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Posts posted by mikef272002

  1. I'm not saying what you want to hear, so ignore me? If the Fins do beat up on you guys this week, will you eat crow, because if the opposite happens I'll certainly be here to do so.


    I'll be here either way I suppose. But I'm actually trying to have a decent convo about the game. People seem to be lashing out with similar homerisms that you're accusing me of. If you said the same stuff on a dolphins forum, you'd be the homer, so have some perspective please.


    You come to the Bills Forum as a Dolphins fan the week we play you and you want to have a decent conversation...lmao.. I wouldn't expect to go to a dolphin forum and expect to have a decent conversation... It's like trying to talk yourself out of jumping off a bridge, you went there and climbed up there, so just jump!

  2. Who has a better run game, Buffalo or New England? Taken in a vacuum, Buffalo. As a compliment to the passing game, probably New England, but Buffalo has much MUCH better receivers. So, I'd expect the offense (minus the heat and humidity) to perform much better than New England's did. Period. We're also at home. I don't know on what planet, based on the (admittedly small) sample set we have, the edge would go to Miami's defense over our offense.


    On the flip side, Miami ran the ball at will against New England. This should come as no surprise since (a) the run-stuffing NT they've relied on for a decade (Wilfork) is about three years past his prime and has entered the nosedive portion of his career which was always inevitable. But more importantly (b) their best run-stuffing LB...IS NOW A BUFFALO BILL.


    So, to me, it makes NO SENSE to say that the Miami offense is to be feared because they ran with success against New England last week.




    Credibility, meet the open window.


    I believe what he is "pinning" a win on is that Miami is going to wear down our defense and light it up in the 3rd and 4th quarter in the swelling 65 degree heat like they did against New England. There is no way in hell our defense will let down for one single play this weekend with the 12th man being so fired up. Sure Miami will make plays here and there but there not going to get "wore down"..


    I think he needs to watch some tape from last year to remind himself of the inevitable. Buffalo just beat a much better Chicago team in Chicago, I would argue Chicago has a much more explosive offense with Forte, Marshall, Jeffery, Bennett and Holmes. New England is starting to show it has slowed down on offense and Defense from years past, not just based on the Miami game, but going back to last year also.


    I expect it to be a good game only because our offense will hold us back a bit with Miami's above average defense, but in the end it's going to come down to defense and the Bills win 24 - 17 with the defense scoring or setting up a score.

  3. Your DL is great, I never disputed that. So is ours. JuWaun James has been going against Wake all training camp. Cam Wake > Mario Williams, bottom line there. JuWaun is going to have his hands full, but he is the real deal.


    If you're really going to go that route, you should be unable to sleep this week thinking about what Wake is going to do to that 7th rounder, I forget his name. He's got no chance.




    Bottom line is, though, these are two great defenses going up against each other. So it's really going to come down to who's O is better, and there's pretty much no disputing that Miami has the overall better O. You can argue that point all you want, but you'd be the homer in that instance.


    Good luck with your hopes and dreams, If I were a fish fan I'd be staying awake at nights wondering why they play the Bills this week of all weeks.. Our Defense is much better than you give them credit for, you act as though Miami is just going to some how wear them down and own them late in the game and If that is what your basing your predicted win on then good luck with that, the intensity and pressure will come all day long from our defense and the 12th man I can promise you that much. Yes you have a good team, but this is just not going to be your week, our offense is full of home run hitters, and I'm pretty sure the coaching staff will account for wake and give him help with chip blocks and double teams. It will be a good game not doubt, but to say your going to wear them down is not something you should pin your hopes on..

  4. Buffalo won't get any respect until it makes the playoff's. Last night on NFL network about 1Am they were talking about the Bears beat themselves rather than giving any props to Buffalo, Fred's run didn't even make the top 10 plays for week 1 even wit hthe big stiff arm.. Get used to it until we make the playoff's..

  5. What will be the Buffalo Bills first offensive play from scrimmage for the 2014-15 season, who is the recipient (run or pass) and distance??


    The person who guesses


    1) the correct play (run or pass),

    2) the correct recipient of the ball (WR, RB or QB keeper) and

    3) the distance (has to be positive yardage) wins a free hat at the Bills Store (up to $40 value).


    In the event of a sack on the first play, we will have to use the second play from scrimmage.


    Here's the link to check out the swag you can select from.




    (I know I'm asking for a lot of details but if I just said "will it be a run or pass" I'd be buying 86 hats.


    MY GUESS: Pass, Screen to CJ Spiller, gain of 8 yards.




    Legal Disclaimer: This contest is not in any way considered gambling. The members of TBD are typically betting fools and will jump in front of a truck in order to win a slice of pizza. The terms of this contest are geared toward raising awareness for the team, El Pegual, and good clean fun. Moderators and their families of TBD are prohibited from participating in this contest because they have magical powers to go back and change their answers which most of us cannot do. Cugalabanza's daughter is also prohibited from making a guess because she is a well know witch (no offense). If DC Tom or OC in Buffalo submit a guess, it must be in the form of a theorem that can be proved within 6 months. If you submit a guess while drunk, you are precluded from collecting your prize because you put absolutely no thought into your submission.


    Run with Spiller for 3.5 yards

  6. The Browns have the worst group of WRs in the league and NONE would start on any other team - Andrew Hawkins, Miles Austin, Travis Benjamin, Taylor Gabriel. They cut Nate Burleson who is the right guy for the locker room and some leadership of which they have NONE. The 3rd RB listed on their depth chart, Dion Lewis, is already cut! Their QBs have combined for 4 career starts. They have 21 UDFAs on the roster! They kept 12 DEFENSIVE BACKS!


    This team does not have a single WR that performed better than a 4th WR last year. They have the worst WRs in the league and the worst QBs in the league. They have one of the worst Guards I have ever seen in Mitchell Schwartz and have done nothing about it. How are they going to run the ball with no semblance of a passing game or even the threat of a passing game?


    Help me.


    And yet they have a better preseason record than us..They are 1-4 and we are 1-5.. URGH

  7. The whole thing seems to be a case of the often business brilliant NFL for some reason still being anchored in 20th century thinking on this. The old business model was one which placed much greater import on local owners gaining the lead share of their profits from attendance at games. In this economic world, the blackout made some sense in turns of producing more gate sellouts.


    However, this approach seems at best outmoded in the 21st century business model where by far the majority of the profits come from the TV networks.


    The blackout rule is not only business stupid in choosing to pass on a 3+ hour TV commercial for your product, but actually the marker is not merely local ticket buyers but in fact are the TV viewers an NFL owner makes the big money from as the TV nets are all about getting the maximum # of eyeballs to watch the game so that the TV nets make more profits selling cars and beer to viewers.


    The blackout might have made a little sense in the old economic world but makes little sense in the modern NFL economic structure.


    Why that is some what true, and some good common sense thinking, one could also say that if they lift the blackouts and people stop going and start watching more on TV then over time it will be less and less exciting to go to the point where stadiums are only selling 30% of their tickets, making it less exciting for normal people to watch on TV causing rating and profits to crash.

  8. I think our defense will be fine, allthough I haven't seen much of Mario's name being called yet.. Spikes seems to be the answer to the MLB we been looking for and hopefully they sign him long term at some point. I'm still hoping the offense is holding back the play book and game planning, but then again we all thought the defense was holding back in the pre-season when Wandstact (SP) was the defensive Corr. and it turns out his defense just sucked..! We thought the offense was holding back last year in pre season and turns out they really were just a simple offense, maybe because EJ was a rooking, but it don't look much more explosive this year, hoping they are holding back, but it's the same thing we think every year... Time will tell I guess, but yes, the TFL's are great to see...!

  9. Why trade Spiller? If you want to win now you keep him..Period! ..Our luck is going to be we trade spiller, then Jackson gets hurt, Brown comes in not knowing the play book as well, misses a block, EJ gets hurt, and we're down to our back up QB and back up RB.. That is the way it typically goes for the Bills..There is no reason to trade him this early in the game, see what he has around week 5..

  10. My concern is this is Donald Trump we're talking about. The guy is about the bottom line $$$ and not anything else. That's how he got to where he is in life, by not giving a crap about anyone's feelings. He would buy the Bills and sell them in 2 or 3 years to profit to the highest bidder. Yes, he will say all the right things now to make you believe he wouldn't do that, but thats called business, it's what he is good at..


    He does not take failure as an option? Why has he filled for bankrupcty multiple times on his companies then? If it weren't for that show he was on a few years ago he would of been broke by now.


    Nothing against the guy personally, but I think it would be a huge mistake for a guy like him to come in and buy the Bills.

  11. I would be surprised if we don't get the Thanksgiving day game vs. the Lions. It's either us or the Dolphins. Jim Schwartz and Ralph Wilson both have Detroit ties, which seems like it might make it a sensible pick. I also read this year that NBC can flex the Cowboys or Lions game this year into the 8:30 time slot. Meaning it's probable the Bills would play the Lions in the early game, but it is possible it could be the 8:30 game if flexed to NBC that night. This would allow CBS to schedule in a sexier AFC vs. AFC game in the 1 PM time slot (and I'm sure it won't be hard to find a "sexier" matchup than Bills @ Lions). So, moral of the story: Don't be shocked if it's Bills @ Lions, primetime, 8:30PM. Would be a lotta fun!


    I love when you talk like that.. So sexy..

  12. article shows that Schwartz might want multiple millions but that the Chiefs at this point are only 9.62 mil under the cap...oddly enough to the right in the article it has a headliner of Byrd being a good fit for Chiefs...if they cant afford 2-4 mil / year for an OL'man how do they suppose the Chiefs could afford 8 - 11 mil / year for Byrd??..lol...


    is it my eyes or does my font look different in certain spots here ^...?


    Don't worry it's just your eyes..:)

  13. No, no. A thousand times no. I don't see how any team would want, let alone like, that distraction in their processes.


    Just make Dallas the permanent home of Hard Knocks and be done with it.


    GO BILLS!!!


    Right because we have done so well the past 13 years with no distractions..

  14. I Don't care what team were playing or what end of the schedule it is, you don't call anything easy.. We play Miami twice, thats 2 losses, NE is a Loss, Jest are a loss. ( You can't say were going to beat those teams because they look bad when they already beat us.! ).. I haven't even mentioned KC, NO, and Pittsburg.. Those are all losses.. I like being hopeful too but we have to be realistic, we will be lucky to beat Atlanta since there beat up. Should man handle JaXs..and a close game with Tampa.. We may squeak out a win against the Jets, but at best our is 6-10.

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