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Posts posted by AllDayADay

  1. Great find! Love to hear Buddy's views. Surprising to hear him say they were trying to build around the defense with Chan. Having someone like Fitzy and having him runa spread offense, is a little confusing. You would think if defense is the plan, that they would try and build around the run game more.


    Either way, I like that he is still helping and that he is even assisting with the UFA's. Writing 120 reports, sounds fun, but daunting.

  2. Whats a matter with you people? Why would you want to start over on defense. The best case scenario would be to retain O'neil and keep everyone at their positions. That probably will not happen because Pettine needs a whole staff for CLE. We need to BUILD on last year, not start over. Everyone wants to think we have to hit the reset button because we lost one guy. We have staff that learned from him last year.


    This is why I thought Pettine to the Browns would not be a good fit. Its so late and he already stretched his staff when he left the Jets, now he is going to stretch it even more.

  3. It will be someone internally. I think either Donnie Henderson or Jim Oneil. Anthony Weaver maybe a dark horse. But, Donnie has done it before. Also, depends on who he takes with him...


    It would be the best if Pettine just wakes up tomorrow and says F it. Im staying in the B LO, start what I finished.

  4. I was watching their last game with my buddy, since he is a Texans fan.


    WOW! I am glad we didnt resign him. I know he does wonders when pulling and for the run game, but he was like a bad version of Legursky. I felt bad for Fitzy as he was just getting killed. He probably is upset he can never get away for Levitres pass blocking. Antonio Johnson abused him almost every down. There was a sequence of plays that ended up with Fitzy getting drilled and the ball going up like a punt. He is too small for this leagues better pass rushers.


    Glad we didnt spend the big money and got Wood locked up instead.

  5. I know this has probably been spoken about before, but does anyone agree this is the coach that really needs to go to improve this team moving forward. .


    I have noticed more lousy plays by this ST group than I have in the past 5 years... combined.


    I will admit the KO team has done well when given the chance (I love the way Hogan and Easley fly down and make the secure tackles). But, I am so tired of seeing Leodis having trouble breaking one when he used to do it with ease. He looks like he is not getting any good blocks anymore.


    I think we need to fire him ASAP once the season ends. Has anyone noticed that in the beginning of the season he stood right next to coach Marrone and now he only comes around to discuss if there is a questionable decision dealing with a fg or punt?


    I think Marrone has to realize we are behind other teams in ST with all the analytics the team does.

  6. its a problem with both of those issues AND the fact that we run every single first down - I understand you must establish the run - but the coaching staff must also understand how incredibly predictable it makes the offense, its OK to throw on first down and run on second down - thats legal in the NFL


    We actually started to pass more on 1st down later in the game. The big drive at the end had EJ throwing on first down, but I agree CJ is not meant to run out of the gun. The angles he takes are wrong and he doesnt keep his shoulders square to the line of scrimmage.


    I like EJ under center as long as he can play action and keep the linebackers up. Our deep play (when TJ and Marquise are out there) always has him under center. I think it is to give the WR more time to showcase their speed. Speaking of which, Is Graham good as gone or what. Such a finesse WR. Not cutting it.

  7. I have the impression Marrone isn't as fascinated with Spiller as us fans are and would prefer more of a power type back.


    I dont see Spiller leaving this offseason, maybe the one after, but he has little trade value after this down year and his contract is up after this one. If he does really well then we can franchise and trade him.


    The players that come to mind that could leave are Pears, Chandler, Stevie (hope he stays though), Bradham, Graham, Urbik


    I hope Marrone really puts his imprint on the team this offseason.

  8. Book It I: EJ Manuel never gets the Buffalo Bills better than an 8-8 record.


    Book It II: 8-8 teams don't make the playoffs.


    Book It III: Nothing changes for the Buffalo Bills until new ownership takes place. Nothing.


    I will never understand why ownership has anything to do with losing. For over 20 years of watching every Bills game, Ive never seen Ralph or Russ drop a pass or miss a tackle.


    To say EJ will never get a record over 8-8 is ludicrous and you have nothing to support that. The kid was a winner in HS and College.


    I agree that this offense failing lately is not all of his fault. The entire line except Wood and Cordy will get reviewed with a fine tooth comb. Marrone is almost saying that with his actions and words.

  9. I listened to Mike Tomlin before the game from his press conference and knew this game was going to very very difficult. Pittsburgh is a aging playoff team, people tend to forget. They got EMBARRASSED last week and Mike Tomlin wanted to send a message. I understand we should be able to win every game we play, but mix into the fact that they have one of the best DC of all time and your rookie quarterback is coming off of 4 week injury, the outcome would not surprise you.


    I wish EJ showed more composure and not leave his receivers out to dry, but I give him a pass, as his favorite target was not out there.


    Have some faith guys, this is a new coaching staff and they are still trying to figure things out.


    Whats the point of being negative all the time? I beat myself up over these losses, more than I should, but you have to keep your head up.

  10. I think both of these guys, especially Slauson, would be a great fit. I usually dont like guys who take cheap shots, but I thought he was very solid when we played them, twice a year.


    I know Marrone and Moore have familiarization with one another, but he is more of a RG, so I am not sure what that would mean for Urbik and which one would switch over to the left side.


    I wish we were a little bit more active with our needs, but hopefully that will change this weekend...

  11. So with the recent rumors and projections, Denver really seems to like Von Miller. We are pretty much at their mercy, but we are pretty much guaranteed a really good player. So we get Marcell Dareus, but what would D-line look like in the 2011 season. Do we have too much invested already? How many d-line men would we need to play a real 3-4?


    Kyle Williams- Will see the field more than any other Bills d-line men, deservedly so. Playmaker, especially when rushing the passer and uses his pentration skills. 3 technique

    Torrell Troup- 2nd round pick. Run stuffer, hopefully gets a lot better in his 2nd year. Nose tackle

    Alex Carrington- 3rd round pick. Very good potential and can become a complete DE in 34. 5 technique

    Dwan Edwards- The biggest free agent from the Nix era. Solid, versatile, but not over powering. 3 or 5 technique

    Chris Kelsay- The underwhelming classic face of the Bills defense. Get a lot of PT, but clearly doesnt fit in a 34. DE in 4-3 looks.

    Spencer Johnson- Good depth, average player with ST value. 3 or 5 technique.

    *Marcell Dareus*- Could play in many positions along the line. Powerful, quick, can shed blocks. ?????


    So my question is, where does he play and who is not starting? Personally, I would like to see Kelsay go (his contract extension was overrated and can be release without the bills losing too much money). Have Dareus playing a 5 technique in 34 looks and maybe DE in 4-3 looks. I think he is quick enough to play out on the edge. Maybe the Bills D staff will do something creative for a change.

  12. Why is everyone acting like we get one pick for the whole off-season? Hopefully, free agency starts soon and we can get some help there. We for sure need a good draft and a decent free agency to be competitive defensively.


    I go with the sense that I would take Miller over Dareus for the fact that its harder to get a difference making OLB than it is a de/dt. I think there will be plenty of big grown man that we can throw into the d-line to improve the run defense. Cullen Jenkins, Jaques Cesaire type of guy. They are not only easier to find but they are much cheaper and you can get a couple of them. Sort of what the Packers do.

  13. Would be highly against Watt in the 1st or even the 2nd. This is the last guy we need. Dareus or Cam Jordan is what we need.


    Would get pushed around just like a Kelsay or Spencer Johnson, he would fare no better. These are grown men in this league, not some true freshman you can dominate at tackle playing against ohio university.

  14. When i first heard this I thought, wasnt it him and DJ that had a relationship that could of brought him to Buffalo a couple years ago. Now as soon as DJ comes in to town they get rid of him.


    I feel bad for any Browns fan, but would always be mad as hell if this tampa-2 defense works in a hard-nosed running division. But i highly doubt that.


    As for Shaun Rodgers, I think it would be worth a look-see. I really want Marcel Dareus so it would kind of interfere on that point, but wouldnt mind seeing shaun as a de in 3-4. Think he would cause alot of havoc there. Just have to be careful for injuries and laziness.

  15. LB- It was embarrassing every Sunday to watch everybody and anybody run up and down the field. Buddy seems he wants to go 3-4, so i see us adding at least 4 Lbs this offseason. Whether draft or fa, we need some big linebackers. I think and hope free agency will take place this spring but who knows now with the CBA.


    OT- I put this second because i could not imagine if something happened to D Bell which almost did since he was 3/4 healthy this season. We would be in a disastrous looking o-line. We not only need a starting RT but we need DEPTH!

  16. Wont draft A.J Green even thats what Buddy says. Hes not Matt Millen. Costanzo wont last until round 2 and Sheppard wont last until 4. And enough we drafting a te, this is a very weak class for tes. We need to sign one via fa. Ala owen daniels or jeff king.


    1- Dareus

    2- RT or Sheppard

    3- Sheppard (if still available) or a qb we like.. Dalton???

  17. Yes..Dalton is so overrated it makes me sick. There's nothing about him that makes me think he can be a successful starting QB in the NFL. I'd much rather draft Newton at #3 than take Dalton in any round.


    Opinion time? So what have we been doing all this time?


    Anyway, what makes you not like Dalton? Is it his unheard of winning percentage or his lack of throwing ints?


    I guess all I had were questions..????

  18. I want either 1 of the 3 big tackles from the North team. I think all3 can play the right better than the left right off the bat. Or Marcus Gilbert from Florida in the later rounds, or James Carpenter from Alabama.


    We will grab a tackle in this draft. Hopefully its in the earlier rounds. Think Wang is a wasted pick.


    I like buddys comment on qbs, that we will draft on this year. Think itll be Dalton.

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