continue to happen.


    - Another small thing to note: we did this without Roscoe Parrish and CJ Spiller. Granted, Spiller hasn't been someone to game plan for yet but he will be in the future. That's why we drafted him with our first pick. Gailey has been slowly making him a larger part of the offense and without Roscoe, it's time for Spiller to step up. I believe when Gailey fully trusts Spiller with the playbook and blocking duties, we will see this kid get a lot of touches. I bring this entire point up because I believe the Steelers have the best D in football and we accomplished a good amount today offensively with the likes of 2 no-namers quickly making a name for themselves: David Nelson and Donald Jones. Throw in guys with natural athletic ability (Spiller and Roscoe) that those 2 may lack and more plays are going to be made.


    - Fred Jackson had another good game. Rodney Harrison, on NBC, called him the best player you've never heard of. So true. And I like that someone is acknowledging how good this is. That said, even though we recovered it in this case, I'm not happy about the fumbles.


    - Oh and that play Fred fumbled - lost in that was the fact that Fitzy went out of his way to throw a huge block at Troy Palomalu. This was ahead of the play and I think Troy ended up just throwing him but I still appreciated the effort. I advise you to go back and watch this on DVR if you can. He went at Troy a few times earlier in the game. Fitzmagic is a fearless warrior.


    - As I mentioned last week, my weekly tradition is to watch all Bills pressers after the Sunday Night game on NBC. I could barely make it through Stevie's presser. Very emotional. I feel for the guy. I won't comment on the debacle of a game he had because everything's pretty much been covered but I will say this: A few weeks ago, many weeks ago in fact, he mentioned in his presser that they were working on a slant play that he dropped all week and Fitz came back to it in the real game and he caught it. I found it interesting that he'd mention that he dropped this pass all week. I appreciated the honesty but it also stood out to me as a sign that this guy knows he's going to occasionally drop balls. I mean, I've never heard Lee Evans say that or Roscoe or TO (someone who drops a lot to begin with), so when Stevie said that, it kind of worried me. Worried me in the sense that he may have some games like today where he can't catch anything. That said - I still love this guy and I hope he can shake this off. I really hope he has a big game next week so he can forget about this. Just imagine the positive press he would have gotten along with the Bills if we would have pulled off the big upset in overtime on THAT play. Damn.


    - Ecstatic to see Carrington get his first NFL sack. He looked damn good out there at points. As did Troupe. With Dwan Edwards injured and likely out for a while, we'll get an opportunity to see more of these guys which is a good thing for our future. Sorry but Edwards has not impressed me at ALL this season and while his injury is unfortunate for him, I think the timing is good for the Bills to find out what they have in some of their younger guys.


    - Props to Kyle Williams who looked like a freakin' monster out there. He made a SIGNIFICANT difference out there at different points in the game. Very happy to see him emerge as a difference maker on this weak D. We need to build around this guy and provide him support.


    - Maybin almost made a play. Hey, that sounds better than him being inactive again. Honestly, the few plays he was out there, he didn't look awful. Not sure what else to say about the guy other than try it out again next week and put him in on obvious passing downs.


    - Solid offense line play again. I wonder how much of that is Fitzy and his quick decisions or just improved play based on the stability of the line? Urbik stepped in nicely in place of Wood. Bell seemed to have a good game as well. Loving the idea of having a solid offensive line in the future. We need to add some depth and maybe work on the RT position but I think we're heading in the right direction.


    - Before I finish I just want to say how excited I was for today's game. I've watched every minute of this season and for some reason this week felt extra special. Maybe it was because it was truly going to be a measuring stick type of game. Let's find out how good this team can be. I even wore my Spiller jersey for the 2nd time this year (I wore it for game 1 of the season but after the loss I put it away until they "deserved" me wearing it again -- I know, I know, that sounds silly but that's how I work). Maybe it was because I really want to believe in these guys. During the comeback in the second half, I said to myself, "I love this team." Even after the heartbreaking loss, I still felt proud of the guys. We had no business being in this game against this team when you consider their recent playoff experience, titles and abundance of talent on both sides of the ball (except the Oline apparently). They have a good chance of playing for another Super Bowl championship and we went toe-to-toe with them. Hell, we SHOULD have won but it just wasn't meant to be. Hoping next week is as we face another formidable opponent!


    - Next week we got the VIKINGS in their dome. GO BILLS!


    Nice write up. This one hurts a lot, but not as much as if we were .500 or better.

  15. I heard the same thing about Bell and thought to myslef "has he really not given up a sack?" I have always thought (yes, really thought) thay D Bell aka Mailman Jr will be a good LT. Chan and Buddy new he was a good lineman even Dick thought so to start him in short time at the beginning of last season.


    Besides drafting a RT, any other draft pick would be used for depth. I think going a RT in rounds 2-5 would be a good choice. This of course depending on the draft class. As we saw this April there is no point in forcing to go O line, when the talent just isnt there.


    My only question is what to do with the C/RG positions. I like what Urbik did today, gives us good power on the right side. So where does leave Wood, center? I would say yes but i really like what Hang has been doing there. I mean its a good problem to have but it needs an answer and it leaves one of those guys with a seat on the bench.

  16. Those games were single events..look at the 6 games after the bye and this team is on the right track. Yes, like the girl you grew up with, we know all the blemishes and the defense is a big old blemish, but they continue to stay close.


    The Bills of the past few years were front runners; get a lead and then find a way to lose. This team has the confidence to overcome being behind by 10 late in Balt or throwing a heart breaking interception very late against Pitt and still getting to OT. I know they didn't win either game, my point is that previously they would have folded.



    Definitely a difference than Djs teams in the past, but that first half was all to similar. I think there is a huge difference between teams and coaches. Chan in a lot of ways is the complete opposite of Dick. This team plays with more heart than any team in the past. These last 6 weeks would play with anybody in the league.


    Also was encouraged with Troup, Carrington and Moats all game long. Carrrington is a MAN CHILD!

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