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Beebe's Kid

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Posts posted by Beebe's Kid

  1. These guys suck balls.


    Seriously, I have heard this crap out of them long enough. I just had to take Excedrin Migraine.


    Sully: "McKelvin can't beat Florence at corner..."


    Too late Sully McKelvin has been a stud the last two weeks, and has started both games. Maybe they should actually watch the games.

  2. Hope it was injury-related, or it's yet another draft day mistake by this unaccountable FO.


    And btw, with Wang injured, that means there are no draft picks helping this year's offensive line. What a crock.

    Sure there is, his name is CJ Spiller...oh sorry, you were in "over-reaction-meltdown mode," as you were.

  3. He played well last week too! :nana:



    u r a moron. :doh:



    This was probably Gailey's plan all along. Play Fitz the 1st and 3rd game and play Brohm the 2nd and 4th game. I could be wrong but that is probably what he wanted. He will probably give Brohm most of the first half against the Lions and let Levi play the rest. They will make their evaluations after the game.

    I think people are reading to much into this.

    I thought this was made clear by Chan, but if somebody is out to prove a point, they will disregard facts, to perpetuate their argument, regardless how much stupidity it ends up showing.


    This thread is in way to much of a hurry to be "right."


    Brohm will play next week, and all of the Brohm guys will be going "See, I told you," and there will be a tough decision to be made.

  4. This makes sense to me. Why is it that college coaches defer the toss 90% of the time then?


    College is for pussies.


    That is just a joke, when I read the post that is what came to mind, and I thought my own joke was funny, so I decided to share.


    I take the ball. There are factors but at the end of the day, personal preference, I want you catching me, not the other way around. Trying to catch up leads to mistakes, whether it is just one score or not. There is the "oh ****, I am behind" feeling. Again that might not be everybody, but me. I take the ball, establish the run, eat up some clock, but you have to manage the drive to get you points, not do our three and out, punt, they get the ball at midfield.

  5. I like the idea of the "drive in," but how about a huge 4-sided screen in the stadium, and let the season ticket holders go watch the game there...Somebody could have mine, because I am going. Period. Cost be damned. If the Bills go to a Super Bowl, I am not missing a second. I go to the Ralph for every home game, and travel to away games if I can. If we are going to play the biggest game in football...I am there.


    Oddly enough, this gets me all fired up, like we are close...

  6. He probably post them so we can dicuss the article. And he post links and stuff about the article, because if he didn't, there would be 5 posts rapid fire asking for the link.

    All by exactly the same people busting his nuts for this thread, but enough arguing about if it was "ok" with the powers that be to start a thread, or if it was done in the proper fashion.


    Stupar...I remember not being excited about our TE situation, outside a glimmer of hope I had for Nelson, last year. Then things went from bad to worse, with the usual depletion of the roster due to injury. I was down a bit on Stupar when he got "called up" from the PS, but he surprised me. I was hoping he would be nice depth on this team, but apparently he is going to be on the front lines.


    I can't wait to see his "Diamond in the Rough" segment on the scoreboard.

  7. This is dangerous ground you tread on, questioning Steve Johnson...


    He hasn't shown enough to be handed the job, but with the lack of time the first team is on the field, it would be nice to see him getting some reps with the second team. As somebody mentioned, I like him out of the slot, but honestly, if Roscoe can get the ball in his hands, that is a good thing for us. There is a reason Chan wants Roscoe in the slot, and it's because he creates match-up nightmares with his speed.


    Jackson has looked real good, and I am excited to see what Nelson can show us as a big physical presence. I think it is time to cut our losses with Hardy. All the Maybin bashing, but at least he tries...or so it seems. Hardy is either hurt or underachieving, and taking up a roster spot because he was a high draft pick. There is no reason to keep him around.

  8. I couldn't agree more. Did anyone else think that maybin just looked awful last night?

    You have to bash Maybin if you are going to be on a Bills message board. Whitner missed a tackle, and Lynch was stealing $20 and probably committing a crime to get suspended for a whole year. Poz is horrible.


    However, Steve Johnson was AMAZING!!!!! I love him. He doesn't even need to make any catches! Wood looked SUPER, and Trent proved he is the best QB EVER!!!

  9. The saddest part is that this information is entertainment to some.


    It is so funny that his kids don't know their dad! It's hilarious that they are raised by mothers who probably only care to get a support check! Whoooaaaaa buddy!!!! Watching other human beings in anguish is funny, no matter how you cut it, you know?

  10. The Jets are a media fueled bag o'douche. They are everywhere, predicted to win everything, blah blah blah.


    We beat them last year. We couldn't score, minus the one slant pass we threw all year, and they couldn't stop turning it over...Dirty Sanchez in particular. !@#$ them.


    If DS was disrespectful of Namath, that is a testament to our society as a whole. It is also much more prevalent in NFL to not give a damn about the "old heads." I am a huge baseball fan, and of course, we are all sentimental about he history of the game, and the legends, and what have you.


    The Jets are a **** stain without Namath. They only won once, and it was a big one, but they haven't really been all that close again. They were never "the team to beat." Their swagger is disgusting, and I hope we !@#$ing "shock the world" and sweep their asses. We could have won that game in Toronto last year with a slant pass or two.


    Namath in a chinchilla coat on the sidelines...sorry Sanchez, you'll never really know cool.

  11. My whole family was Pittsburgh or Cleveland fans. I had 2 uncles that were Raiders fans, and an oddball aunt that liked Denver.


    I picked the Bills. I was around 6 or 7. Then we got some dude named Kelly, and that cemented it. My mother's maiden name was Kelly as was my QB's. I started to come of age, and were getting good. We are late grade school, and early high school in the Super Bowl years. Bills fans as far as the eye can see, which I just attributed to my getting out into the world a little more. We were decent through the late 90's and I was still in good company.


    Music ****ty Disaster hits...franchise implodes...crickets. I seriously have like 9-10 buddies that are Bills fans, and always chat up a stranger in a jersey/hat/whathaveyou. It is an absolute disgrace. All of these people say "I used to be a diehard.." ERRRRRRRRRRR!!! If you aren't now, you never were. It was easy to like this team when we were a juggernaut, and it always felt like we were going to be back, because we always came back, right?


    Long and the short all of these turncoats are, for the most part, Steelers fans, which I have to laugh. When you watch football with them they have no clue what they are talking about, and will be on to the next team when the Steelers drop off. My sister lived in RaChaCha, and when I used to visit, I always had some sort of gear, usually a hat, but I was always looking for fellow sufferers, and never found any.


    I love having season tickets, because as I put it, it feels good to watch my Bills with 73,000 of my closest friends. We may be a dying bread, but we have been through some ****, and are as resilient as any fans out there. The ones that can't take it would say we're stupid, but loyalty is a dying trait. I would rather never watch football again, then not root for the Bills.


    Call it sappy, preseason, homerism sentiment, but you know what...we'll know the real ones when it finally all comes together. The riders will come crawling back, and act as though they never left, but we'll know. You'll be able to tell because we'll be the ones that are moved to tears when we finally call one "ours."


    Here's to hoping we get "ours" before the cash sucking capitalist monster, that is the NFL, takes, or allows somebody to take our team. There are teams that can't draw when their team is in playoff contention, but we are a decade removed, and always show up.


    Go Bills

  12. The Bills could win the Super Bowl.


    They could win Super Bowls. In a row. All 51-3.


    They could go 16-0. You could have CJ Spiller running up and down the field like a gazelle in the Serengeti.


    You'd still have the national media not giving the team or the city any respect. To the Hollywood types, Buffalo is a caricature.


    Buffalo is never going to be "popular" in the high school of national sports media. It'll always be the vo-tech kid. There won't be Bills jerseys in rap videos. You won't see Bills merchandise in Allentown, just as you don't today. Haha.


    Part of the reason I enjoy being a Bills fan. It's not trendy. It's not cool. It's definitely not easy. You gamble that all the depression and frustration will someday payoff in a high of equal value. We can all never be accused of bandwagon jumping.

    This is not completely true. When we were relevant, we were taken seriously, both the team and the fans. This thought is purely the inferiority complex suffered by our area.


    Our team has been embarrassingly bad. If we were the opponent I would laugh my ass off. Period. If the team we were lined up against made some of the chicken-**** calls we have, and always seemed to find a way to blow it, I would laugh.


    Unfortunately, we are a laughing stock. That is the test of fan hood. On WGR this morning they were talking about "Second Teams." There is no such thing. I rode high when we were good, and I still wear my Bills gear, I still have season tickets, and I watch the away games. Does it hurt? Yeah, but it will make the good times that much sweeter.


    If Ditka and the other ass clowns at ESPN want to laugh at us, that's fine. It's not like it is anybody I take seriously, or respect. I don't even watch ESPN anymore. Let them laugh, it will make it that much better to shove it up their ass.


    I would also like to see Schopp and Bulldog if we ever won. Bulldog is a fan, but Schopp makes a living taking cheap shots at the Bills. Hell, they are paid to talk about them and don't even watch the games. Bulldog has to pretend he doesn't like them, and mocks them to suck Schopp's ass. It would be sweet to give them the old "!@#$ off!" if we win the SB.


    We're down. We know we are down. If you want to kick, kick, but we'll remember. There are a lot of fans of other teams that say they feel for me, and there are those that laugh. I hate Steelers fans as a culture, but I know some really good Steelers fans, who I can talk football with. In fact, one of my good friends, is a convert. He is following the Bills because he is tired of all of the dick riding Steeler fans, and he hears me talk about all of the **** going on with the Bills. I remember the 90's and all of the "fans" that were in school with me, now I get to see them on Facebook in their Hines Ward jerseys...!@#$ 'em, they're dead to me.

  13. This is great. This is like a who's who in all of the QB's that were named in threads as possibilities for the Bills...usually followed with the redneck-toothless !@#$-rallying cry: "Git'r done, Buddy," or even better "Git'r done Chan!"


    The threads would usually go out of control with, only the most qualified, talent evaluators screaming why everybody mentioned was ****.

  14. What a mess! The worst team;look at our qb situation...a joke. We have arguably one of the worst owners in the history of sports. The man just milks every dollar out of this team. The people of WNY deserve better.

    15 Posts in 2 years? You have this kind of insight, and you don't share more? I can't wait to see what kind of gem you dig up for #16!

  15. A basic concept of football is when the WR runs by the Cornerback it is the Safetys job to pick him up. Why was whitner droping back 50yds downfield when the TE was already past the CB?

    I'll give you this...you're resilient. You think after the first time you were wrong you may kind of tucked your tail between your legs, but you are going to prove DW was wrong, whether you are right or not.


    Also...he didn't celebrate, he told Cooley he'd get it again, which is exactly what he should have done. If Cooley is in that position again, and remembers the hit, he might hear footsteps. Good Safety play...but you can turn it into your crusade against Whitner.

  16. Keep in mind he missed the entirety of his rookie training camp and preseason. Honestly, I don't see it as an encouraging sign as much as a thing of necessity.

    Well there it is...


    Regardless if the plan was to gain him experience so there was actually some film for him and the coaches to work on, it's over. We should just start a thread telling Buddy to "get'r done," because that always works.


    Glad we saved all that time!!!

  17. Why do you have to compare the two?


    The incidents are completely different outside of the fact they were both illegal.


    It sounds like many are sympathizing with Stallworth, which is laughable. I bet if it was one of your family that was hit by him, you would feel differently.


    Just curious how many of you sticking up for Stallworth were ready to send Lynch to the electric chair when a drunk broad walked into his car?


    To try to justify what Stallworth did, because you may find yourself in the same situation, still doesn't make it right. He was over the legal limit..."just over," who gives a !@#$? There is a reason there is a legal limit, and his judgment was impaired, and now there is somebody dead. "The guy wasn't at a cross walk..." or whatever justifications you have are moot. If any of us did this, you are getting charged and going to jail...I believe it is 3 years mandatory in PA, not sure about NY.


    Vick's crime was cold, calculated, and lasted an extremely long time. I am sure they partook in this for a long time, and he only got involved deeper by financing with his asinine $ from the Falcons. It wasn't a past crime, and he would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids. To think that he was slapped on the wrist by Goodell is disgusting.


    There doesn't have to be a "winner" between these two situations....they were both wrong, and both got off way easier than you or I would have, because they can play football. They really contribute nothing to society other than the ability to throw and catch a ball...in fact I would judge both as a detriment.


    I am all for rehabilitation. I am sure Stallworth was sorry, most human beings would be after they killed somebody. I hope he uses this to turn his life around, and hopefully helps others along the way. This goes through my head every day... I watch people drive in 25 MPH areas at 50, people are constantly driving aggressively, they never stop at stop signs, and are in just a general hurry all of the time. That is awesome, right up until somebody gets killed and you have to live with it for the rest of your life, and even worse so does their loved ones. I always keep in mind how I would feel if my kids didn't come home because somebody couldn't be bothered with stopping at a light, and I slow down. I think about how I might feel if I had to have nightmares about seeing somebody that I t-boned dead in a car with their kids crying, because I was too special for a stop sign, and I slow down. That doesn't make me immune, or perfect, but it lowers my risk, substantially.


    At the end of the day, taking a side with either of these two because the other's crime was "worse" is interesting, and sad.

  18. So, when asked about his OL coach, should Chan have just stayed mum (as if he were deaf and didn't know he was asked a question) or would you prefer he say "No comment!"?

    Yeah, it would have been a lot better if he just said "Next question." Maybe he should have said "I am not Bill Cowher, as you all know. I can't just call an elite OL coach...hell, I don't even know any other OL coaches. Besides, we all know Ralph wouldn't pay, and that this OL is doomed either way."



  19. Even better for us. This is a move year for Whitner. Either he demonstrates that the thoughts of a couple of seasons ago that it was gonna be a breakout year for him was merely premature or we are happy to see him move on to greener pastures.


    If he steps up and shows real production this year then I have no problem with the Bills rewarding him with an extension before next season. However, if he does not impress this year I have no problem letting him play out his last year or maybe even cut him if we have a better alternative.

    Cut him? Let me guess...he was drafted too high, and "tweets" too much?


    Donte is a good player, regardless of where he was drafted. To cut him would be asinine.


    Whitner will not only make the Pro-Bowl, he will be a starting Safety. All of that in a conference with Reed, Sanders, Palamolu, and the other starter....Byrd.

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