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Posts posted by birdog1960

  1. What does trump do specifically that is openly racist?

    I'm not trying to be cute or play gotcha, just genuinely curious why he is constantly called racist.



    Just curious why you think what he does is worse and more racist than progressives?



    “I think the guy is lazy,” Trump said of a black employee, according to O’Donnell. “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control"


    you can't make this shite up. and it's spread all over trump's lips.

  2. He won't be seeing the field for months but Shaq Lawson is now under contract for the Buffalo Bills. The outside linebacker/end who recently underwent shoulder surgery inked his rookie deal with the team Monday, leaving fourth-rounder Cardale Jones as the only unsigned draft pick.

    Lawson, the 19th overall selection, was drafted to add more bite to Buffalo's pass rush. He may do exactly that, too. But after suffering the team termed "an occurrence" in rookie minicamp, he needed surgery. A year ago, Lawson was one of the most dominant defensive players in college football with 12.5 sacks, 25.5 tackles for loss and at least two QB pressures in five different games.

    Thus, head coach Rex Ryan planned on starting Lawson immediately in his 3-4 defense opposite Jerry Hughes.

    The 6-foot-3, 270-pounder will be now confined to the meeting rooms until possibly the mid-season. Ryan repeated during OTA's that this surgery will get Lawson to "100 percent."


    "Look, could he have played the five weeks? He absolutely could have played," Ryan said. "When we got him in here, could he have been effective, he was pretty effective playing. But we want him at 100 percent. I think that was why we did what we did. ... When we had this thing, you know what let’s get it done right, where this guy is at 100 percent.

    "We feel great about our draft, but again this isn’t a devastating thing. I think if we see the big picture this is not a devastating injury at all. We just think it is what it is. He is not going to be available for how many games, we can’t even tell you that...

    anybody spinning this into something good is either a bills employee or totally delusional.

  3. As has been said, he's been in the public eye for decades, and no one has ever before accused him of being racist. He loved Omatosa when nobody else did, and one of the two finalists in his first season of the apprentice was black. He's also great friends with Geraldo Rivera.

    "some of my best friends are black". geez, I thought that tired rationalization ended a decade or two ago.

  4. Trump U sounds sleazy and shady. Not trying to excuse Trump, but you know, there's a sucker born every minute. Sounds exactly like a bunch of other get rich in real estate systems.


    My Dad used to say if some person has a sure fire way to make millions in real estate, they'd go out and do it, not try to sell you books, seminars, and video tapes.

    yes, that's exactly why trump will be the republican nominee. its almost makes me feel they deserve to be exploited...just don't drag everyone else down with them.

    If the world's leading democracy...excuse me...ONE of the world's leading democracies... will elect as its president the embarrassing white hot mess that is Donald Trump, what could that possibly say about how ridiculous his opponent must have been?


    Sheesh. Talk about a mess. Crappy time to be a hard core leftist.

    clinton was not my choice. the nomination process in the den party needs reform and the fact that bernie did so well shows that many folks would support it.

  5. http://www.newyorker.com/news/john-cassidy/trump-university-its-worse-than-you-think



    Will one of the world’s leading democracies elect as its President a businessman who founded and operated a for-profit learning annex that some of its own employees regarded as a giant rip-off, and that the highest legal officer in New York State has described as a classic bait-and-switch scheme?


    “Trump U is devastating because it’s metaphor for his whole campaign: promising hardworking Americans way to get ahead, but all based on lies.

  6. I wonder if they taught their students about the similarities between spleen surgeries in the late 70s and labrum surgeries today though...

    nah, they probably don't even have much of a library much less prestigious surgery journals that document interesting cases such as the shah of iran's.

  7. Disgraced newsman Dan Rather lectures Donald Trump on ‘good journalism’







    PREVIEW: Expect Hillary Clinton to attack Donald Trump on foreign policy today, but nothing on her proposals


    From the AP:

    Trump accused Clinton of lying about his foreign policy plans at a rally at an airport hangar in Sacramento, California, Wednesday night.


    “She lies. She made a speech and she’s making another one tomorrow. And they sent me a copy of the speech
    and it was such lies
    about my foreign policy,” Trump said.


    “They said I want Japan … to get nuclear weapons. Give me a break,” he objected. “I want Japan and Germany and Saudi Arabia and South Korea and many of the NATO nations —
    they owe us tremendous
    . We’re taking care of all these people. And what I want them to do is pay up.”





    I'm sure she'll bring up her accomplishments:


    * All the miles she's travelled

    * All the heads of state she's talked with

    * All the time zones she's crossed

    * Did I mention all the miles she's travelled?

    * All the lasting peace accords she's created

    * All the ambassadors she's allowed to be slaughtered

    looks like English wasn't a prerequisite at trump university.

  8. And again, this is a civil suit, which is in the same class as the several suits filed against Hillary by GOP.


    If Schneiderman is so certain of his case, why didn't he file criminal fraud charges?

    so you're backing away from that whole "he wasn't charged" thing. cool. cuz he was. by several accepted definitions of the word

  9. Ok, so which definition would you choose?

    i actually like this one:

    1 a formal accusation by the authorities that the accused has committed a specified offence.
    from the very same site.
    but your question clearly implies the lack of simplicity of the word...

    "Ridiculously simple" is the difference between "charged" and "not charged," which you fail to grasp despite its simplicity.

    seems like an appropriate word given the plethora of legal meanings: http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/chargehttp://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/charge


    To impose a burden, duty, obligation, or lien; to create a claim against property; to assess; to demand; to accuse; to instruct a jury on matters of law. To impose a tax, duty, or trust. To entrust with responsibilities andduties (e.g., care of another). In commercial transactions, to bill or invoice; to purchase on credit. In Criminal Law, to indict or formally accuse.


    And please point me to the criticism of Hillary from the left, that you see of Trump on this thread.

    an analogous situation would be a liberal comparing trump's indiscretions to hillary's on the hillary thread. how bout you point that one out and not post ridiculously inequivalent analogies?

    The only obfuscation I've seen is the claim that he's been charged with fraud.

    yes, you never see obfuscation despite being a frequent practitioner.


    What you said was this:



    The reason everyone is mocking your idiocy is because the absolute exact same thing could be said about Hillary.


    But apparently you're too intellectual to connect those ridiculously simple dots.

    but thuis is the trump thread. ridiculously simple isn't it?

  12. HiLIARy is in far more trouble than The Donald.

    hmmm..almost as if there were a concerted effort to obfuscate. as if Hillary's legal issues have never been debated on ppp...


    as if trump's fraud charges are not important in their own right...


    And Tom is still correct. Trump hasn't been charged with anything. It's a civil suit.

    wow. talk about mincing words. they are civil suits. they allege fraud.


    most importantly, they will hurt trump's run (but not likely with support from the morons here)...watch...and see. that's the point.

    you can't make this shite up: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-university-fraud-allegations_us_56ddf3b9e4b0000de405887c


    give him enough rope...


    "In the video, Trump reveals the full names of two former Trump University participants who say they were ripped off by the program. He holds up positive course evaluation forms he says they filled out.

    Trump adds that he’s “looking for” a third program customer, presumably referring to a woman who also publicly has claimed she was scammed by Trump’s business.

    The men Trump mentions in his video both appeared in ads funded by the nonprofit American Future Fund, a conservative group with ties to billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch.

    In those videos, people — identified by first names only — describe spending more than $30,000 on Trump University seminars, and allege that they did not receive the guidance and instruction they were promised."


    what a clown.


    And Trump hasn't been charged with anything either.



    "The New York state case against Trump University, brought in 2013, is proceeding at the same time as a federal lawsuit unfolds in California, both with essentially the same set of allegations -- that the real estate seminars marketed by the famous real estate mogul cheated the people who paid thousands of dollars to attend. As became clear today, the cases are unfolding in a highly unusual climate for a civil cases."


    What in the world are you talking about? Even without formal charges, Bernie has been kicking her behind and Trump has drawn even. Why? Because only nob gobbling Hillary fanboys trust her.

    i'm talking about testimony just released yesterday and just now hitting the news cycle. trump already weakly responded to it. this won't go away soon. he allegedly cheated the very demographic group that consititutes his core. but most are still too dumb to realize it. those in the middle will get it.


    And again, it's clear that Clinton at the very least violated State Department policies, and at the very worst broke some serious laws. Do you, for a second, think that she wouldn't be up on charges in a NY minute - if she was a high flying private sector executive that was intentionally withholding information from Congressional requests?

    i'm deliberating between a second and a new York minute....um,wait...no. but it's not relevant today. when sealed documents are released on her emails you can post on her thread how miuch harm it will do to her campaign. and i'll hold you to it. this hurts trump. not with his core but with the middle. a lot.

  16. For crying out loud, you dumbass, and neither of them is a sitting president yet.


    Either stop posting illogical crap or at least stop trying to pass yourself off as intelligent.

    perhaps you should stop trying to portray yourself as ignorant. you're quite convincing.


    I said "if he were to win...". it's extremely relevant to a thread on him being alone at the top. the wave of media reports on this is just a swell now. by tomorrow it will be everywhere.


    So could Hillary.


    In fact, it's more likely Hillary would be, since she was stupid enough to personally involve herself with her fraud. Trump has learned, through all his bankruptcies, to legally disassociate himself from his fraud.

    he is far from disassociated from these charges. he's at the very center.


    has Hillary been formally charged with fraud like trump? news to me.

  18. so if , God forbid, he wins, he could be the first sitting president defending himself in court over a fraud charge: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/former-trump-university-workers-call-the-school-a-%E2%80%98lie%E2%80%99-and-a-%E2%80%98scheme%E2%80%99-in-testimony/ar-BBtIXRt?ocid=ansmsnnews11


    "Mr. Trump had fought Tuesday’s release of previously sealed documents in the case. In an apparent attempt to discredit the judge in the case, Gonzalo P. Curiel, Mr. Trump called him biased and a “hater of Donald Trump,” and he sought to draw attention to the judge’s ethnic background — “we believe Mexican,” Mr. Trump said. (Mr. Curiel was born in Indiana; he is of Mexican descent.)"


    what a douche...


    I would argue that the media no longer has a vested interest in their reader's trust because social media, and the internet has opened up the media to millions upon millions of customers who are inconsistent enough to not care about trust or accuracy, but about content they can digest.


    Of course there are a few exceptions.

    do you believe there is anywhere near an equal conflict of interests re this reporting by bills pr people and independent journalists?

  20. I find it funny we even discuss this. Who ever believed the Media anyway??

    the better question is "who ever believed the bills public relations bs anyway??" and the answer is 10's of thousands of fans per year and probably 100's of thousands over the history of the team.


    the next question is: "why would anyone believe the reporting of a vested interest over that of a journalist whose long term career is dependent on his/her reader's trust?


    got me. best I can come up with is wishful thinking that the pr is true.

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