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Posts posted by Bart

  1. Not to make a comparison, but as I said before I was once a big proponent of Edwards and am now under the belief that this is his last chance to make a statement or Brohm's only chance as otherwise we will be getting a new QB in next year's draft. But, back in 04, the Chargers drafted Rivers because they thought Brees was a bust. Could Edwards have a year 4 breakout of epic proportions?



    Year W-L Comp% Yds TD-Int Yds/A Rating

    2001 0-0 55.6% 221 1-0 8.2 94.8

    2002 8-8 60.8% 3284 17-16 6.2 76.9

    2003 2-9 57.6% 2108 11-15 5.9 67.5

    2004 11-4 65.5% 3159 27-7 7.9 104.8



    Year W-L Comp% Yds TD-Int Yds/A Rating

    2007 5-4 56.1% 1630 7-8 6.1 70.4

    2008 7-7 65.5% 2699 11-10 6.6 85.4

    2009 2-5 60.1% 1169 6-7 5.3 73.8

    2010 ????


    This must be a joke. List the intangibles and you will see the huge difference.

  2. First off, I know, I know...nothing is carved in stone, it's just a pecking order because one has to exist.


    But our QB is going to be Trent. Recall how he played when he first started playing for us. Remember how impressive he was. Recall how his teammates were rallying around him, with some saying that he will be in the same discussion with some of the best in the game today. Then he got his noggin bashed in, teams picked the lock of our offense, and our offensive coaches were never able to readjust and catch anybody by surprise anymore.


    Last year everyone had had enough of Trent because our offense was just horrid - no matter who pulled the trigger. Trent's regression was due to a colossal failure of COACHING and preparation. Nobody would have fared well with the young, inexperienced line in front of him and a first-time coordinator running a simple bastardization of his own version of Turk's offense, which was his modified version of Fairchild's version of Martz' offense.


    Last year was an absolute joke offensively. A desperate HC cuts his LT and OC a week before the games begin and gives the responsibility to a first-year QB coach? And then DOES NOT HIRE A QB COACH to keep an eye on Trent's mechanics. Unbelievable. The only team in the NFL with no QB coach. Read between the lines with the comments Trent made this year comparing last year to this year. It was a horrid operation and no player had a realistic chance to be productive.


    We finally have an offensive HC, and a wise one with lots of experience. We might not be a playoff team but we're going to be fun to watch again because we're going to participate in high scoring games and not those 6-3 snoozefests that were a constant exercise in futility.


    Trent is going to shine - he'll have his best year this year. Actually, I think any one of these guys would have their best year under Gailey. But Trent will earn back the respect people gave him in his early days.


    Besides, when it comes to release, nobody on the roster comes close to Trent. He has an exceptional release and a much better deep arm than he's given credit for.





    Remember this! Trent at heart is a scared sub par QB. He can't read D's, and has a weak arm and no heart. Other than those few issues, he will be a great starting QB..................for the opposition.

  3. I actually voted Trent. I'd like to see Brohm backing him up. I just want Trent to either sink or swim. The Jauron/Schoenert/Van Pelt excuses are gone. He's got good running backs and good receivers. Most QBs in the league play with less-than-stellar lines. If Trent doesn't show "it" very early on, bring on Brohm.


    Coolest thing about this offseason that I haven't felt in many years is that I actually trust Chan Gailey to make the right decision. Whomever takes the first snap on opening day, I'll feel good that Gailey made the decision and that QB is the best choice.


    Go Bills!

    Sink or swim. He has already drowned!

  4. But the players also don't want to extend the reg season by two games either. Can't say I blame them. Can they add a 17th game? Where do you play it? Home, away or neutral site? Can they add another week to the playoffs? Maybe add 2-4 teams? Not crazy about that idea either. As much as i would enjoy more football I can't see how adding games doesn't hurt the players physically.


    However I am in favor of expanding rosters and changing the IR rules so a player could come back. As for extending the season maybe they can add a second bye week? I like my idea of adding Tuesday and Wednesday games and have a teams coming off bye weeks play. That could work if they add a 2nd bye.




    Stop crying! 18 regular season games works for the fans. Who supports the league the players or the fans?

  5. As I was thinking about the prospects for Edwards, Fitzy, and Brohm it suddenly became clear to me that the chances are more likely that the Bills view one of the three current QBs standing up to assume the QB of the future role than us finding that QB in the next draft.


    The simple likelihood is that even if we draft a stud QB in 2011 that the he and the team almost certainly will not make the playoffs his first year. Yes there is the single example of Ben RoboQB not only making the playoffs as a rookie QB but winning it all, However, a 2011 Bills team even with a stud rookie QB will be coming off of 11 straight playoff less years.


    Bills fans pretty much grudgingly accept that 2010 will be a rebuilding year with no playoffs likely. However, if the Bills end up depending on the 2011 draft to give them their QB for the future there is a good likelihood that even if that QB is Peyton Manning quality like Manning his rookie year will be a learning experience.


    Teams like the Jets with rookie Sanchez did go deep in the playoffs with their rookie QB, but the team did at least make the playoffs recently in their pre-Sanchez iteration. This will not be the case with the Bills. Its hard for me to believe that Nix in the crew are going to be wiling to wait until 2012 at the earliest to end the playoff drought.


    I must admit to having little faith in in any of the three QBs currently on the roster proving to be our next savior at QB. Thus I think that the plan B when our current QB does not cut it is gonna be FA (or even a trade) instead of expecting the 2011 draft to be the key one for us.

    Can't keep waiting for next year. In a win now league composed of free agents next year never comes. They need to choose one QB hopefully Brohm and move on. We have no money and are always non competative in the FA market so that is out the window. Win now, the future is too far off.

  6. I'm not sure I've ever seen a team carry 4 QBs on their roster during the regular season, so something has to give. We all have seen the threads about who should be the starter, what I want to know is, who are we going to drop -- I'm just trying to take the pulse of TBD at this point in the off-season.


    Who do we absolutely not need? I suppose it's possible they want to try to put Levi Brown on the practice squad, but I think someone might claim him -- I think he stays on the roster as a developmental project. The other 3, I'm not so sure...


    Cast your votes (I've never done a poll before, hopefully the options will show up correctly)


    Who will NOT be on the opening day roster:

    1. Edwards

    2. Brohm

    3. Fitzpatrick

    4. Levi Brown

    or curveball option #5. We won't keep 3 QBs, there will only be 2 QBs that make it (in which case, in your comments post which 2 get cut & why)


    Cut Edwards. He is a proven loser.

  7. Unless you lived under a rock last year or are a family member we all knew that Trent didn't have the arm or the stones to throw the ball down field. ESPN has confirmed what we already knew. Trent threw just over 1% of his passes over 40yds in the air and 25% of his passes BEHIND the line of scrimmage.


    Don't give me the BS about the short passing game can work, and there are a tiny handful of weak armed QBs that have had success in this league blah blah blah. Without the threat of the deep pass the short game gets crushed. I hope that Gailey gets this concept. Personally I was tired of watching passes out to the RBs in the flat and defenders being on them before the ball even got there. WHY? Because they knew that Trent couldn't go deep effectively.




    Absoutely correct!

  8. Wow. It must be tough for clean up the city boy to fall so far.


    An NFL team trades up to the 1st to get him and it is all downhill from there:


    • A DB breaks his leg
    • He struggles when he plays
    • He loses his job to a glove wearing Mary
    • He has to start his own league to get playing time
    • He gets traded out of his own league to the Raiders.


    And now this?


    How low can he go? At least he lost the scruffy beard.


    Cut him and get it over with. He is wasteing too much of our time.

  9. Just so everyone can understand why Edwards was good and now he isnt. First, it is not for any of these reasons






    It is plain and simply this....


    Before Edwards, Loseman never threw underneath, he loved the deep ball and his outlet pass was his infamous 2 yard out pattern to a receiver. I remember countless 3rd and longs going for two yards or incomplete. We all said "why dont we involve the backs more" Thanks JP


    When Trent came in, He QUICKLY got rid of the ball to Tight ends and backs. But then we all remember saying he COULDNT go deep, that was the arguement back then. Then once or twice a game he would go deep sideline, hit Evans, and we were all relieved. We thought he was a complete QB. Then we started losing, we blamed all of these things that we blame now but wasnt he 4-0 or 5-1 witt he same Oline, coaches and even a concussion? How did he do so good against SD that year right after the concussion? Maybe it was game 6 that year that defenses took away the dump off and then look what happened. I challenge anyone to watch his head in a game, he looks right,looks left, and then looks for the back. His reads are fake. He never stays on the reciever even when WIDE OPEN, watch his head on your Tivo. Even TO called him out on this, saying, "hes not reading the F'ing defense" I heard him say this from the sideline. Poor TO must have waited a long time to say this for fear of being called a cancer.


    I always thought, even when we were winning , wheres the pass across the middle? Why does he always throw short? Whats wrong with him?


    Then other teams saw it, and Edwards became worthless. He proved it against Cleveland in his 3 int game, or was it 4? He couldnt pass across the middle. He is mindless and even worse, Hes cocky! He acts superior and as if hes good. What a total loser he really is, who just got lucky that he got on a patient Bills team that seems to give every QB three years to prove how bad he really is like Rob Johnson and JP loseman, but gets rid of good ones after the same amount of time-sorry Flutie,Bledsoe,Van Pelt.


    Agree. TE is a loser and they should cut him. He will never be the Bills QB for the many reasons that you cited and the fact that he is a candy ass and can't play in the cold weather.

  10. No seriously....He's crazy. I'm a Bills fan through and through but I have no optimism at all this year. The only thing I'm interested in is if Trent can bounce back.


    Trent is a failure. He will lead us into the slaughter.

  11. Chan has said there will be competition at the position, but anyone with half a brain knows that only one is going to get the first crack at the job. That person is going to be the most experienced QB. Everyone who thinks Brohm is the one, is just deluding themselves. Will he get a chance? Yes, but the first QB to get real practice time is going to be Edwards. People are very quick around here to forget how productive Edwards was before getting hit. He could still be beaten by another QB showing great performance, but it is going to be an uphill battle. If Brohm takes the starting positing, he will have to prove to be significantly better. The same with any other QB on the team.


    Here are Edwards good points: weak arm, scared, can't read Ds and no balls. We will discuss his weak points at another time.

  12. This is to add to my post of "Bills can make the playoffs". With the Bills going 7-9 three years in a row and 6-10 with Dick Jauron & Co, the Bills have nowhere to go but up.


    1. One of the worst coaching staffs in Bills history is no longer in charge. Jauron didn't play to win, he played not to lose. We all remember his famous quote: "It's hard to win in the NFL". Everytime the Bills won the toss, he deferred to the 2nd quarter. How many times did we see Jauron challenge the wrong call and not challenge the call that could have been overturned? How many games every season over the last 4 years were lost due to bad coaching decisions...at least 10 (my count is 14).


    2. The new 3-4 defense. Gone is the horrible, bend-don't-break Tampa 2 defense. Our DE's ranged from the 240's to the 260's last season, this year they range from 285 to 310. Plus, we have a 320 NT in the middle. Another change, no more tweener safeties as LB. Our LB's went from the 220's to 250 (Mitchell) to an average of 240-260's. What does bigger players on defense mean...more tackles. Last year, our run defense ranked #30 giving up 156.3 yards per game. The Bills let 4 teams rush for over 200 yards against them, including a 300 game vs the Jets. The run defense will be much improved to go along with the #2 ranked pass defense.


    3. Injuries. Nix & Gailey hired 2 strength & conditioning coordinators, one for the linemen, the other for WR's & DB's. In the first OTA, Bills players came in and saw all 12 TV's were gone and the players were expected to come in and work. With the players being more physically prepared, there will be less injuries on the team.


    4. Hiring an offensive minded coach (Gailey) that has experience. Now a lot of fans don't like the choice, because Gailey was canned before the start of the season in KC, but realisticly, look at the talent level on KC. The previous Bills OC's (Fairchild, Schonert & Van Pelt) didn't have much experience or any experience at all as an OC. Plus, Jauron wanted a dulled down, pop-warner type offense. Gailey plans to tailor his offense to the strengths of his players. Gailey also plans to put bigger WR's on the outside, to outleap and outmuscle DB's. Jauron & co had 5'10" Evans & 5'9" Parrish constantly lined up on the outside, which is part of the reason why both were WR's were ineffective. Both Parrish & Evans would work better in the slot or the inside.


    5. C.J. Spiller. Spiller can be used in so many ways: Kick Return, Punt Return, RB, WR. If the O-line struggles again, Spiller can be a good relief valve to whoever the QB is by throwing a screen or dump off pass.


    The O-line is still a big question. But, having new strength & conditioning coordinators should help keep these guys healthy and hopefully they can build on some consistentcy & chemistry together. Plus, after having Jauron & co, one of the worst coaching staffs on Bills history running this team, anyone in this league would have been an underachiever on this offense. QB & WR's are another question. With the QB position (refer back to the last statement about Jauron), also look at superbowl winning QB Drew Brees. In Brees' career at SD, Brees had 31 games where he threw for under 200 yards, including 6 games where he threw for under 100 yards. Some guys are just late bloomers, maybe Edwards and/or Brohm are late bloomers as well. We'll all find out this season. Realisticly, the 2010 Bills will not win the Superbowl and their offense won't crack the top 20, but the 2010 Bills are headed in the right direction one step at a time.

    How do you suppose that they will finish ahead of the Jets, NE or the fish? Dream on. They will be lucky to win one division game this year.

  13. Your posts and 'add replys' have a high degree of optimism.


    Edwards and Fitz have given everything they have had to start and Bills fans and coaches know exactly what they can do. Brohm has not had that same opportunity, at least in Buffalo, so he deserves a chance because we know the least about him. However, he better understand that the hook is going to be pretty quick.


    Before the hook they better have a better solution than the unfortunate losers of Fitz and TE. Better to concede the games than to submit to the torture of watching TE cough up the ball and throw his 2 yard Ints. Fitz on the other hand tries hard but yields the same results. Brohm deserves at least half the season and if he fails use Levi. Trade or cut TE and Fitz.

  14. MIA @ BUF W

    BUF @ GB L

    BUF @ NE L

    NYJ @ BUF W

    JAC @ BUF W

    BUF @ BAL L

    BUF @ KC W

    CHI @ BUF W

    DET @ BUF W

    BUF @ CIN W

    PIT @ BUF W

    BUF @ MIN L

    CLE @ BUF W

    BUF @ MIA W

    NE @ BUF W

    BUF @ NYJ L


    I predict 11-5 for the year and a wild card berth. The Jets will win the AFC East.


    I hope you are right but I can't see it happening. Beating NE and Pitt will be difficult at best. Cincy won the division last year and beating the Jets will be impossible. 6 wins at best.

  15. As most of you know, I think that Trent can be a good QB for us and is the best option.


    Nevertheless, I recall Brohm lighting up my Hurricanes when the Canes were pretty good. He has some skills and was once compared to another Buffalo Bills QB who does not like QBs from California.


    TE is a proven loser. He has a weak arm, difficulty reading Ds and has no balls. He should be cut.

  16. It was a smart decision by Nix and Gailey to go with Trent as the starter in 2010. I think that it makes a lot of sense to give him one last chance, especially with a young team that is rebuilding.


    The guy was horrendous last year. I get that. I watched the games. But he was put in an impossible situation with decision to gut the offensive line and the total chaos surrounding the strategic direction of the offense. He was shell-shocked. Fitzy was the better player to deal with the protection breakdowns and still go through the progressions.


    But Nix and Gailey discounted the disaster of 2009 and focus instead on mid-2007 and early 2008 (including the Chargers game after his concussion) when Trent showed that he can be a top-10 NFL quarterback. He reacted to struggles by throwing coaches under the bus and that hurt him with teammates and led turds like Donte Whitner to jump all over him. That doesn't matter now because those coaches are gone and the losers like Whitner may soon be following them.


    Trent could be gone in a year, but at least Gailey will have seen what he needs to see to make that call. He is almost certainly our 2010 starter.


    Other than the fact that he can't read defenses, has a weak arm an has no balls, it was a great decision!

  17. Usual lack of optimism post on this board.


    1) Dolphins at Bills - W

    2) Bills at Packers - W

    3) Bills at Patriots - L

    4) Jets at Bills - L

    5) Jaguars at Bills - W

    6) BYE

    7) Bills at Ravens - L

    7) Bills at Chiefs - W

    8) Bears at Bills - L

    9) Lions at Bills - W

    10) Bills at Bengals - W

    11) Steelers at Bills - L

    12) Bills at Vikings - L

    14) Browns at Bills - W

    15) Bills at Dolphins - W

    16) Patriots at Bills - L

    17) Bills at Jets - W


    I have the Bills at 9-7. Mainly because we'll sneak some out in the early part of the season and when youth gains experience pull out some tough wins in the later part of the season.


    People have to remember that this team MAY have been 2-3 games better than they were last year if it wasn't for all of the injuries.


    Can't see it. GB, Cincy and fish will be trouble.

  18. BTW for the record, I would rather have brohm than the kitty edwards. NO coaching staff or OL will be able to fix edwards. He is a kitty that won't throw into coverage, his long ball flutters, can't throw the 15 yard out, can't read defenses , scared to pull the trigger and throw with anticipation.



    Well said. I couuldn't agree more. TE=continuing suffering.

  19. you were kidding yourself if you expected them to do a lot in free agency


    there are two very good tackles still on the board that could possibly be there when they pick in the second round


    there are also other QBs besides McCoy and Clausen that will be available in the 3rd round (Pike is my choice)


    trading up for Tebow who is a project at best would have been a waste for the Bills


    you were obviously expecting way too much out of next season to begin with


    You are right. Its just frustrating after so many disappointing seasons. Maybe I did expect too much given all of the trades that the fish and jets have made.

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