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Clippers of Nfl

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Everything posted by Clippers of Nfl

  1. His body is made of mashed potatoes. I don't know why. hmmmm mcrib and mash. Hmmmm all we need now is a soft drink with crushed ribs. Oops. Crushed ice.
  2. What a loser/boring place this would be if no one steped off the edge from time to time. It's those damn energy drinks I tell you. Or the coffe. Or the lack of water in California. Or the "man" who is always oppressing us. So many things. But you're right. "Hey Gordio Im sorry I didnt know if you were dumb or dumber?" Jk.
  3. Well get used to it. It's gonna be a lot of buffalo helmets on the screen in line.
  4. Upon reading his next line. You are right. It's very rare that Im wrong. But it happens every year or two.
  5. Wow........................ Either Im addicted to nfl or you dont know jack. They have had no depth in WELL over a decade right? Then who needs depth when you can win the sb twice WITHIN the last 8 years. The last time they won their division was in 2011. That was just a few years ago. If anything, your post is entirely opposite. They have had depth for a long time, and they have zero depth now. Where do they have depth?
  6. Clippers added. Bill win straight up and cover spread. Hey you asked for experts.
  7. Oh yeah. That guy. You know when something peaks your interest so bad that you have to know right that moment. I didnt get that feeling. Thanks for the info. I guess.
  8. Cleveland. The land of nothing. Brown helmet. That's it. What does that even mean? Clevland "Browns" They like the color brown THAT much??? (It probably means something. But dont care enough to google clevand browns wiki) What if there were The "Blacks" or "Whites" teams? The Los angeles "Whites" versus the Oklahoma "blacks" are going at it again. The winner of this game to face the "browns" next week. It's ok to suicide if you're a cleveland brown fan. Ouch....Okay even that is too much. On second thought. Nope. It's ok.
  9. No it's ok. Totally. It would have been a lot more funny if you called me Cassel or asked if I was Matt Cassel. Better luck next time. When you have to explain a joke, it's not funny. Im just trying to help. Just so you know next time. I have to teach people to be funny sometimes. It's kind of hard though. Being funny is not easily taught. Either you are or you're not. Sounds like you're not. But it's ok. You can still live a long and productive life if you stay in school and say no to drugs. Insert a bunch of smiley faces.
  10. Nfl.com has shipped my Tyrod Taylor jersey monday the 28th. Some storm is causing a delay according to Fedex. Relax, Richard. Ps. I dont understand Matthew reference..
  11. This is not a black cloud. I think the op is just happy we have a good oc.
  12. No. I'd rather think how we will need a win to get in. Lose that one. Then go 0-16 in 2016. Crash and burn. That makes me feel much better.
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