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Everything posted by Billistic

  1. Edwards had to see that Wilson was coming free. Everybody else did. So he takes a time out, the Bills regroup, and Wilson is neutralized. Maybe the next play is a TD, who knows? Maybe it's a dropped pass? What the eff difference does it make IN THE LONG RUN. To me, it's stupid, not brave, to take a high probability risk on getting your starting QB wrecked. One more time, who didn't see that Wilson was coming untouched?
  2. OK, then. Let's continue on the path to total scrambling of Edward's brains, and another 2-8 finish to another gloriously successful Bills season! GO BILLS!!!
  3. First, the Third Reich, despite its early tactical successes, did not last 1000 years. Some slight hangup regarding lines of re-supply, and fighting simultaneous wars on two fronts or something... Second: Find where I said that the Wehrmacht was the first military organization to use a "blitzkrieg-esque" tactic. BTW, remember Donald Rumsfeld? Third: My point was that the pros/cons ratio for Edwards to complete the first down and take the concussion is about 0.00000001.
  4. Guys like you are the exact reason why Eskimos shouldn't drag their old Grandmas out onto the ice flows for polar bears to eat. ~peace
  5. Ok, first, the Soviet Union was NOT Poland. Second: The Wehrmacht's employment of the Panzer units to achieve a blitzkrieg certainly is an exemplary case of tactics fading into oblivion. Third: Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat their mistakes.
  6. I've been benefiting greatly from your help in understanding the basics of the game of football.
  7. More help, please: Would you say that Frewell has his corners play tight coverage right from the line, and some bump-and-run, or rather do they play back off the line by several yards? If both, what would say the average ratio is (back off/tight)?
  8. I'll give you the two losses to the accursed Patriots, and hope you're right about the splits.
  9. Exactly. ...then Losman came in and lead the Bills to a 41-17 defeat, and a plunge off a cliff.
  10. I appreciate your sincere welcoming-like gesture. We're sure to become fast friends. Think the Bills will win a divisional game this season? If so, who will they beat?
  11. That start had me feeling so happy... ...still, in the back of my mind, there was the dread of the second shoe falling. anybody else?
  12. Any other sage advice? Here's some for you: I've kept it to football, and intend to keep it that way. How about you shut your hole...
  13. About your av: I saw a South Carolina college basketball game where, during a timeout, the cameraman took a shot from down at the floor level upward at a cheer being hoisted up by a male cheerleader (blank). On her "panties" it read, "Go cocks, go". Probably a mere coincidence...
  14. Poll: How many want to see a Groundhog day repeat of that play? Do we want to see the first down in a blowout game followed by the misery of weeks of Losman, or do we want to see a QB that shows some wisdom? Also, did I load that question enough? Hint: Who's Edward's backup now?
  15. Actually, the way the rules read today, you cannot drive the QB down into the dirt. thus the 425 grand to wilson. I'll bet the Bidwells payed Adrian $75 grand afterward.
  16. Any time until the ball is snapped. Wilson didn't descend from the heavens. He was cheating up for a long, long time. Who didn't see it?
  17. By old school, I meant that Fewell started off for two years imagining that he could play the 7 man soft zone even though he had no horses to pressure the QB. Old school = Kiffin/Dungy/Lovie with Warren Sapp, Derrick Brooks, and simeaon Rice producing mayhem. Tripplett and McCargo didn't quite measure up, and the Bills skated on Ngata.
  18. I agree about the hit. Adrian had his hat right underneath Trent's, and drove him to, and through the turf. Cost Wilson 25 grand, and no penalty called.
  19. The way Edwards and the offense were rolling up to that point (long, game winning drives to win games, etc), I'm not sure about the wisdom of "taking one for the team" for the sake of a first down. Frankly, I think he should have taken a time out, especially knowing Wilson (and his past history) was scott free. I know, hindsight, but what will happen next time? Same thing?
  20. Makes good sense. Trent delivered a first down in the face of that certain blast, but to me, I'm not sure he ever made it back 100%.
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