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Posts posted by brianthomas

  1. I'd be more worried about TB12 or 2015 Cam than 2020 Cam. I do believe he is the week 1 starter tho & i know they'll design the offense around him.

    They'll try to have him manage the game & not do too much out there, at least until he's shown he can handle more. He's only 31 years old, but has surely been hobbled & slowed by all the injuries. Can Cam be an effective pocket passer if he can't rely on his legs like he used to? Maybe he can, maybe he's regained some of his old form... idk.


    The Pats keep a lid on the inner-workings of their team. Its not like they have a Chris Brown covering them!

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 5 hours ago, MJS said:

    Oh for sure. I think Singletary will be a star by year's end. He was great last year but sat behind Gore too much and had the injury. He should be amazing this year.


    Definately taking him in fantasy football.

    I'd like to take Devin in fantasy but with Moss likely getting the goal line carries, he'll lose those TD's to Moss. It'll be good for the Bills, but bad for Devin owners.

    I've been burned by this scenario in years past. Unless you're so optimistic that we'll light up the scoreboard so much that it won't matter, i'd save Devin for later rounds personally.

    But this is 1 of those cases where i hope i'm wrong & Devin gets 20 tds

  3. 1 hour ago, BarleyNY said:

    Or they could’ve kept him on their roster for another week 


    14 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:

    Yes that’s exactly what they did. But they could have waited until 9/5 and he would not have been exposed to waivers before going to IR. That was the blunder. 

    Yep, as i thought i stated right here:


    17 hours ago, brianthomas said:

    Yep i think so, as long as its before the cut date from 90 players to 53, this is the route they had to take. If they had waited til after the cutdown, they couldve put him on IR.


    Rochesterfan explained it great. Something i discovered only after finding more about it in the link i had previously shared here https://www.si.com/nfl/dolphins/news/miami-dolphins-decision-to-waive-injured-curtis-weaver-and-what-it-means


  4. That Armando guy is a columnist at the Miami Herald. He says that, but then i read this thorough breakdown here & it says the same thing but with different preconditions.


    I also thought that a player had to pass a physical 1st prior to the waiver claim going thru. Weavers can't pass a physical right now, so i think im just gonna forget this & move on lol.

  5. 1 hour ago, Coach Tuesday said:

    Are we certain about this?  If your first round draft pick tears an ACL you have to waiver him in order to put him on IR?  That doesn’t sound right to me.  I think that’s only true before a certain date.

    Yep i think so, as long as its before the cut date from 90 players to 53, this is the route they had to take. If they had waited til after the cutdown, they couldve put him on IR.

    No idea about the Delpit situation in comparison to Weavers. They're both likely out for the season so I have no idea & i dont really care enough to dig into it, even though now i probably will haha.

    Also i'm no expert on the new CBA & the new changes.

    Roster designations are/were the main factor in the Phins decision it sounds like.



  6. I love dogging on the fish as much as anyone, but Miami had to expose him to waivers in order to claim the roster spot. Only after he cleared waivers could they place him on IR, as a non vested player has to clear waivers first.

    Its not usual for a team to take a chance on a player thats injured & claim them off waivers, as they'll have to pay him while being injured & Weaver's likely out for the whole year. Looks like they were simply rolling the dice & lost out on an intriguing prospect for the future.

  7. Stinks that there wont be any fans for the 1st 2 games, but at least they didn't commit to the whole season being that way. Theres still hope that with the extra time the powers that be can come up with a plan to make fans in attendance work. Also gives everyone a chance to see how everything works out with the other teams that allow fans to attend.

    If they show it can be done without any big increases in cases, they'll be more likely to emulate them.

    If it fails well then we're sol.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. Reddit doesn't share links to live games anymore, but there are plenty of sites out there with them.


    Theres a few sites i frequent that show all major sports where the delay is roughly about 30 seconds, 1080p, no ads with (the right) adblocker & HD all the time. If ur video is grainy, its ur own connection issue or you're on the wrong website. Some of you looking at this thread may know the ones I use as I've shared some in the past with you privately.


    But for those willing to pay & are looking at a VPN as an option, besides from making sure they have as close to local servers as possible, I'd suggest picking a company that will give u a free trial or the option to opt out/refund if you're not happy with the quality. And I'd test it out NOW, rather than 5 minutes before the games supposed to start. Always funny seeing the frenzy at game time as people panic at where they're gonna watch the game. It's like a sign of the season changing & I'm sure it'll happen again this year too.


    Cool thing about this board is that there's tons of good people here that will always be willing to help you out.... myself included if u ever need it. #BillsMafia

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  9. Besides from the temp checks & limited capacity, if teams are going to allow fans to attend, i think they should have a stipulation written in fine print on the back of the ticket, that you accept responsibility for your own self & don't hold the team liable if you do get covid. For the States where the outbreak is largely controlled, i don't see why they can't have fans attend, even if it is just in limited capacity

  10. even if WE would pay for it (which i wouldnt), there wouldnt be enough other people to fund a Bills Only channel to make it viable or sustain it. We're not the Yankees for instance who can pull upon a much larger audience.

    We've had local sports networks in the past, but subsidized & paid for by Adelphia Communications. Now if PSE wanted to spend some of that oil money on a network, they very well could do that. However outside of them, I don't see it as possible.

    In todays day & age it'd be easier to have a Bills Network channel on Youtube. If that ever became popular enough to warrant something more substantial then so be it.

  11. 24 minutes ago, Victory Formation said:

    I think you hand the ball off to Singletary and Moss and let them pound the rock. We have two young promising backs, no need to constipate the RB room. Singletary can probably handle 250 touches or more and Moss could probably handle 300 or thereabout and they’re also a lot cheaper. Unless there is an injury or something I feel we are in a good spot at RB. I saw on NFL.com that they had Singletary as the 16th best RB in the NFL and that’s as a rook. He could easily crack the top 10 this year and Moss won’t be far behind him.

    I think u misunderstood what i wrote lol. And yeah we're set with Singletary & Moss

    The Melvin Ingram trade talk is probably over now. He signed an adjusted contract with the Chargers so he'll be staying now https://www.nfl.com/news/melvin-ingram-signed-adjusted-contract-before-returning-to-chargers-practice

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  12. At first glance i thought this was Melvin Gordon again, even tho he's with Denver now, we've just seen so many of those trade rumors over the years where we're mentioned again & again with him haha.

    Melvin Ingram tho, thats different & he is more enticing to me if i were the GM. I know the Chargers want Oline help, but i wonder if something else could make it work. They can take Murphy &/or some other oline depth not named Ty if that'll do it. I think Ingram would be a great signing for a year or 2 & would be all for it.

    Like others have said, i'd prefer we improve the offense but when opportunity knocks, u always gotta open that door to see whats there.

  13. Edwards is decent when it comes to an average punt. He has excellent hang time on his kicks, allowing the gunners & coverage team to get down field. But if u need to flip field position & bang one 60 yards, he's simply not that guy for you. I've read he struggles with coffin kick accuracy as well. Still a little competition is good imo. May the best punter win!

    Btw it is funny though that Carolina picked up Vedvik. Good to see the pipeline goes both ways

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. Maybe he meant to say Singletary would've had 1000 yards if we hadn't used Frank so much... because he would have.

    Seriously though, even though I think Frank is mistaken with his take, I don't think theres anything wrong with what he said. He's played his whole career believing in his abilities & what he can do when others doubted him. He's 100% a future HOF'er. Good luck with the Jests, you're gonna need it!

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  15. On 8/14/2020 at 1:06 PM, mushypeaches said:

    It truly mystifies me how this talking fart balloon keeps getting job opportunities in the league

    Yep totally agree. I got into a debate recently with a couple of my friends who are diehard Jets fans. And I brought up Gase & how I wouldn't be surprised if Gregg becomes their HC at some point. And then i brought up Bountygate & they said how no team would make Gregg their HC after that scandal. Normally I would agree with that, but this is the Jets & that scandal happened when Gregg was a DC, and he's still getting jobs at that same job. He's still in front of the cameras talking to the media & acting like a face of the franchise.

    If you do a crime at a certain position & then get hired multiple times after for the same position, how much of an issue can it really be, if he's still getting opportunities?

    I personally would think no team would ever make Gregg their HC, but i would think that'd go the same for DC too & it hasn't.


    Curious if any of you have any thoughts on the matter

  16. 47 minutes ago, Mike in Horseheads said:

    I had a dachshund named Ralph that lived 15 years. i'm willing to send a picture for the logo and copying somebody upstream ^^^ the train horn could be ditched for a howl and barking. Ralphie Stadium!

    Sounds good to me! Picture this. Week 6, the Chiefs are playing here Sunday Night & the Bills just scored to go up 42-0. All the fans are howling & barking. Ozzy's: 'Bark at the Moon' blares over the loudspeakers & sends the fans into a frenzy. Then 'Who Let the Dogs Out' comes on & a roar of: 'woof woof woof woof' is heard for miles around the stadium & in living rooms all around the world.

    haha... I'm pretty much in the 'anything but the whistle' crowd. If it takes your dog Ralphie to do that, send his pictures to One Bills Drive asap!

    • Haha (+1) 1
  17. 1 minute ago, Dr.Sack said:

    True, but it’s just a name. They normally get paid by hotels to put their name on a property. This time it costs them, plus they really could use good press before an election showing that they are trying to give back to New York State & build their brand. Does Trump Enterprises have $1 billion right now to drop on a stadium/hotel/casino? A joint venture between Pegula-Trump & NYS with Cuomo as the peacemaker. Looking at Pegula’s political donations he gives money to both parties so he’s the best to broker a deal. 

    Anythings possible I just see it as highly unlikely. This isn't political at all, but I don't even see Trump being interested in something like that. He gets pretty sour at people who "beat him" or when he loses something. I can't see him wanting to pay the Pegulas any money or put his name on the stadium period. It just doesn't make much sense on his part.

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  18. 4 minutes ago, snamsnoops said:

    Maybe Ralph Macchio could buy it! People in Buffalo love the karate kid, and we could get Mr Miyagi to bring the team out on game days!

    Yeah & instead of that train whistle blaring over the loud speakers, we could have chants of: 'wax on , wax off, wax on , wax off., with the whole crowd joining in & waxing the car with their hands, kinda like how the Chiefs do their tomahawk chop. Make it happen guys!

    • Haha (+1) 1
  19. 17 minutes ago, uticaclub said:

    If Ralph Lauren bought the stadium naming rights we could call it The Ralph again. People in Buffalo love wearing polos, so I think it makes sense. 

    I had to snicker at your suggestion but it is pretty clever haha. However if we're gonna name it the Ralph, i'd rather it just be for Ralph Wilson again. But if someone were to reach out to Ralph Lauren about it, I wouldn't be against it.

  20. 2 minutes ago, Dr.Sack said:

    Trump Stadium & we call it a day. 

    The Trump name has fantastic brand recognition & immediately doubles or triples the property value. 

    Eric & Don Jr are great on twitter too. It’s a win win. 

    Yeah that'll never happen. Especially after what happened during his failed bid at buying our team. Spreading fake news about other potential owners planning on moving our team, which were proven to be baseless. He also inflated his wealth & misled officials about his assets in order to get a loan from Deutsche Bank. All of this becoming a significant part of the Michael Cohen investigation. Our county & our owners wouldn't let Trump touch our stadium with a 1,000 mile pole


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