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Beebe's Kid

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Posts posted by Beebe's Kid

  1. It's true, the little white-guy is becoming quite the hot item in the NFL today. Where is our Wes Welker? Our Dan Woodhead?

    I thought it was funny yesterday...when Shipley made a good catch, Tasker says what all announcers say when a white guy gets a catch..."he is turning into a Wes Welker on this team."


    Very chic to have a little white guy.

  2. Now if the Bills only had Carolina on the schedule we could have victories over the three worst teams in the NFL. Is that a record?


    I wonder what Steve Johnson thinks at night when he considers that Lee Evans makes $9 million per year?

    Well, funny guy, he probably thinks, "My contract is up at the end of the year, guess I'll get $10 mill per, or I'll go get it somewhere else."


    I think what will change peoples minds is when ESPN and NFLN start slobbering over Fitz. We need the affirmation of the media before we believe anything.



    Well, if they mention the Bills on ESPN or NFLN, it is just a rip at the city...or, at least, that is what everybody here hears. It is hard to believe that a city that was "Talkin' Proud" has turned into a paranoid delusional shell of it's former self.

  3. The long and the short of it is that there is no reason. Well, other than "I want Luck."


    Fitzy needs to get some W's. If we aren't going to get the first pick, which is unlikely, let's get some !@#$ing W's so I can feel better about Fitz.


    I would also like to see us win a game, or two, going away. Show me that you know how to put the foot on their throat, and end a game in the 3rd Qtr.


    Fitzy is the face of our franchise right now...ask any of the players. It is just a 1-8 franchise.

  4. I have bashed Schopp in the past...but he's grown on me lately.


    The guy can be an antagonist, and the Dolphins game last year was about as low as he could have gone. He is a fan, he claims not to be, but his reaction says different. He gets upset because he cares...much like the people on this board.


    Schopp doesn't have the "I am smarter than you" thing going on...he is just smarter than you. What the guy says make sense, and there are plenty of times that he puts things out for discussion that people misconstrue as his opinion, and when they call they show all fired up and ready to fight, he can be a little crass. In his defense he brings up good, viable topics, and when you call and either bash the team, or defend them, with no adherence to the topic, he becomes annoyed. At the end of the day, it is his show. If you don't like it, don't listen, if you don't listen, he won't have a show. Well...not you alone, which means he must be doing something right because he is one of the go to guys at the station.


    This team is winless. That is a fact. Schopp put Stevie on Front St in an inappropriate manner...he acknowledged it, but he is absolutely right, in the fact that it is !@#$ing awesome to see Stevie jump his **** for it.


    I am excited for the prospects of this team, and many of it's young players. If anything this is a positive situation, and may actually be a sort of bridge in the gap between the Bills and the local media. It is sad, we could have the best coverage if there was a little more of a connection, instead both are kind of like high school girls, taking shots at each other, and never while they coexist, without possessing the ability, or willingness, to bury the hatchet for the good of the fans, which is ultimately the health of their products.


    Schopp is a radio personality, who is payed to cause a stir and drum up some listeners...I applaud the free marketing, and I hope it lights a fire under he ass of this team, and we don't wait to fall behind before we make the game interesting, only to watch an errant throw get picked and blow it.

  5. It's a Bad football team. You're a bad football team when you can't find ways to win. They have become more competitive in recent weeks. But you gotta look from the top to bottom of the organization and see where the weak spots are.


    1. The ownership. Ralph is... oh god. I'm not gonna go there.


    2. General Manager. - Rookie GM. Good scout, built the SD Chargers. Had an entire year to be with the Bills again. Rather be sleeping at the beginning of FA rather than sending big contracts to Peppers and Dansby to make this team better. Alot of blame I put on him for not standing up and telling Ralph the way it is. He saw how bad this team was and should have already known what are weak spots are. Not sure if this is a marriage of convience because Ralph knows him, or he really wants to build a winner. Re-signing Chris Kelsay really put a black mark on this guys image. The 2010 draft appears to be joke. Not one impact player has come out of it yet. The jury is out...



    3. Head Coach. - Seems to be getting the best out of the offense with the talent he has. Still haven't seen any 2010 draft pick make any impact on this team. Should have known Edwards was a bust. I like that he switched the Defense to 3-4, but I blame both Buddy and him for not bringing in the personel needed to make this change and purging the personel that didn't fit that mold. Had a whole training camp. Not really sure if he made the right cuts on this team.


    4. Defensive Coordinator. - The Jury is out. Our Front 7 is basically a joke. He doesn't really have the front 7 to make this work. Give him 5 new starters in the front 7 and then will be able to know if George Edwards belongs coaching in the NFL.


    So there you have it. We need alot of work folks, believe it. This team isn't going nowhere until they make a big splash in FA and the draft. We gotta hit on every player in next years draft and they need to sign impact FA players ala Peppers and Dansby. Not doing so will keep us in the bottom 5 for years to come. But it is the NFL and we can turn the boat around. You just gotta make changes and keep the talent you acquire in order to do so.

    Oh no...don't even go there!!!!


    Whatever...this would be an ideal location for a Mydol commercial.


    You poor, poor little things. If only the rest of the world knew as much as you...sigh..

  6. We drafted a QB one time, and he didn't even take the job. He went and played in another league, because Buffalo was such a **** hole... I think he may even be in the area still. I wouldn't doubt that he goes to a game or two every now and again.


    This !@#$ doesn't know what the rest of the season will bring, nor do any of us. If Merriman blows...let him go to the !@#$ing Phish...if he kicks ass, and is "Lights Out," make him an offer he can't refuse... then make sure to teabag the "Czar."

  7. I want to hear the presser on why they didn't go after this guy....

    !@#$ing rich. There is SURE to be a presser why they didn't claim a waived 4th round pick!!!!


    In fact every GM will be there, and they are are going to donate the proceeds from the telecast to charity!!!

  8. Predictions don't mean anything if you're a fan of the team. Not a single person other than a Bills fan would think we would win this weekend. If you happen to be right, it will be nothing more than a lucky guess. A real prediction is an educated guess. No one with educated information on these two teams would pick the Bills to win if anything real was riding on it. If someone held a gun to your head, and the only way you would live was by picking the outright winner of this game, everyone would pick the Ravens - including our resident Nostradamuses above.


    That being said, I hope you are right.



    Predictions don't mean anything coming from the schmucks that get paid to make them.


    Although we are irrelevant and blah blah blah...there are many here that have better takes than the "pros." The all just echo each other, and generally stick with odds makers.

  9. I am not saying they statistical comparison to Kelly is correct, but there is one thing clear in this and every other thread about Fitzy.



    He is never going to have the fan's support. He's a backup...you hear that a lot...actually it would seem like that is never an original thought, or a substantiated claim, but just what you heard on a message board so you should "lol" and "roflmao" about the the ideal of Fitz as a starter.


    If there is a real argument that's fine, but the "We know what we have, a backup" is stupid.


    So is "prevent defense."

  10. Good point, but do you think anyone is TELLING Maybin to get in a four-point stance?

    Maybinot, but they should be telling him to stand the !@#$ up and try to get an angle. I hate the wallbash smiley, but there is no better way to illustrate us continuing to put/let Maybin in the 4-pt stance.


    This is a great thread, does anybody have Chan's email address to bring this to his attention??!!!

  11. youtube.com/watch?v=g_enNmzWn6Y




    And on a serious note, from what I can tell, there's no way to make your default font the larger one than the standard one, which means you have to change it to that every time you post. That's douchy.


    And the last time a guy offered to have me spend time in his jungle, he was wearing ass-less chaps and a cowboy hat... but I digress.

    Pretty sure that chaps with an ass become crotchless pants...not having an ass is what qualifies chaps as chaps...but I digress.


    This thread turned into a personal pissing match, because a guy said, albeit in large font, that he believes the Bills will be good again, and he is proud to be a fan. That is what started all of these personal attacks. This is a Bills fan site, right?


    God forbid, he didn't take the doom and gloom outlook that has become so hip...Bills fans are slipping more than the team. They fight like a few 7th grade girls. If the fans were have way decent, this would make this more bearable.


    I go to the games, I watch the away games that I can't get to. I wear Bills colors, almost everyday. I have many friends that are Bills fans, and none of them are as negative as the pricks in this place. They are every bit as well informed, and long suffering, too.


    Quit being pathetic little bitches. You attack other Bills fans? Why don't you take the effort to try and convey your level of frustration with the team? Because you're too lazy to try to figure out how to get in touch with the right people, which would be difficult for you, because there isn't anybody on the planet that gives a !@#$ what you think.

  12. i respect your opinion, but I figure if he went to prison, did his time and is allowed to play he should play. In a world where children are murdered, where rape is a political weapon, where bodies are being found in deserts in Texas and Arizona I'm just not all that excited about the dog issue.


    Vick would be better than Fitz. I'm not looking or someone to date my sister, just for someone who can play quarterback.



    I agree on spiller in that there is no one else with his talent on this team. That is a pretty low bar to get over though.


    What? Because there are worse things that happen in the world, we should be ok with what Vick did?


    He would be better than Fitz, but I would rather not contribute to his cause. The guys should still be in jail, if it were you or I, we would be. Even if you feel he paid his debt, the fact that we need a QB doesn't lessen the magnitude of what he did. Think about what he did, don't just think about a QB...the guy shouldn't be in the league.


    Other than that, you are !@#$ing amazing!!! You may be a miserable, negative prick, who is getting some sort of self-stroking joy out of the teams 0-5 start, and feel like somebody should tell you that you right...pure amazing you are.


    We all thought the team would be rebuilt by Week 5...it would have helped if we signed all of the available fee agents, as you suggested. Of course you constantly spout ****, and have signed 300 guys. You are truly gifted.

  13. Fitzpatrick picked up a the bulk of his passing yardage in garbage time.


    To point out his rating yesterday is not telling the whole tale.


    When we were in the game, he took us out of it, by firing some of the most ridiculous looking passes I've ever seen.


    He isn't the worst QB in the world, but to say he is "our guy" and celebrate his stat line is the completely incorrect way to look at what he has done. He cost us the NE game...we were only in it because of him, but he did cost us the win with his two picks.


    Did he play against the Jets? I know he had a good rushing day, and that some passes were dropped, but there were some horrible throws that cost us drives early in the game.


    His accuracy is not NFL caliber. He is smart, seems to be an guy with good character, and can make plays from time to time. I always asked why it was a foregone conclusion that he was only a backup QB, and I have to say that now I understand. Good backup? Yes, good starter? If you're not interested in making the playoffs for another decade, then you got it.

  14. No kidding...what they should have done is spend 3 years getting the players in place for the offense and the 4-3, then shoot the defense in the foot and make the switch.


    When will the idiots at OBD get it!!!


    Wow...everybody knew it was coming...it comes, and you're surprised. If this works, it is all for the better, but you'll still be bitter about this year, so good luck with that.

  15. Great call on this one sir!!!!


    Brunell did replace Sanchez after he was finished blowing out the Bills on Sunday!!


    Congrats on a correct prediction!! :devil:

    Wow...you dug this up, and didn't have a take in the original argument? You, really, did this to take a shot at a poster, when you didn't have a hair in your ass to have a take originally?


    I didn't comment on this the first time around, because I had no idea how Sanchez was going to look.


    Why didn't you bump the one where you predicted Sanchez would be doing as well as he is?


    Douche move of the day.


    Stay classy, sir!!!!!

  16. I see this trade as a mistake but for a different rationale. They have been linked to trading Lynch all off season and into the season. They vehemently denied that they were trying, but as it turns out they were trying to move him. That's fine, I know you don't publicly state you're trying to trade a player.


    But here's my issue. You held onto Marshawn, knowing you were trying to trade him. Started him the last three games pissing off your number one back (Jackson), let Joique Bell walk out the door, so now we are at the very least not as good without him, all for a 4th round pick? That's what you did all that for? Baffling.



    Do you think Freddy is pissed? This guy has overcome obstacle after obstacle. You don't do that by pouting when you're down. He knew it was just a matter of time. Jackson, almost surely, knew more than he let on.

  17. Every day I see people in the shout box talking about how badly they hope the Bills DO NOT draft a QB this year.


    Here are some actual arguments I see against drafting a QB:


    I don't want to pay a rookie QB that kind of money.

    Well, a number one overall left tackle is going to command the exact same money. So is anyone else you draft number one, the salary is dictated by the draft order not the fact that you play QB.


    A QB might bust.

    So might any other positions. Top OL prospects bust all the time - we've seen it firsthand.


    If a rookie QB busts it ruins your franchise for years.

    They franchise is already ruined. Once you are the literal worst, there is no where else to go. Also, the Chargers busted on Leaf in a big way and it didn't take them very long to part ways and get back on track.


    Top rookie QBs always bust.

    The top two QBs taken for the last three years are Matt Ryan and Joe Flacco, Matt Stafford and Mark Sanchez, and Sam Bradford and Tim Tebow. Sometimes you get Jamarcus Russell, and sometimes you get Peyton Manning. That's life. The same thing is true for any position - you draft a tackle you could get another Mike Williams.


    You can just get a QB in free agency.

    You can look at 2011 free agents here - http://www.footballsfuture.com/freeagents.html

    Orton is a longshot to hit the free agent market. Hasselbeck has some chance of hitting the market, and is way past his prime. We could probably realistically bring in Alex Smith, and that's it.


    You don't need a good QB to win.

    Just look around the league at the teams that are good year in and year out - they have good QBs. Look at the cellar dwellars, they are on a constant search to find their next franchise QB and return to glory. The rare exceptions like the Super Bowl Ravens and Bucs are just that, exceptions and not the rule. If the Bills had an elite defense right now then maybe a veteran FA would make at least some small sense, but the Bills aren't good anywhere. Their only hope of being a contender again is to hit on a stud QB in the draft.


    It is absolutely mind boggling.


    I think there are two main reasons for this:


    - A lack of understanding of the NFL.

    - A desire to lose.


    The former is easy to understand, the latter a bit trickier. I think many Bills fan relish their Lovable Loser identity, and secretly want to preserve it. They love to hate One Bills Drive, they love to play the role of the futile but loyal fan. In most cases I think it's a mixture of both reasons.


    Realize that if you want the early 90s again, you need a Jim Kelly to lead the troops. The draft is our best and really only shot at that, so embrace 0-16 and pray Andrew Luck comes out.


    So...of the 5% that say we don't need a QB, you dedicate the time to this? Preaching to the choir, and it is a long, tired sermon.

  18. great post. its almost harder having to listen to Bills fans, than it is watching the Bills play at this point.


    everyone knew (or shouldve known) this was going to be a waste of a season. Nix said it himself, both directly and indirectly.



    ^^ The best part, or the worst are the smug ones that sit there without a !@#$ing clue how anything really works...they just get smug about who "we coulda signed..." When the reality of the CBA sinks it, that will be Chan and Nix's fault, too.


    The CBA is !@#$ing everything up, first and foremost it is holding us back, but don't bother taking the time to try and understand that...just make some !@#$ing asinine claims about what Nix has done, pine for Vick, eat your 6th bowl of Fruit Loops, and keep bitching. It's easier to B word that deal with reality anyway.


    I don't B word because I'm less of a fan, I B word because, I am a fan....


    That's fine, now just shut up.

  19. I don't know if it's been brought up, but while the CBA is a side subject for fans, it is a little bit of a big deal in the real life NFL.



    Luck will not come out if there is a lockout...he might not come out if there isn't.


    Also...I'm not sure, but the CBA might have had something to do with the FO's not being willing to bring in players in the off season.

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