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Posts posted by CSBill

  1. It's kind-of like that advertisement I heard at the Ralph last week: "hey fans, when the Bills score two touchdowns in a game, you get a free donut (or something)." What a cruel thing to say, and don't plan on the Monday morning Tim Horton drive-through anytime soon, well, make sure you have the cash if you go.

  2. This is not surprising.


    LOSERS (fifth one down)

    Buffalo Bills

    Remember how Chan Gailey and Buddy Nix were going to change the inept fortunes in Buffalo? Think again. This is the worst offensive team in football. And ownership is just as much to blame as anyone, with its decisions on coaches and front-office personnel. Welcome to Raiders East, Bills fans.




    I cannot truly disagree, and as a life long Bills fan, I can say that 90+ senile miser Ralph Wilson is the Al Davis of the East.


    It's going to be a long season, can't even escape it in China - but they're right, we are now lower than the Raiders (checkout our right tackle) :rolleyes:

  3. Really, do you think there would be anymore hate here for Mike Vick than there is for Trent .... He's a free agent this year, I say go get him. And, like most of you, turn to the Bills roster to dial in my moral compass, he has paid his debt to society, and as long as he behaves now, let him move on. We need help badly !!!!!! :D

  4. I’m trying hard not to be an overzealous fan, but I honestly do believe the Bills could be leading the division after week one, consider:


    First, of course, the Bills must pull off the mild surprise over the Dolphins—like many of you, I think that is very doable.


    Second, everybody in the nation—except Jets fans—will be pulling for them to lose Monday night; having to face a very strong Ravens team, with a jacked-up Ray Lewis, that is a bet I’d take: Ravens over Jets, by a bunch.


    Third, you just have the feeling the Patriots are starting the slide. They have the look and feel of the post-super Bills teams of the mid-to-late ninety’s – still competitive, but no one fears them anymore, and there are certainly questions. I think the Bangles will come out on top in a close one.


    And the results, Bills in first after one! :nana:

  5. All-in-all, this is a fascinating discussion. In essence, it's a discussion of ethic. I have printed/saved it to be used in a course I teach on Sports Ethics. Thanks to all of you, no matter what side you take, for contributing to my course. It’s always good to have real life examples to use. :worthy:

  6. Are you a practicing minister? How many years does it take to get through the Divinity School for a full time student? Is the school affiliated with a particular denomination or is it non-denominational? Just curious.


    The article on Preston draws a very stark picture on the life struggles of players and former players. All through their lives they have rigorously prepared themselves for football but in the game of life they struggle. It's such a shame.


    Yes, to the first question. To the second: It depends on the program. The school he is at has two main Grad level (Masters) programs, an MA - two years fulltime, and a THM (Master of Theology degree), which is four years fulltime. Many other schools also offer a three year degree, a MDiv (Master of Divinity). Dallas Theological Seminary is a non-denominational school. It's one of the largest and most respected in the country (among evangelicals). Tom Landry was on the Board of the school when he was alive, and over the years there have been many ex-pro athletes that have attended there. David Klingler graduated just a year or two ago. Here’s link to their website: www.dts.edu


    Concerning your second observation, that is so true. If Preston intends to be involved in ministry to them, he will have a wide-open door of opportunity. And being an ex-player, he will have a platform few others would have. I hope he succeeds and does well.

  7. By conviction, I’m a Notre Dame hater – they represent everything that is wrong with the current system in college football.


    With that being said, I am slowing warming to the idea of Jimmy Clausen. When I look at him as objectively as I can, it seems all the numbers and tools are there.


    Here is what I see (I hope) happening on draft day: If Clausen is not there, draft one of the big 4 OTs or Williams at NT. But if he is there, draft him and immediately trade (or draft him with this conditional trade already in place) the second round pick to the Ravens for Gaither.


    It's a dream and a wish, but if this scenario were to work out, the Bills would address two major needs with essentially two top-of-draft picks (or first round picks) in this draft.




    P.S. I’ve been a reader of the Stadium Wall for years and thoroughly enjoy reading all (most) of you, it’s always fun. But this is my first ever post, so be gentle.

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