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Posts posted by gjv001

  1. I highly doubt the new head coach hired the new offensive coordinator to simply ape the system of the guys who were canned. These notions of "it ain't broke" don't play in the real world with turnover in the coaching staff and players on team that still, STILL has not made the playoffs in forever.


    And no, I do not want to sit and watch the offense throw for 150 yards a game again.

    Really? So you feel it's better to scrap our top ten scoring offense in order to avoid watching a 150 yard passing performance per game. I would prefer to keep the successful offense and focus on a defense that ranked 30th.


    But when you give Tyrod a pay raise you will have less money for other positions. And we don't get to have 2016 come back. Roberts Woods is a Free Agent. Are you paying him 8 million?

    Tyrod Taylor lead a top ten scoring offense without his starting receiving corp for 12 of 16 games. I would not be surprised that 22 other teams would be happy to pay the league QB average salary to achieve those results.


    I agree that the offense could be improved. But I don't see how they fix the defense and offense together in one off-season. One of the sides of the ball will suffer. They can't use free agency and they are losing a lot of free agents.


    Offense needs 3-4 WR's! And a RT. And who knows what the blocking scheme changes will do to players just getting better like John Miller.

    Don't you feel our 2016 top ten scoring offense was good enough to make the playoffs?

  4. Improving the OL would be a nice start. Another wide receiver would also help. A decent defense would serve to shorten the field and create more turnovers. Last but not least, Tyrod will at least be more experienced.


    I am not the biggest optimist on the board but it's POSSIBLE that the Bills will improve. I suppose that's easy to say in February. :)

    Improving the Oline would be nice. But don't you believe it's the Defense that needs to get better in order to end the playoff drought next year.


    Are you bringing back Greg Roman with Anthony Lynn calling the plays? Are you paying Robert Woods 8 million?


    How do you get to keep what you like in a vacuum?

    I would like to have Lynn back as OC, but that's not possible. However I would not change the offense. I prefer to keep and improve on an offense that has proved to be successful.

    Ideally, I agree, keeping most of the same unit should result in success...


    But then again, we thought our defense would be good in 2015 after the successful 2014 season. :/

    The roster from the 2014 defense was not suited for the defense implemented in 2015. That's what I would avoid with our current offense.

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