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Everything posted by AlaskaDarin_Has_AIDS

  1. If there wasn't any substance you wouldn't be replying.
  2. Ignoring the substance of this thread is only making you look like a moron and a coward.
  3. Only a lib would say that liberating 39 million people from Saddam Hussein wasn't "great".
  4. Why am I not surprised that this thread is over your head?
  5. Great read. http://www.redstate.com/erick/2009/05/28/t...eter-principle/
  6. That's a big worry of mine. I hear Australia is pretty conservative. Maybe I'll head to the outback!
  7. Anyone can become president if they have ACORN, The Black Panthers and the labor unions steal it for them.
  8. I've actually recieved several PMs praising my straight forward and clever posts. Eventually you'll come around like in that Seinfeld episode-Co-stan-zo!
  9. I knew it from the second it was announced that this would happen!
  10. I'm just trying to knock down alot of the pro-Obama propoganda thats been floating around out there.
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