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Posts posted by gjv001

  1. What type of players do you think we have on this 2016 Buffalo Bills roster.

    Is this roster loaded with players who will rise to the occasion at Gut Check Time

    and surprise the naysayers by getting this team into the playoffs. Or are there

    too many "Pay Checkers" on this roster that will make the naysayers gloat.


  2. If you recall it was just a short year and half ago that Rex was thanking his lucky stars that he could hire the OC of his dreams. Rex was also so giddy about his ability to get Tyrod Taylor away from Baltimore. Not to mention his ecstaticity bringing in the perfect TE and an All Pro RB. Although the Offense hasn't been stellar, it certainly has outperformed the Defense over the last 18 games. So who the first to go, not the Defensive Genius, but the OC of Rex's dreams.

  3. There is a very likely scenario brewing that has the Bills are starting this season 0 and 4, and finishing the season 2 and 14. More than likely he's going to have to bite the bullet on Ryans contract. Other than opening beer sales three hours before kickoff and offering two for one beers starting at half time, what else can he do to make this franchise saleable.

  4. The Bills starting Offense did not get many reps in the preseason. Everyone was preoccupied with injuries and fatigue. So much so that the Offense that played Sunday never had one snap in preseason. Perhaps Sunday's abysmal performance was a result of the candy ass preseason for the Offense. On the other hand, Baltimore's Offense is at best mediocre. I'm curious to see how our defense performs against a better Offense.

  5. Before Henderson got suspended it was reported that Henderson never heard from any member of the Bills coaching staff or management during his bout with Colitis. Now we hear Rex Ryan say he hasn't spoken with Watkins since the game Sunday. Didn't they fly back to Buffalo on the same plane? If you were the head coach would you not pick up the phone and call your star receiver to see how he feels? What am I missing?

  6. Evidence is on the fact that they're eating $750k in dead money for cutting Felton and still brought him back. If they were happy with his previous salary he'd still be making it. Instead they get him back at a fraction of the cost, and because it is now week 2, with no guaranteed money.

    That's your assumption as to why they kept Gronk over Felton. it's not evidence. It's just as likely they lost confidence in Felton with his goal line fumble.

  7. He wasn't on the team very long, and judging by watching him play yesterday, Gronk was not ready for the big leagues yet. I wish him well. By the way, this action has me wondering about the competence of the people Pegula has on his payroll evaluating roster talent.

  8. Anyone who believes that giving up two 4th round picks in order to obtain a player that you would have taken 19th overall and have rank him as a next year starter, is just plain silly. I know there have been some fine players coming out of round 4 in the draft. But how many of those players were rated as a next season plug in starter on Draft Day. Without a doubt the Bills did the smart move. How it turns out is another matter. But I'm thinking Ragland will be Defensive Rookie of the Year.

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