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Posts posted by BillsCelticsAngelsBama

  1. You're serious aren't you.

    We just signed some great players here. I smell playoffs.

    GREAT ?? MAY BE THE MOST POLLYANNAISH comment I've seen in awhile. 3 O-lineman of which one will probably be an asset (Dockery). You don't happen to have any Bennie Anderson or Tutan Reyes jerseys sitting around you'd like to get rid of ? Not meaning this to be a personal attack but sheesh. I wouldn't be surprised if Al Davis personally drove L. Walker to the airport to make sure he left town.

    That being said, Dockery, Peters, and Fowler give them three solid lineman and if someone else steps up (I doubt it will be one of those other two "great' players that were signed today) this team could be solid. Now before talking playoffs, let's fill the spots at CB, LB(S) and beef up the DL and we will be a very tough team to play. GO BILLS !!

  2. I think it is wonderful that we are keeping of the tradition of bringing in lineman that other teams have little or no interest in. I would hate to think we would model those wicked Cowboys in the 90's and get 5 outstanding lineman to turn a QB, RB and WR into Hall of Famers. Opening holes and protecting the QB is soooo overrated and it makes me proud that our team wants to continue to employ the "trailer trash" of the league.

  3. I could care less about straight line speed wearing shorts and a tee shirt. Im sure hall is fast enough doing that. My biggest issue with Leon Hall is he'd too often get duked on the double move and his ability to recover left something to be desired. He also played too far off the wr in an effort to make up for his inability to cover deep, giving up a lot of catches underneath. He may be cut out for the zone scheme more so then a man to man corner, but I'd much rather see the front 7 improved instead of drafting another corner to see him leave after his rookie contract expires. Okoye or Willis offer much better value then at 12 then any corner in the draft.

    There is definetlyy more value also because after the first two DT'S there is a big drop-off while on the other hand there seems to be several similar DB's with a similar grade. So take the DT and you could likely get a quality DB in round 2.

  4. Two plays from the Senior Bowl have me concerned about Patrick Willis.

    Both happened in the First Quarter and are on the Senior Bowl's website highlight clips. HERE


    1. On Jason Hill's highlight, it is Willis who makes the tackle... eventually... 35 yards downfield.

    2. On Tony Hunt's first TD, Willis gets pancake blasted onto his AZZ by the pulling LG - Josh Beekman from Boston College.

    The second play is shown in greater detail in the clip called "First Quarter Highlights", in the clip "Team North's Tony Hunt runs 7 yards for a TD"


    Yes, it's only one game. Yes, the South didn't have a bunch of their stars showing up to play.

    Yes, the LBs couldn't red dog. Yes, Willis was faster than the Safeties.

    But I can't get over seeing him getting crumpled like a jack knife into the ground - butt first.


    Yeah, he was the South's DMVP. But the score was 27 - 0


    I'm not saying I'd be totally bummed if Marv picked him @12, but I am saying he's not the second coming of :worthy: Dick Butkus either.

    If we simply draft Josh Beekman in the second round wouldn't that solve that problem or am I missing your point !

  5. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/nfl_exper...e?urn=nfl,25075


    * Louisville defensive tackle Amobi Okoye weighed in at 302 pounds, which is back up from the 287-pound mark he posted at the Senior Bowl last month. He has a very well-conditioned and toned body type for his size and age (19). Some evaluators mentioned that once Okoye matures over the next few years he could be one of the NFL's best interior defenders.




    Amobi Okoye - 5.00s in the 40 yard dash.

    I think he benched between 27-32 reps. Sportcenter knows how much exactly.

    I WANT THIS GUY SO BADLY!. :worthy:

    Does anybody have his stats. Not saying he isn't great but was his prodution on the field above average. I know I have no life, but I have all the combine taped (which I haven't watched yet) and the Senior Bowl practices taped (which I have watched all of). Ryan Kalil handled him pretty easily in the pass blocking drills that I saw (take it for what it's worth). Not trying to be critical just wondering if he is more hype than production.... but he does seem to be a high character guy; which is never a negative.

    Finally, has this off season been long or does it seem that Okoye has been the 19 year old phenom for about 2-1/2 years now. Go Bills !!

  6. Peterson is an injury-risk just like McGahee. I still say get a DT (Okoye) with the 12th pick and get a RB either in the 2nd rond or 3rd round if Willis is traded (most likely he will be).

    Can't say that I disagree with your concerns or view on the selection of a DT but Thurman Thomas was passed on for a bad injury and did outstanding and Peterson is the first guy in 20+ years who even remotely reminds me of Eric Dickerson. It would be sweet to make a third and short, at least occasionally.... not complaining mind you.

  7. I agree that the odds of the Bills taking Quinn Or Landry are minimal or ridiculous, but what would we have said about a mock draft that had us taking the shortest safety in the draft and moving up to take a DT that many wanna be experts had going anywhere from early 2nd to somewhere in the third round. The only thing I expect is that we will be surprised by the pick and that even if somebody slips to #12 we will take a player the Bills already have honed in on.

  8. On the other hand, I think Denver has proven that RB is the easiest position to replace as they have had a revolving door with much success. With one or two improvements on the line almost any schmo with NFL speed could look good. The loss of WM going off-tackle on 1st and 10 and then coming back to the huddle 2nd and 12 will be GREATLY missed but I think he can and should be replaced with someone with a little more desire, which would include almost any RB not named Clarett. Get rid of him.

  9. If WM is causing some internal player dissension we do not know about then I say trade him as well. However, if all he is doing is freaking out some fans who seem to care more his idiotic baby-making and lack of parental morality or seem concerned about his crack financial advice, then ignore the soap opera inclined and focus on the field.


    Willis had disappointing production since he pronounced he was one of the elite RBs in mid 06. Nevertheless, the key to this is that the Bills have nothing on the roster to replace him (those who claim Anthony Thomas is a better RB simply choose to ignore the fact he has not gained even a thousand yards and actually held down a lead RB role in the NFL since 2003. He is a very good back-up RB who did an outstanding job filling in for the #1 for a couple of games in 06. However last year was HIS FIRST SEASON EVER playing in all 16 games (much less starting all 16) and having a "back-up" (actually definitely a potential starter) for him would be essential.


    In addition, some folks are all sweaty over Marshawn Lynch. Fine, but again reality says that though the expectation is reasonably (in this current market) that a 1st round choice should contribute immediately, the facts are an RB draft choice in the 1st MIGHT be your starter, but well (particularly since we are not talking even a top 10 talent) well might not. Even a definite stud RB drafted in the 1st like Larry Johnson gained all of 500 yards in his SECOND year, after producing a might 100 and change his first year.


    Lynch is a risky answer and really would put this O in limbo yet again. If I am RJ I am pretty pissed if the Bills go for a rookie as our starting RB as even if lightening strikes and he is a stud runner, I better be set to really run for my life as virtually all rookie RBs need to learn how to do a pro blitz pick-up.


    If Lynch i your answer then get ready for likely painful 07 even if things go well with him.


    WM should be traded if he is a cancer on the team, but there are few signs of this from his fellow teammates and merely the whines of a few folks who seem to want to or are worried about who their sisters sleep with WM.


    If he is gone, it appears the Giants for example MIGHT be willing to part with a late 1st day choice when actually for football purposes we need to do better than getting a mere 1st rounder to have reasonable hopes of filling the hole left at #1 RB.


    Until I hear some word of his being a cancer for his teammates, I simply hope the Bills are spreading and allowing a fib to spread about some intense team RB desire (as opposed to fan soap opera based RB desire) in order to fool the enemy teams about our true draft needs.

    I think Joe Cribbs, Thurman Thomas and Terry Miller did okay as rooki RB's for the Bills. Marshawn Lynch has every bit the talent a Joe Cribbs had and, unfortunately, those of you not on the West Coast didn't get to see him, he is a very, very, good back and I think he would be making those critical third and shorts, thus keeping drives going on and making a 7-9 team a possible playoff contender. I am not saying we should take him but I would be pretty darn excited if we did

  10. Of course you need a willing partner. The premise should have been obvious, that "if" an offer were to be made "then" the Bills should actually go ahead and trade down providing they were given the appropriate value for the trading of draft picks. I didn't realize some here needed a stipulation of what should have been a given. Are you guys sniffing glue or something?


    BTW, the exaggerations are low rent and very obnoxious.

    Is name calling and personal attacks part of your modus operandi ? Geesh ! People have the right to disagree AND to think you're point is absurd without the attacks. I think Ramius was just being humorous by the way.

    I am of the minority opinion that teams that trade back and want depth, usually have good to great special teams and very few Pro Bowlers. Though the Bills have many holes, some of them can be hidden by one special player who can either; Get pressure on the QB on third down and long to end the opponents drive, Make the block on third and short to keep a drive going, Make the run on third and short to keep the drive going, etc, etc.. This entails getting Great ballplayers and I personally think finding ONE of those players would be just as good , if not better, than filling three holes with "Depth" and "Maybe's".

    Just from what I've seen in games and highlight tapes, (which means I have limited knowledge, I admit) Justin Blaylock, Ryan Kalil, Marshawn Lynch and the DE from Arkansas appear to be those types of players. I like Okoye but Kalil seemed to handle him with relative ease in the Senior Bowl drills I saw. I would hate to trade back and find that none of the players I liked(and I'm sure the Scouts have some differing views as compared to mine) were gone just for the benefit of having an extra pick. Thanks and Go Bills !!

  11. I feel great about this because that is one less team to worry about in 2007. I heard Jerry Rice several weeeks ago on an L.A. talk show say that Norv Turner was the worst coach he had EVER played for. He looked like he had lost the Raiders respect before game 1. The Chargers have too much talent to fold but I can't see him coaching his way to the Superbowl in the rugged AFC. Naturally, I could be wrong, but I don't think so. If I was a Chargers backer, I would be spending alot of time around the toilet bowl if he is, in fact, named HC.

  12. I'm certain I'm in the minority here, but I'd rather see us take a DE at 12 than a DT.


    In the cover 2, its imperative that you generate a pass rush with your front 4. I don't care if Kelsay and Denney combined for a decent sack total, the pressure just wasn't there from that side. The vast majority of the time, if Schobel couldn't get through, the opposing quarterback had a day and a half to sit back there and find an open guy, and thats unaccpetable. It isn't fair to Schobel to put that on him and it won't be enough for this defense to be top-notch.


    With these things in mind, I say we let Kelsay walk in free agency, because he and Denney are strikingly similar players. Then we use the 12th overall draft pick on one of the highly-rated DEs. We sit tight at DT with McCargo coming back from injury, Williams getting into the strength and conditioning program (which most of us agree can help him), Triplett returning, and I'd advocate adding a free agent nose tackle (Ian Scott?) to replace Tim Anderson. With McCargo and Williams having a year's experience both in the NFL and in the cover 2, we should see some improvement. That's not to mention a solid nose tackle in Ian Scott replacing Tim Anderson, who just can't cut it.


    I'll have Jamaal Anderson, please and thank you.

    There would seem to be more value in a DE than a DT, unless the Bills are in love with the kid from Louisville(if available). J. Anderson, G. Adams and the big guy from Nebraska (Carriker?) look impressive in clips. Surely one or more of the will be available at pick 12... if we go DL

  13. I think M. Lynch has the potential to be nearly as good as Thurman Thomas. He is an exciting player who loves and understands the game . I've seen several of his games and would be very excited if he was drafted by the Bills. Whether he is better than M. Bush, I don't know. I honestly know next to nothing about him, other than what everyone reads on the net. But don't sell Lynch short... he is going to be very good in my opinion.

  14. First of all, we have become a pussyfied (don't mean to offend you pussies out there) country that has decided people like Phil Donohue are the sensitive men with the real answers and understanding. I don't get offended because I'm called White instead of Euro-American and I don't get offended because most TV shows make Dads out to be bumbling fools and the kids having the right answers. But it does tick me off that we have allowed ourselves to be such sensitive little twits. I'm tired of a society that expects the govt. to care of us. Tired of every "Group" needing special priviledges because they have been oppressed. Get over it and quit trying to be offended !!! Let the ignorant be ignorant and just take care of your families by spending time with them and providing for them. Then you may not "have the time" to be offended by everything in like that you disagree with. Thanks and...Go Bills !!

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