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Clippers of Nfl

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Everything posted by Clippers of Nfl

  1. Ej does NOT deserve more time with the #1's. He's not the #1. That would be counter productive. TT is Kap#2. Let's leave like that. EJ had his chance last year and he blew it. I understand players improve. The reality is that Ej always had flashes of being good. That's all fine and dandy. But at the end of the day he is who we know he is. Just another average qb. QB order should be: TT Cassell EJ TT looked great yesterday VS CLEVELAND #1 DEFENSE. Ej looked great yesterday VS CLEVELAND #3 DEFENSE.
  2. No. Not at all. Most of the times we had parties/clubs. But when we had nothing to do, we would rent movies. Keep in mind in the 90's people still rented movies. There were no red boxes or netflixes. Sometimes we would get new releases. sometimes we would rent porn. Also keep in mind that we would laugh a lot during the porn. Porn can be very funny actually.
  3. yeah it sounds weird now. But that's what we would to. Guys let's go rent a porno. We would go get burgers and a porno.
  4. My high school friends would watch 2 hour porns in our days. Was a little weird with like 4-6 guys with all hard ons. But so what. That's what we would do. It was kind of fun too. We would make fun of the ugly or fat or weird.
  5. There's that. Or there's HONESTY. Every once in a lifetime, I should take the honesty route.
  6. Hair on the forehead. Not a good description. Unless the guy is chewbacca.
  7. "Manziel in huddle after bad pass" "Manziel in huddle after sack" "Is Manziel drinking a beer on the field?"
  8. One thing is a headband. Another thing is a hairband. The rockers with real long hair dont wear hairbands. Not that I can remember anyway. Who knows. My kids start school next week. So I'll know more then. I have not seen that out here yet.
  9. She got mad once when she saw my phone. (I lied to her of course) Now she makes me show her the phone.
  10. I have never stepped into a gay bar. So I know nothing about guys wearing hairbands. Jki. F that Chef. You gotta give yourself a casual day. I give myself casual Friday. Sometimes Wednesday too if the lazy wife doesnt iron my shirt on time. Wed is street cleaning day. Lol.
  11. Part of my marriage deal was to give that up too. So dont feel bad. I can still make home porn. But then my wife asks me to delete the vids.
  12. I was riding by 22. However, My wife was one of "those" Too dangerous. Please dont. Please sell. So after hearing it so many times, I did give it up like 4 years later. It is pretty dangerous though imo. As the daredevil that i was at that time, the danger didnt bother me. This Be safe.
  13. Wearing striped blue shirt right now. Green/blue tie. Will never weak pink. It's a girl color. I'll let them keep the color.
  14. As Ice cube would say "You better check yoself before you wreck yoself."
  15. I was showing off. Lol. I'll be in this thread next year.
  16. According to the article he was asking the girls to send younger friends. So no, not just 16 or 17.
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