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Posts posted by Buddo

  1. I watched that game, and the main problems the Packers had, were on offense.


    Brady gets picked 3 times, 2 of them iirc consecutively, and again, iirc, Tampa gets the football back each time on 3 and outs. Definitely the D was a problem, fcol.


    All of a sudden, the HC hire doesn't look so good, if he's throwing people under the bus to make up for his own mistakes.


    Hopefully, people who have a clue, will still view Pettine favourably, when he's looking for another job. I don't think he's a top notch DC, but he's actually a pretty decent one.

  2. I don't think the Bills will be alone in trying to sign a number of guys to vet minimums.


    I think Norman is probably done here, mainly because Gaines should be back, and tbh, I think Gaines might be a genuine candidate for #2 CB. Jackson is probably only going to get better, and iirc, Cam Lewis has looked as though he might be able to play.


    I believe that Norman was partly signed due to experience, both in the system, and on the field. He showed that in making a few plays. Another year on for the group, and that experience is probably no longer needed.


    As to the D-Line, there might be a cap casualty somewhere, but I'm not convinced it is something they will want to do. The reasoning behind that, is that the guys they brought in, were intended to have Star alongside of them, and that never happened, and we never found even an inadequate replacement for him. If he is back, they might be prepared, or wanting, to stick to their original 'plan'.

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  3. I would expect them to tender the RFAs, although I don't know what they think of Smith. I also don't know what values they would put on them.


    The biggest problem there, is that the 2nd round tender, which I would prefer to use on Boettger and Wallace is expected to be about $3.4 million. I just think you need to find a way to do that, because both guys were undrafted, and have proven to be starters, albeit not necessarily top notch.


    The other alternative is to give them proper deals. Boettger might be doable, but Levi is likely to need to be given more than we want atm, so a 2nd round tender is the best option I would say, assuming we want to keep him.


    Bojo will likely get a deal, that is less than the tender, but will run for a few. I think he'd be advised to take it, as it isn't as though he should be overworked in this offense. Heck, at the rate he's being used, he might have a 20 year career. ;)


    I quite like Norman, but he isn't the player he once was. Cap restrictions will be a 'walk', especially as Gaines will come back, and Jackson has a shot. Not averse to drafting a good CB if the value shows up, but if they tender Wallace, with Gaines coming back and Jackson emerging, I don't think we will be any worse off at a minimum, and might actually be better from the get go. Gaines did well here previously, and if not for Covid, could well have been our #2 CB again last year. He just seems to 'fit' the system.


    Guys who I see as definitely gone, are Murphy, Norman, Winters, Devey, Kroft.


    Probably, or possibly gone. Barkley, Yeldon, Jones and Roberts. Nsekhe. Marlowe (although I think he will eventually return on the cheap again)


    Wanted, but who knows if they can get the deals done - Milano, Williams (they should be priorities tbh), Feliciano, McKenzie.


    The likes of Barkley, Jones and Nsekhe, could well get offers, but they will be cheapskate deals, due to the cap/pandemic situation. Much will depend on their respective desires, but I don't see big queues forming anywhere for them anytime soon.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  4. 54 minutes ago, GunnerBill said:


    Agreed. I think the sort of deal that makes sense for McKenzie pays him around $3-4m AAV for 4 years with about $6m guaranteed. Can the Bills do that by structuring it so that the hit for the next couple of years is more in $1-2m a year range? I think if they can find a way of doing that then he will stay. 


    Yep, decent sounding numbers. That I think he deserves, even if we can't do them.


    If the cap sneaks up to say $185 million, I think we can manage a couple of guys like McKenzie, especially if their money is more guaranteed, just not immediately.


    While the Bills have done a good job generally of front loading deals, the time is now, to go the other way. The difficulty is that to do so, you are going to have to give better guarantees.

  5. I think he has actually earned a place on the roster. Returning would be the key to re-signing him, as I think you can then justify giving him a decent deal, as I doubt we could afford to do huge amounts to his contract otherwise.


    In 4 seasons in the NFL, he's only earned a shade over $2 million. This is his (probably) best chance for any sort of payday, and I think he's earned one, albeit not a huge one. He is also still relatively young, so you could get him for another 3 or 4 years, if you structure a deal the right way. If I was him, I'd be looking to get the largest guaranteed money I could, even if it was spread over a decent length of time.


    The biggest problem the Bills have atm, is that there are a number of guys like McKenzie, who won't cost the earth, but unless the cap does lift above the $175 million, we might not be able to agree terms with, due to other needs.

    • Agree 2
  6. For a supposed burner, I didn't see him run past anyone in the highlight video. Didn't look remotely like quick to me.


    He might have track speed, but he didn't look like he had playing speed.


    He did showcase good hands, and a certain ability to elude a first guy, smoothly at times.


    Saw very little of the sort of NFL runs you would expect, where he hits a hole. Mostly looked to bump stuff outside, or was used in lots of screen type plays.


    I'm no expert, but I've seen a few reels in my time, and tbh, while I saw a potentially decent backup, I saw nothing in that highlight tape that made me think we should get the kid in any of the first 4 rounds.


    Dobbins was drafted in the 2nd round last year, and looks way more explosive in any college highlight, as an example.

  7. Knox definitely improved later in the season - and I was critical of having him start over Kroft for a decent part of the first half or so. I do believe there's room for a good deal more improvement from him. Thing is, we might have to wait another year for that to occur - i.e. after next season.

    I currently view Knox as a decent #2 TE, and we need still a quality #1.

    I've always liked what I saw from Sweeney, and hope he can come back healthy to compete. I think he was probably a more 'rounded' TE than Knox prior to his Covid problems, and I thought he had a chance to push guys on the roster this season.

    Sweeney doesn't have the potential ceiling of Knox, but I'd say his floor is much higher.


    An observation from comments by Beane at his presser, is that any receiver, be it WR or TE, needs to be playing consistently (regularly) for them to get featured more in the offense. Both Knox and Kroft had to miss time, as did John Brown, and as a result, weren't necessarily as 'in synch' with Allen as others were.

  8. Can't possibly root for Brady. He's been almost as complicit in the Cheatriots dysentary as Bellendchick was. Destroying his phone in 'deflategate' shows that up.


    He's also a douche imho. The type who will do good so that it reflects well on him, rather than just for the sake of doing good. Oh, and this TB12 stuff smacks of a snakeoil salesman.


    Finally, after watching both of the Championship  games, I don't think I could bring myself to root for a QB whose 'laser' throws, are just flat, and by the time they got there in Green Bay, covered in frost. Show me a QB whose laser throws arrive with some proper heat still on them, like Allen or Mahomes.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. While I know it's not really something our coaches do, at least not overtly, sometimes you have to look at the talent that is being coached, and say 'not good enough'.


    It can be argued that the O-Line lost to 2 teams all season. The hail mary can't be put on them, and they had put us in the lead in that game. So, just the Titans and KC (Twice).


    It seems pretty easy to blame the O-Line for our struggles against KC, yet I believe a lot of it was Allen not identifying the correct coverages needed. In either game.


    I think that Josh will take a lot of long hard looks at the tape of both games, and figure out where he got things wrong.


    It's also easy to blame position coaches, when the reality is that we were out coached on both sides of the football, at a co-ordinator level.


    I would also make another observation, which would be what if KC is taken out by someone else in the playoffs, and we don't have to play them? Throw away a very good o-line coach, who has coached a line that has success against everybody else, to try and find one to have success against one team, who yuo might not actually have to face come the playoffs?


  10. 4 minutes ago, Nitro said:

    NFL is a league where the trend setter will be copied.  Speed is the key to KC.  Bills need up grades in guys who call play, on defense,  and keep up with Hill and Hardeman.  On offense, speed at RB and better pass blockers up front.   The coaching staff gets failing grades in this game.  Both sides had game plans that were lacking.  KC could be beat if you are aggressive and do not over think.  This is a learning lesson for all involved.  I still say the Bills could beat Green Bay and Tampa Bay.   KC is still the best in the NFL.  


    We certainly didn't give Tampa any clues as to how to beat KC. ;)


    I watched the earlier game, and was distinctly underwhelmed by both Brady and Rodgers. Neither of which looked either HOF or MVP.

    The best unit on the field, was the Tampa D, who might just cause KC some issues.

    Brady threw 3 picks iirc, and none were as a result of especially good plays by the Green Bay D.

    Rodgers threw one pick, but totally bottled going for a TD when there was plenty of green ahead of him, instead of which he throws the ball into double coverage, low and short of the line, incomplete.

  11. 11 minutes ago, GunnerBill said:


    Agree on the front 4 thing. Disagree on White. He is a stud. He just cannot cover Hill. 


    Agree, just said it in the shoutbox.... every move they make this offseason they should check themselves first and ask "how does this help us beat Kansas City?" If the answer is "it doesn't" then don't do it. 


    Said it early in the game thread, that Hill could be a problem, after he beat Tre like a drum (for speed really), but dropped a pass.


    Maybe a tad extreme on making moves only if it helps against KC, but definitely should have a big influence.

  12. Defensively, we have to be able to get pressure on the QB with just our front 4. Star might be a difference maker in respect of freeing up Oliver to make more plays but we need someone in the middle collapsing pockets, and better pressure off the edges. We simply don't have enough guys who demand to be watched, up front on the D line.


    You get that, and it frees up the guys in the backfield, to be used better, be it in doubling WRs or TEs etc.


    We also need better CB play. White is a very good player, but was made to look ordinary at times yesterday, by Hill and Kelce. Levi and Taron are solid enough players, and do a lot of good things along the way, but just aren't quite talented enough to give us enough flexibility in how we cover guys.


    If we want to actually cover TEs, we might need to invest in another MLB, move Edmunds outside, and play a more genuine 4-3 D, more often. TBH, that might be about the only recipe to stop (or at least limit) a TE like Kelce.


    Offensively, we need a better run game - somehow. As others have pointed out, KC did to us what we have done to other 'one dimensional' teams.


    Whoever is keeping some of the guys we have off the field, needs a good talking to. At different times this year, I've seen no real reason why Yeldon should have been inactive, and once Moss went down, surely getting Williams active would have been a logical move. We definitely do need more speed there, especially if we are going to be improving our run blocking.


    It would be nice to find a beast of a TE, like Kittle or Kelce, but I'm not holding my breath, as it seems to be a 'blind spot' for us, either in FA (see Kroft etc.) or the draft.

    Knox has shown improvement, but I don't believe he should be anything other than a TE 2.


    I'm sure Allen will give himself a list as long as your arm to work on, but the most important lessons should be between his ears, and relate to getting rid of the football in a more timely fashion when things have gone Pete Tong.


    That might seem a large 'to do' list, but it's not impossible that some of the solutions are already 'in the building' as it were. Star returning, Gaines or Jackson at CB, as examples. Wade actually making the team - it's going to be now or never for him, and he does have some wheels. Ford might be part of the answer for improving our   run game.


    It isn't actually as though we are starting from scratch, we still have the vast majority of a team that went 13 - 3, and with very little change, should still be expecting to perform at that level again next season.

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  13. It's been a great ride. Unfortunately, atm KC have the ejector seat button under their control.


    I think many honestly expected next season 'to be the one', so to have got so far this one, is both a bonus, and another box ticked.


    It hasn't just been Allen who improved this year, other areas of the team did too - although obviously not enough. More progression from this to next year, and we might be ticking off another box.


    While desperately disappointing, the loss shows what we have still to improve, and I'm confident Beane and McDermott will put their thinking caps on to make further strides.


    To go 13-3, with one of the losses being on a freak play, means we have been largely spoiled this season, with little to no pain until yesterday.


    Thanks to all the guys, the coaches, ownership etc. - they've made this a very memorable season.

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  14. Considering how poor we looked on both sides of the football, it's still a surprise we put up as many points as we did - even if some were garbage time points.


    I think we were shown that we aren't quite ready to compete at this level. We don't have enough talent yet throughout the roster, and we were lacking answers on the coaching side as well.


    It has still been a great season, no doubt about it, but today has left a bitter taste.

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  15. 13 hours ago, boco357 said:

    This may be last chance for Frazier to get a HC gig.  I think the situation fits for him, some place like Chicago or Dallas were to open next year, dont think they would look hard at him.


    The Bears might do, as he played there, and as a member of a SB winning team, so at the least a 'history' box is checked, and fans are more likely to give him a little time.

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