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Everything posted by AlaskaDarin_Has_AIDS

  1. Just accept that your shortcoming lags far, far behind your out of control wispy pubes.
  2. Oh please, I'm more well endowed than 99.9% of this great country we live in. You'd be shocked at both the length AND girth of my engorged manhood!
  3. You should close this thread. I broke the Sotomayor nomination 35 minutes before you did and it's clear that the board prefers my thread over yours.
  4. You should start assuming that I made my bread the old fashioned way-came up with a great idea, worked hard, marketed it, and then watched my bank roll explode!
  5. I did and her decisions are clearly influenced by a far-left marxist ideology that would make Stalin cringe.She's an activist judge who legislates from the bench, hands down. She is not only one of the 5 most far-left judges in the country but one of the most far-left people in the country (maybe the world).
  6. If you have to ask you'll never know..............................
  7. The only thing I'm compensating for is the fact that right now I'm raking in more money than 99.9% of this country and this far-left socialist is trying to punish me by redistributing it to his cronies in ACORN and the labor unions.
  8. So you have no problem having a closeted muslim leading us in the global war on terror?
  9. Just another flush in the series of dumps Obama has been taking on our rights as Americans.
  10. It's really killing these libs today to act like they feel anything other than contempt for our millitary. Every time I see a far-left socialist cheesing it up and giving us lip service about supporting the troops I throw up a little into my hankerchief. Who the eff do they think they're fooling? You know deep down inside these Marxists would rather celebrate ACORN and big labor than our proud troops.
  11. I'd tell you to do the same but union workers never keep up the good work.
  12. Because he's clearly a socialist and he can't handle the truth that his messiah is a muslim for christs sake!
  13. The only differnece between Obama and a clown is that clowns spend their own money.
  14. Back by popular demand- The thing that irks me most about the far-left socialist who is sitting in the oval office with his feet up on the desk, smirking while he's brainstorming ways to redistribute my hard earned tax dollars to ultra-radical far left activist organizations like ACORN and the labor unions, isn't even an American citizen! Don't believe me? Just look at the facts! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama_...piracy_theories
  15. This is what happens when you put far-left ghetto slime into City Hall. They won't be happy until the entire city is the East Side!
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