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Posts posted by Bart

  1. Every day I see people in the shout box talking about how badly they hope the Bills DO NOT draft a QB this year.


    Here are some actual arguments I see against drafting a QB:


    I don't want to pay a rookie QB that kind of money.

    Well, a number one overall left tackle is going to command the exact same money. So is anyone else you draft number one, the salary is dictated by the draft order not the fact that you play QB.


    A QB might bust.

    So might any other positions. Top OL prospects bust all the time - we've seen it firsthand.


    If a rookie QB busts it ruins your franchise for years.

    They franchise is already ruined. Once you are the literal worst, there is no where else to go. Also, the Chargers busted on Leaf in a big way and it didn't take them very long to part ways and get back on track.


    Look, until they have an OL no QB will be any good. Better to draft O and D lines and let Fitz or BB QB next season. If we draft a QB, he will be killed, learn nothing and have the same probelms we have now. We have 3 quality RBs and they all suck this year bc we have not line to block. Got to build with the foundation first. You don't build a house from the roof down. Be smart!

    Top rookie QBs always bust.

    The top two QBs taken for the last three years are Matt Ryan and Joe Flacco, Matt Stafford and Mark Sanchez, and Sam Bradford and Tim Tebow. Sometimes you get Jamarcus Russell, and sometimes you get Peyton Manning. That's life. The same thing is true for any position - you draft a tackle you could get another Mike Williams.


    You can just get a QB in free agency.

    You can look at 2011 free agents here - http://www.footballsfuture.com/freeagents.html

    Orton is a longshot to hit the free agent market. Hasselbeck has some chance of hitting the market, and is way past his prime. We could probably realistically bring in Alex Smith, and that's it.


    You don't need a good QB to win.

    Just look around the league at the teams that are good year in and year out - they have good QBs. Look at the cellar dwellars, they are on a constant search to find their next franchise QB and return to glory. The rare exceptions like the Super Bowl Ravens and Bucs are just that, exceptions and not the rule. If the Bills had an elite defense right now then maybe a veteran FA would make at least some small sense, but the Bills aren't good anywhere. Their only hope of being a contender again is to hit on a stud QB in the draft.


    It is absolutely mind boggling.


    I think there are two main reasons for this:


    - A lack of understanding of the NFL.

    - A desire to lose.


    The former is easy to understand, the latter a bit trickier. I think many Bills fan relish their Lovable Loser identity, and secretly want to preserve it. They love to hate One Bills Drive, they love to play the role of the futile but loyal fan. In most cases I think it's a mixture of both reasons.


    Realize that if you want the early 90s again, you need a Jim Kelly to lead the troops. The draft is our best and really only shot at that, so embrace 0-16 and pray Andrew Luck comes out.

  2. I have to agree with the logic about not drafting a QB. The O-line and D-line are the real problems here. Any QB playing behind this O-line will struggle, so why not fix the o-line first then you can evaluate the QB position. The d-line is pathetic and couldn't a girl scout troupe, picks need to be made on the d-line and o-line and fa signings. Football is won in the trenches on both sides of the ball and that's where next year's attention should be placed.



    Agreed. We don't need another QB now. Give Fitz and BB a good line and they will perform. Draft a college star QB, put him behind our OL and he will be a bust. Fix both lines and stay with our QBs.

  3. Kirwin


    Get ready for a major rewrite of Trent Edwards career by the media. Now he's starter material, especially for the Panthers because "Clausen isn't ready." (Kirwin's words, not mine.)


    Rule #1: Whatever the Bills do is the wrong move.

    Rule #2: If the Bills make the right move, see rule #1.




    He may get the job just temporarily until they realize that he is a loser.

  4. Players get cut in the NFL all the time. The new Bills regime gave him a shot, it was clear as day TE wasnt going to produce and he was not part of their future, and the organization quickly cut bait with him. No muss, no screwing around. He had no future in Buffalo....so he was quickly cut, as is the team's right.


    Im not sure what your beef is. if anything, IMO it shows decisiveness and quick moving on the part of the front office.



    Cutting TE was the right thing to do. He was useless and was occupying a roster spot. This shows the team and the rest of the league that we mean business and the DJ days of wasting time are over. Great move!

  5. You obviously think the QB situation is far and away our biggest problem. Can't say that I agree (lines as I see it), but OK. I can see some good thought and logic in your post.


    But this my friend almost made me pee myself from laughing ...



    Do you seriously think Nix needed a[nother] year to familiarize himself with these players? And as for Gailey, you don't think the film from the previous N years ... and particularly last year which was the same freaking players for the most part ... was not enough for him to know what he has got? He is an offensive genius after all. You can almost make a case for the defensive side of the ball, but not quite. It was painfully obviously to everyone here, in the media, and in the league that Buffalo did not have the players for a 3-4. Making lineman into linebackers to see how they would do? That's how they familiarize themselves with the players?


    You are rationalizing, in a monumental way, the lack of off season action by the Bills. The 2010 season should have been a rebuilding year. Instead it was a wasted year in my opinion.


    Very well said. Your words echo my thoughts on 2010 being a throw away season. Every season, game and play counts especially for a team that has bot been successful over the last 10 years. Right on again in the lack of off season signings. The FO was either too cheap or just isn't interested in fielding a winning team.

  6. There is absolutely no entertainment value in watching the Bills "play" football. They are currently led by a Dick Jauron clone and I'd like to have a reason to turn on Bills games moving forward. The year they went 3-13 (I believe it was 2003..?) I watched every game, because I was interested in seeing who would be a player in the future. I'd never imagine that 7 years later, I'd still be waiting for a competitive team. Here is why I am FOR starting Brian Brohm:

    He may not currently be better than Edwards, though this is debatable, but he has something that Edwards lacks - the ability to improve. Edwards has over 30 career starts, while Brian Brohm has a single career start. One. If I am going to watch a team fail and fail miserably, I don't want to see the team being led by a 4th year, emotionless player, who looks worse than most rookies. Brian Brohm was a highly successful collegiate player, who has yet to transfer those skills to the NFL level. With extended playing time, he would sink or swim as a starter and we'd know for sure what we have in him. For those already chalking him up as a failure, allow him multiple starts to prove, or disprove himself, before being absolutely sure in your assertion. He seemed to make quick decisions in the preseason and also threw a nice football. I realize that our OL is a siege, but a quicker decision maker could do a lot to mask OL deficiencies. Edwards may be the slowest decision maker in the entire NFL. He is also the most reluctant QB to throw down the field and "throw open" his WRs. Give Brohm his shot, thereby giving me a reason to watch this team, this season.



    Very well said! I commend you for a solid logical argument for cutting TE and giving BB his chance.

  7. I was having this debate with a friend yesterday and I also agree with a seperate media area. The players come off the field, go through a media area, and then into a seperate players only locker room.


    I am all for a woman being able to do any job a man can do, however, something seems broken about the current system. Women reporters are usually pretty attractive (say what you will about whether that is good or not, the fact is they are). Having an attractive women standing around talking to 50 naked men who just finished playing one of the most primal and manly sports seems like a recipe for trouble.



    Well said.

  8. I am as down as any Bills fan right now. But i truly believe that we CAN DO IT. If our guys go into the game thinking they're gonna win, it could happen. If our offense was somewhat consistent against Miami, we would win by at least 2 scores. If we can move the ball offensively agaisnt green bay, i know we'll compete. Who knows boys, its the NFL. Green Bay better come out ready to play 60 min of hard football, because i know we'll be hungry. I BILLIEVE! GO BILLS!



    It is good to be positive but GB is one of the better teams in the league and unfortunately the Bills are not. Yes, we have a chance but very slim at best. Our inability to score points which has been a problem for years will eventually end our season in late Oct or early Nov.

  9. Chan is an offensive innovator and outside the box thinker. Perhaps the Bills should really shake things up, and utilize the strength of their team (running backs) in more wildcat type formations.


    In fact, maybe the Bills should be the first team to completely eliminate the quarterback position from their offense.


    Chan could really create a name for himself and a legacy in the game. It sounds crazy, but then again if you think about it, the wildcat formation itself sounds kind of crazy. How can you effectively run the ball if you don't have a quarterback in there? I don't know, but with the extra blocker it provides teams do it all the time out of the wildcat.


    I want to see Jackson running the option to Spiller! Or some sort of triple option with Lynch going inside, Jackson running outside, and Spiller using a WR reverse type of motion. Instead of Wildcat, they could call it the Triple Bison or the Thundering Buffalo or something.


    Also, don't forget which player has the best arm on the team:




    Maybe not so far fetched but we would still need a back who would be a passing threat otherwise we will be pinned in on every play.


    Okay maybe completely removing the QB is a litte far fetched, but I would like to see them try some more Triple Bison packages.

  10. You have to believe we are going to see a change at RT some time soon. Even Nix made fun of Green in his interview. The sad thing is Wang is really more of a LT. He is still a few weeks away from playing. Meredith is only 304, Wang is 301. Howard id the biggest at 314 but least experienced. Urbik is a possibility but does not know our system. I don't think there is anyone we can just pick up. I am thinking Meredith is the least worst option. What do you guts think.



    I would start TE at RT just to get him out of the QB spot. He would be out for the season after the first play and part of our problem would be solved.

  11. Beat the ever living hell out of Miami!


    The Bills are kind of my #2 team and though I will always cheer for them, I've made it a point to be objective. I don't think that the Bills are going to win the Super Bowl or anything, but I don't think that the season warrants all of the doom and gloom I've read from various sources (mostly media). I think that as a fan of the Bills you have to go into this season and just be blind to the record. If the Bills finish 4-12 (which is entirely possible), but Trent Edwards shows amazing improvement and a few of the OL figure it out, I'd call 2010 a successful season. 2010 is all about the future, I think that if a few potentially (dangerous word) key players live up to said potential, the future is indeed bright. This is the first time in years I can look at the Bills and honestly say that I see a direction, is it the right direction? Only time will tell, but at least it appears that the team has an idea of what they want the future to look like.


    Just forget the record, I know it's a hard concept to grasp, but trust me, success is not always necessarily measured by a teams record (learned that from one of the best to ever coach the game).

    4 and 12 is a failure any way you look at it.

  12. I've read several different articles this offseason about how the AFC east has three proven quarterbacks (Brady, Sanchez, and Henne) and one not so proven. Is it just me or are these people writing these articles insane. Obviously, Tom Brady is proven. But to say chad henne and mark sanchez are proven is just insane. Henne played decent last year, but that means hes now a proven quarterback? And mark sanchez threw TWENTY picks last year. He was very very average last year. They won so many games last year because of their amazing defense and dominant running game. Yes, he did his part in managing games and not losing games, but he certainly did not win many games with his arm at all. I know he played very very well in the postseason (with his arm), but come on now, i think to be called "proven" you have to have at least two or three solid seasons first.



    Maybe by proven, he means has played a full season. TE is not capable of doing that so he is not a proven QB.

  13. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/story/13815243/bills-camp-report-chan-the-man-that-can-help-qb-edwards-needs


    In the Bills team preview by Clark Judge Donte states other teams' players called our offense a joke. DJ could get the players to play hard(there is no doubt in my mind this was his best and perhaps only good attribute) but his and his coordinators offensive philosophy were just not on par with the rest of the NFL. Why DJ would allow his last shot at NFL HC success be determined by the likes of Steve Fairchild, Turk Schonert and AVP is beyond me.

    I am an admitted Trent apologist. I look for excuses for him no doubt. There are plenty on this team including the line but no more important than the lack of a quality experienced OC.

    If Trent can't get it in 8 games with Chan then I say f*&K you joboo and move on to Brohm, Brown, or hopefully Troy Smith in a mid season trade.


    Why let him lose 8 games? I say 2 and out. Give Brohm a shot. He can lose the next 6 as you suggest TE can do.

  14. Take the Ball or defer? Here are the scenarios:


    Deferring is the choice of most, I believe. Why? I suspect most coaches value their first offensive possession of the second half. After having seen the way their opponents are playing them, they believe that there can be something gained during halftime to use at the start of the second half. If your team manages to close the first half with a score, your team has the chance to put two scores on the board before your opponent's offense sees the field again.


    Choosing the ball at the start of the game seems like a weak thing to do, especially when you're the 2009 nBuffalo Bills. What advantage did that offense ever have that could dictate play to the defense? Not so surprising that Dick Jauron usually deferred if the Bills won the toss. I think this because ...............


    It drove my brother nuts if they did this because by deferring he would give up the ability to insure that the Bills would have the wind advantage in the 4th quarter. Face it, most home games do have abnormal wind conditions. Even when swirling, the prevailing direction is toward the tunnel end. Given that most games are close and are decided in the 4th quarter and there are usually more plays run in the 4th anyhow, doesn't it make sense to have the wind in your favor for the two minute drill? Or when trying to make that game deciding kick?


    How many times did they give away this advantage? How many times did it bite them in the butt? I think the 2010 Bills could win some home games by just running the ball into the wind in the 3rd quarter and burning clock and playing the 4th with the prevailing wind.


    Don't tell him, but I think I have come to my brother's way of thinking.



    Take the ball every time. You need to score to win games and if your offense is worth anything you have score points.

  15. I respect Trent Edwards as a person and player (to an extent), and I think that the position that he's in is the wrong one. Especially with a new regime coming in trying to clean house and develop a new team with a new identity.


    Consider these 2 points:


    - Trent Edwards, going into his 4th season, is one of the lowest paid players on the team. Currently his backup Ryan Fitzpatrick is making over 6 TIMES the salary that Trent makes.


    - Fans associate Edwards with the tenure of Dick Jauron. A guy that was disliked by a majority of the fan base, and was responsible for much the development of Trent's game in the NFL. Sounds like a losing situation no matter what for him.


    So, what's the right thing to do? I think, as much as it sucks to say, the right thing to do is start Ryan Fitzpatrick this year and let go of Trent. Whether it's a trade for a 5th of 6th (maybe even 7th) round pick or just simply cutting him from the team, the guy needs a fresh start with a new team. He can't be successful here, and he would be a distraction as a backup. I think turning the page towards a new era of Bills football depends on the Bills making this move.


    Regardless of whether Fitzpatrick is successful or not this season, we have the opportunity to go after a franchise QB in the next draft. If we have to trade up to get our guy, then that's what we do.


    That's just my opinion. Take it for what it's worth.


    Nice essay but how do you turn the page into a new Bills era by starting Fitz? Start Brohm and get Brown ready. Cut Trent and keep Fitz in the event of injuries. If both Brohm and Brown fail, draft a top QB next season because if they fail we will have a terrible record. Fitz is not a new start.

  16. Please do not take this from me, go to Bills Camp, a very enjoyable experience and watch the 4 QB's doing all the drills. You will see what Chan has seen, Trent Edwards is heads and shoulders better than the other 3. This is very easy to see in all facets. Trent will be fine running a Run 1st attack that Gailey is known for , and imagine this they are finding ways to get the ball to Parrish, what a thought. I am not saying this turn around is going to happen in 1 year, but the camp is run compared to previous years, it is night and day. Our only concern will be if Trent gets hurt, maybe Brohm will develop into a capable back up. I think Fitz gets cut due to making too much money.


    He will be done by game 4.

  17. We have Trent. He used to be good untill he got knocked out and then wasnt because the same coaches that he played under when he was good are not good any longer.

    We have Fitz. He wasnt very good for the other team he was with but we thought he was our answer to all our prayers and then he wasnt and it has nothing to do with the coaches he had then as evidenced by his play in preseason this year.

    We have Brian. He was so good that another team put him on there practice squad and the worthless regeam that we had when he was stolen made a good choice even though they couldnt do anything else right.

    Finally we have Brown.......Thats all I got about him.


    Not sure about you all but I think that the main thing here is can this coaching staff make something out of a has been or a Jonnie come lately or an abducted not proven throwaway or finally a ......I dont know


    I don't know what the hell you are talking about.

  18. In a nutshell, TE views the struggles on offense at times is only a testament to our improving defense and is confident both the offense and defense are on the right path and will do well this season. Edwards views the time CJ Spilller is missing now in training camp as necessary and doesn't believe it will slow down the process to much as far as learning the new system goes, at this point anyway.


    Trent Edwards took his share of the blame last year and admits he missed open receivers, believes with a year under their belt our O-line will be improved, (especially interior). TE has been working on developing the proper relations/chemistry needed between himself and his teammates to help achieve success.


    Talked about TE's sideburns/hair, yada,yada, yada, talked about the WR competition, mentioning Easley, Chad Jackson and that Steve Johnson is possibly going to do a rap song about TE, (already has one for Jaiurus "the bird man" Byrd)




    Overall a good interview, TE seems to be saying and doing all the right things,


    I'm sure I'm missing something and If anyone else can think of anything to add by all means chime in,


    You forgot to add one point. Trent Edwards is a loser!

  19. First off, I know, I know...nothing is carved in stone, it's just a pecking order because one has to exist.


    But our QB is going to be Trent. Recall how he played when he first started playing for us. Remember how impressive he was. Recall how his teammates were rallying around him, with some saying that he will be in the same discussion with some of the best in the game today. Then he got his noggin bashed in, teams picked the lock of our offense, and our offensive coaches were never able to readjust and catch anybody by surprise anymore.


    Last year everyone had had enough of Trent because our offense was just horrid - no matter who pulled the trigger. Trent's regression was due to a colossal failure of COACHING and preparation. Nobody would have fared well with the young, inexperienced line in front of him and a first-time coordinator running a simple bastardization of his own version of Turk's offense, which was his modified version of Fairchild's version of Martz' offense.


    Last year was an absolute joke offensively. A desperate HC cuts his LT and OC a week before the games begin and gives the responsibility to a first-year QB coach? And then DOES NOT HIRE A QB COACH to keep an eye on Trent's mechanics. Unbelievable. The only team in the NFL with no QB coach. Read between the lines with the comments Trent made this year comparing last year to this year. It was a horrid operation and no player had a realistic chance to be productive.


    We finally have an offensive HC, and a wise one with lots of experience. We might not be a playoff team but we're going to be fun to watch again because we're going to participate in high scoring games and not those 6-3 snoozefests that were a constant exercise in futility.


    Trent is going to shine - he'll have his best year this year. Actually, I think any one of these guys would have their best year under Gailey. But Trent will earn back the respect people gave him in his early days.


    Besides, when it comes to release, nobody on the roster comes close to Trent. He has an exceptional release and a much better deep arm than he's given credit for.




    Either you are on the payroll or you are drinking the kool aid!

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