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Posts posted by mikef272002

  1. I think for me anyway the biggest disappointment is seeing the same exact run play called from the same exact formation either going left or right, this is obvious to the defense and is the reason we can't run the ball..I mean if i noticed it after one game imagine the defensive Corr. licking his chops after watching it for 3 games.. Also the lack of getting Spiller in a position in the open to make plays, the middle screen worked wonders last year and I wish they would look at how Chan ran screens and ran the ball w/ Spiller and copied it.. I understand they may be keeping the playbook to a min. for EJ's sake, but you can't tell me you can't find a way to put in some screen plays and better run plays, all he has to do is hand it off...

  2. Listen folks, today we all came back to reality after last weeks win. What did we realize?


    - We have a rookie QB who will take some time to develop into a franchise guy

    - You can't win in this league without NFL-caliber corners/safeties

    - We NEED Byrd and Gilmore back ASAP

    - Marcel Dareus will probably never live up to his draft status

    - Injuries kill this team every year

    - We have a major hole at LG on the o-line

    - Spiller will not avg 6 yds a carry this year

    - This team will be fighting to stay out of the AFC East basement this season


    There are some very nice pieces to build around here in Buffalo. However, this will not happen overnight. This is what we learned today.


    - Chan Gailey was the best thing that happened to this team and we ran him out of town

    - Ryan Fitzy was the best QB we had in a decade and we ran him out of town too

    - Hackett sucks

    - EJ Sucks

    - We will run Spiller out of town

    - We will run Marcel D. And Mario out of town

    - We will run Stevie Johnson out of town

    - We will rebuild every 2 - 3 years for the rest of our lives because we run everyone out of town

  3. The o-line was blocking fine. Hackett was simply calling the same inside draw play which I have no explanation for. There was never a lead blocker, toss, outside run. Just really weird to see. Continuous inside runs is not CJs game.


    ^^^ EXACTLY.! Hackett needs to use some different formations in the backfield...I mean that was a midget football running game .. Line The running back to the left of the QB and run ball right side, line RB on right side of QB and run ball left side.. Basic football 101 at midget level... No Use of fullback, no motion, no counters, no pitches , 1 screen play , No draws , and no QB under center.. It was a Dick Juraun ( SP ) ran offense.. I know it was a rookie QB but you could have helped him out by giving the defense a few different looks, and yes by all means I hope they look at last years offense and incorporate some of the formations / motions / and scheme's... Otherwise look for the running game to stay stagnate and EJ to never get to his potential..

  4. I think you missed the point...the point is that up-tempo, no-huddle teams do this by design to limit the substitutions that their opponents can make


    No I do understand, and I am not so much dis agreeing, I guess it's just another bad Monday and were all in a bad mood - or atleast I was.. Yes the No-Huddle up-tempo can work, but I don't think a rookie QB will run it as well as Peyton and the days of Jim K out there basically calling their own plays.. I would have liked to see some more motion, more formations and more getting Spiller in the open was my original point.. I don't dis agree with the no huddle, but I think you can help your rookie QB out by giving the defense some different looks... Time will tell and I'm sure they will get better...

  5. People say this about NE every year and somehow they prove doubters wrong. BTW, If we had that many penalties, our was the worse team that day. 10-6 teams don't win with that many called on them per game.




    True, but a bad 6-10 team can beat a worse 3-13 team... My point is were nowhere near being good even if we "Almost" beat NE "AGAIN".. Because NE is not looking good, atleast not yesterday... They may right the ship and end up 11-5, but I wouldn't count on us getting any ship pointed in any direction soon..

  6. People say this about NE every year and somehow they prove doubters wrong. BTW, If we had that many penalties, our was the worse team that day. 10-6 teams don't win with that many called on them per game.


    I agree with you about the misuse of Spiller, especially with a weakened interior sans Levitre; it's my hope that it's an adjustment that Hackett will make quickly.


    Aren't we tired of "Hoping" every week..? With that said, I "Hope" so too...


    Aren't we tired of "Hopeing" every week..? With that said, I "Hope" so too...


    What you've just described is, word for word, the exact description of both the K-gun offense that Jim Kelly ran here and the offense that Peyton Manning has been running in Indy and Denver for the last 12 years.


    Oh, so must be it works, my bad..!


    13) If they can play this way against NE, I think that we can assume that the Buffalo Bills will win some football games this season.




    I don't see what all the hype is about, we lost to a very bad NE team.. NE looked like a 6-10 team today and still beat us after we had 10 penalties. I agree the Defense did look better than years past, much better but our offense was terrible. And I don't mean the players as much as the scheme, did anyone else notice it was the same EXACT FORMATION THE ENTIRE GAME IN THE BACKFIELD.! And our run plays consisted of the same 2 runs the WHOLE game, either left or right.! It was mis usage of Spiller to get him in the open, no Draw plays, only one screen, no counters, no mis directions, no pitches, just the same run play all game from the exact same formation all game. BLAH, no wounder we couldn't run the freaking ball.!

  8. I truly hate to say this, so as not to jinx him, but most all of the college scouting reports said EJ was one of the best in the nation in "mat reading." Now, granted, some college mats are a little different than the ones the pros use. But the ability to walk on mats is really one of those talents that you either have or you don't. All the "just put one foot in front of the other" micromanaging by coaches is usually ignored by the players. Manuel has never had a mat problem before, and if you have been watching him in practice, he basically ignores they are even there. That just shows a mat swagger. I'm not going to worry about them. EJ is mat-ready.


    Ya But these are NFL mats, it's a whole different level..!

  9. It was nice to see Manual make some nice reads and some nice throws and the 20 yard or so run he made, but lets be real here....He had some bad throws too, missed 2 easy throws that I remember, locked on to one receiver and didn't take his eyes off him, executed a simple game plan with simple throws for the most part, but did hit a couple difficult throws too. All in all I think he did well executing a simple game plan against a simple vanilla defense. I thought Tuel actually did a better job looking off defenders and made some tougher throws..It's exciting to see the future of these guys but again it was 1 preseason game and I don't feel manual did anything to solidify a starting job.. I would like to see Kolb play a half next game and see where he is at, ahead or behind Manual..

  10. In today's NFL you simply do not draft a QB in the middle of the 1st round and not start him within the first handful of games if not immediately. Especially with all of the new rules favoring the passing game to make it easier to throw the ball.


    Just because he was drafted in the first round of a very weak QB class doesn't mean he is going to be good.. I think some of us pin too high of hope on him, If Kolb gets the starting nod, and plays well he should remain the starter until Manual is ( if ever ) fully ready.. I hope Manual does become a pro bowler, but I also hope he sits / learns / and works on his knowledge and technique before we put him in just because he was drafted in the first round and thats the way its "supposed" to be.. I'll root for which ever QB is in the game and hope they win...

  11. Damn, I feel patriotic after watching that video...the background music, the red/white and blue...



    And I'm proud to be a Buffalo fan, where at least I know there's speed

    and I'm proud for those who chose our team 'cause it means that much to me

    and I'll proudly STAND UP next to you and defend them still today

    cause there ain't no doubt, I love this draft, God Bless the USA God bless the Bills someday



  12. Manuel's threat as a runner will force the opposing LBs to stay closer to the LOS, which will make things easier for all of the receivers to get open. Hackett can run a lot of play action, short screens, draws, reverses, WR screens (i.e. safe plays that get the ball into the hands of the speedsters)..............and then take a shot over the top once in awhile. It's going to be a much different offense than we're used to seeing if Manuel is the QB. The "read option" alone will force opposing defenses to change the way that they defend the field. It will force them to bring their LBs closer to the LOS or they will find themselves trying to tackle a very big, agile QB downfield. Having Manuel and Spiller in the same backfield will be difficult to defend.


    I remember Nix commenting last year about how he thought that QBs like C. Kaepernick (who is a real dual run/pass threat) really changed the game.


    EJ Manuel is our C. Kaepernick.


    Well then, I guess its just that simple.. Get fast WR's, get a scrambling rookie QB, and a rookie OC, and you have a top 10 offense because now defense have to line up closer and account for things...Man these defensive coordinators are used to that stuff, they are professionals, they will do things to us that put us on our heels too..I've coached Offense for 7 years, Defensive Corr. will get just as creative as you, just when you think you can put them on their heels they put you on yours..It's a chess game, it really is, its back and forth and you only hope your players make more play then their players.... Just because your QB can do something like run, which many QB's have done before, does not mean the offensive Corr. will use him that way, maybe he runs too much and can't get the ball to the WR's down field, maybe he panics, and then again maybe he takes us to the super bowl..Noone knows until the lights come on...

  13. I am more optimistic than a lot of people regarding the Bills 2013 season. So many people say, "rookies need time to acclimate," or, "the coaching staff will take a year or two to get it all together", etc. I say, Hackett has all these players - and for the most part the WR corps is half rookie, the rest mostly inexperienced, too - but, the O-line is experienced enough, the RB's are experienced enough. The QB is a rookie, too. Yet, there is a big difference between a rookie QB and WR's coming into a system that is already set, and those players trying to fit in just right with everyone else, and our situation.


    Hackett can design an offense that plays to the strengths of our rookie WR's, and he can design an offense that Manuel feels pretty comfortable running. The fact that we have Spiller, Jackson, and Johnson, and a good O-line, all will help in this. But, you look around the NFL at the teams who've had success recently with rookie, or 2nd year QB's. San Fran, Seattle, Indy, and Washington. Two of those teams had college head coaches who turned NFL coaches, and one of the other two was a new H.C.. These guys were designing offenses to play to their QB's strengths. That is why they were successful. It WASN'T BECAUSE THEY ASKED THE QB'S TO COME IN AND RUN A COMPLEX, TRADITIONAL NFL STYLE OFFENSE. Rather, the staffs knew what their QB's did well, and built a system around that.


    Now, I ask, why is it so hard to believe Hackett - who is very familiar with the skill sets of college kids - can't put together an offense that is simple enough for his WR's and QB to learn and run efficiently (and, by the way, a simple offense does not have to be easy to defend - remember the K-Gun, which was only a few plays with many variations - AND, the easier it is the less thinking the guys have to do, the faster they can play)? I expect to see such an offense, which is why I believe we'll be able to score. Whether we have moments of struggle I don't doubt. But, I also believe we'll be able to score enough to win a lot of games.


    And, as for defense - we have quite a few talented players. There's no reason, especially with as decorated a Coordinator as Pettine is, that we can't be a top 15 defense. I think we'll be better than that - top 10, I think - and coupled with an offense that can score - we'll be in the mix for a wild-card. 10-6, 9-7 is where I see us finishing. That's no crazy talk.


    Lets slow down grasshopper... Didn't we all say the same things about Chan and how he used what he had and designed an offense to work with the players strengths, and we all thought, wow thats really cool we should have a top 10 offense, then we hired Wannsuck and we all thought, gee what an awesome Defense were going to have, imagine the defense that Wannsuck is going to draw up and the blitzes he could do...Ya well none of that worked out did it.. Pettine has never been a full time NFL Corr. He has worked as a defensive corr. under some good defensive coaches, but do you think for one second it was his defense over at the Jets, or maybe rex's..? HHmmmm simple answer, it was rex's.. Just because Manuel is big and is fast and was taken in the first round is not going to make anything of him, this kid reads defenses terrible, scanning half the field before taking off and running.. That = interceptions/ fumbles / sloppyness.. And finally just because a WR is fast don't mean he will be anygood, look at TJ last year, the kid couldnt even get on the damn field..! Show me a 10-6 season and I will begin to believe the hype, until then it's the same Bills with the same holes and the same questions, nothing has changed but the faces..

  14. I dont know why everyone is getting all excited, just because Manuel has speed don't mean he's going to be anygood, the kid could end up sucking, who knows.. Sure the receivers can run, but are they going to get open, are they going to have an offensive Corr. that can get them the ball.? Hackett hasen't done crap in this league, neither had Marrone or even Pettie.. We were all excited and pumped up last year when Wannsuck took over the defense and how did that work out..? Until these guys actually look good, and win games I think they need to prove themselves...And I'm pretty much tired of getting all excited every year just to get smacked in the ass and sent to my bed..... Show me the Damn baby!

  15. During his address to national media, Marrone spoke briefly about how things were coming along. While a lot of it was inevitable dancing around to make sure he didn't give too much away about what he thought about certain players in the draft, I took two points.


    1) According to Marrone, the playbook and schemes are 80% done. With a good month before free agency starts.


    2) The schemes of the coordinators he brought in are going to be very similar to what they did before they joined the Bills and this is the reason why they were brought on: to limit the time in transition.


    Maybe I'm drinking the Kool-Aid (I always am) but it seems like there is a plan in place for the first time in years.


    But of course, I'm just one Kool-Aid drinker...


    We all thought there was a plan in place when Chan and Buddy were hired too. I love the Bills, but I'm not going to get all excited about a coach that built up a crappy college program to a respectable program.. I like the hire, and I love the Bills but until I see production I'm not going to drink anything but beer.

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